I like Trump but what the hell is this? He looks like a fucking liberal

I like Trump but what the hell is this? He looks like a fucking liberal.

Other urls found in this thread:


>I don't want potential criminals to have guns


A rich New York real estate tycoon and reality TV star?


That's crazy talk.

I'm not a burger so I'm not sure. Does this infringe the rights guaranteed by the 2nd ammendment?

Muslims shouldn't have guns, neither should blacks.

And the 5th, and the 14th.

So it's double-plus bad.

>you have adhd
>mental disorder
>sorry man but you'll turn into a terrorist if you get a gun

All the people calling him a snake in the grass get to tell you people I told you so now.

This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

Still marginally better than Hillary tho

The no fly list thing is bullshit. The government will put just about anyone on there and there's no due process, so it's irrational to say that you can't get a gun because the government says so

How did this discussion even go? I heard nothing about this on the news. When I asked on Sup Forums I got silence.

yes that's the point, he's taking advantage of a crisis to appear more sensible to faggot moderates who think "gee i dont like hillary but she's stricter on gun control than trump so i will vote for her"

do bear in mind that discussing a topic with the NRA won't suddenly take your guns away

He said he would discuss it. Nothing so far.

Did the discussion go nowhere?

Can you elaborate as to how? It won't stop me from supporting him but it would be disappointing

>Supporting secret government list with zero due process and zero recourse for people put onto it that limit human eights

>copy pasta time

>We are happy to meet with Donald Trump. The NRA's position on this issue has not changed. The NRA believes that terrorists should not be allowed to purchase or possess firearms, period. Anyone on a terror watchlist who tries to buy a gun should be thoroughly investigated by the FBI and the sale delayed while the investigation is ongoing. If an investigation uncovers evidence of terrorist activity or involvement, the government should be allowed to immediately go to court, block the sale, and arrest the terrorist. At the same time, due process protections should be put in place that allow law-abiding Americans who are wrongly put on a watchlist to be removed. That has been the position of Sen. John Cornyn (R.-Tex.) and a majority of the U.S. Senate. Sadly, President Obama and his allies would prefer to play politics with this issue.

The key sentence here is this:

>At the same time, due process protections should be put in place that allow law-abiding Americans who are wrongly put on a watchlist to be removed.

The NRA wants the system reformed. They want terrorists to actually be investigated when they are put on the list, not just thrown on the list and ignored so long as they don't try to board a plane. They want the investigation to have due process, where if evidence is found of terrorism, you go to court and have a trial. If you are wrongfully put on the list, you can also go to court and have your DUE PROCESS as an AMERICAN CITIZEN to be removed from the list. Either way, your right isn't taken away from you without a trial.

Trump will not push for any legislature on gun control without having the NRA's approval. His meeting is to understand what their position is and understand what would be the right course of action to take on this issue. This is how Trump operates. He doesn't pretend to know everything about anything. He gets educated from advisors who know the issues, and then he makes a decision.

At least he isn't meeting with the (((SPLC)))

He's "appealing to moderates" aka Flip-Flopping again.

That's because he is neither conservative nor liberal but a mishmash of both.

He said only terrorist watch list and no fly, nothing about mental illness (very broad term by the way).

I mean if someone can't even leave the country, why should they be able to own a gun? Unless people get put on this list for no real reason...

I know but this caught me way off guard.

Double pluss ungood pleb.
Time for a trip down to minilove.

Did you really think he turned hard conservative in 2 years?

this is the 6th dimension of political chess. He has stated that he will make sure due process is applied. That changes the role of the watchlists. This is him talking about changing purchase law, carry law and surveillance law. This is him raping the PATRIOT act without appearing weak on national defense.
Do you really think Clinton would gut PATRIOT?

I don't understand how this is bad? Why would you want to sell guns to people on terrorist watchlists?

Blocking the purchase of a firearm is an infringement of the right to bear arms as pointed out in the 2nd Amendment.

Doing so without due process (the way the no-fly/terrorist list works now) is a violation of both the 5th and 14th amendments.

They'll put senators on the no fly list as well. It's kind of a broken system which again, has no due process. Shouldn't be a determining factor on whether or not you can own a gun

pretty sure one of his proposed policies was to have a universal fid card of sorts, in order to attempt to have more unified gun laws

it would be sensible to discuss this at this time, with the nra, who has also announced this as a favorable idea.

stop posting this every hour on the hour.

There are literally millions on this "watchlist." This is an infringement on constitutional rights. Every American should be able to access a firearm if they aren't a criminal. You can't judge people on what you think they will do.

This is bullshit.

Your rights are in fact taken away from you without a trial and the onus is on you to prove your innocence which is virtually impossible to do with the no-fly list.

The NRA are wrong on this one.

Bump just for your post.

You can't buy granades, bazookas and flamethrowers, right? In that case, you should probably shut the fuck up.

The watch lists don't have due process involved and you can be put on it for relatively random and unfair reasons.
If they change the watch list to be less shitty, then it could be fine.

Why do you fucking morons even reply to this shit?

As a matter of fact, you can.

Actually, you can.
They just aren't easy to obtain. Heck you can own a tank if you wanted to and had the money and connections to get a hold of one.

Let it happen. Let the people see their benevolent government for what it truly is. Let them see their cousins and uncles get shot down by police during no-knock raids aimed at confiscating lawfully-owned firearms. Let them have that moment. The moment where the red pill is a suppository. Rammed elbow-deep via their lovable liberal scum.

The epiphany, the dawning of the realization, where they finally see that they are merely cattle. Let it happen.

Flamethrowers are completely legal.

This . He tweeted this two days ago, did anything actually come of that meeting? Has it even occurred?

Will people give a shit about gun control in three months? Four months after San Bernardino two different polls showed a majority opposed an AWB for the first time ever since it'd been polled on.

I trust Trump with the no-fly list a hell of a lot more than I do any Establishment stooge.

*legally in all states

I used to think that the "stupid Pollack" thing was just a stereotype. Then I got to Sup Forums and realized stereotypes are true.

trump is obviously wrong on this. But I seriously can't wait for the Trump/Hillary debates. Those are guaranteed to be hilarious. From what I've seen Hillary is very weak in debates. She will fold like a cheap suit

fuck off shitposter


The only way to save America is to throw your vote away for Johnson!!!! XD

little mix up

Don't underestimate the opponent. She does actually have the potential to fuck over Trump, and with Johnson and Stein gaining popularity it's going to be a tough race. We may very well lose

I as well but the fact that he even brought it up...




Not regulated at the federal level, call to inquire about bulk discounts!

>talking to the NRA ever
She'll just say that you should be allowed to sue them for something they had nothing to do with. I have absolutely no idea why they want you to sue the gun manufacturer for a shooting. Fuck democrats

He'll discuss the matter with the NRA, and he doesn't want to lose their endorsement so he'll probably go with their press release and make it a point of policy. That is anyone on the terror watch list should be brought to court, and those wrongly put on it can appeal and be taken off, and for those who there's enough evidence to put them in jail then they will be put in jail. That way we have some random ass list of people who the government can randomly strip rights from.

>falling for the second amendment meme
What a bunch of newfags

>calling others out on shitposting

>this fucking thread again
Fuck off already. And he already said he changed his mind about it.

Also, this

Don't forget the 4th Amendment because, taking one's rights without due process.

Oh I know very well that trump might lose, but either way I'm very certain he will dominate the debates.But the voting public is so stupid that they won't even care.

Sorry, I didn't know there was already a thread about this. I've been at work all day and came home to this Tweet in my feed.

That's not the NRA position.

You don't get due process until after they've taken away your rights.

>And he already said he changed his mind about it.

Show me. It'll make me feel better.

It's been the NRA's position for quite some time. It's not that controversial. I don't agree with it, but again, if it were to happen I'd rather it be under Trump than Hilldog or whoever.


I think they get around the 4th completely. You can get on the list without an illegal search, just for any reason really, we don't know.

Upholding the Constitution isn't about applying those rights and protections to everyone in the world, it's about applying them to American citizens who actually want to live in and support America.

Islamic terrorists aren't that. Fuck their rights.

Eh sorry. There have been multiple threads about this tweet, often simultaneously during the past week or so.

Some user posted it in another thread about this tweet. I don't have the source, and honestly you don't have to believe me either, but it's not like you have too many choices anyway. You can either vote Trump and risk a little gun regulation which is pretty unlikely, or vote Hillary, have your guns taken away from you (or face heavier gun control in general), and literally kill yourselves as a nation.

True but, the list which is usually revolves around flying and just assumption isn't on the same level as firearm ownership. Its one thing to be on the list but it is another to be on a list that prevents you from exercising your 2nd Amendment without any due process. This is why you don't see DHS arresting ever shitskin on the list.

Americans are on the lists.

this shit cant happen.

as soon as they get the green light on this the fucking Obama administration will label whoever the fuck they want a terrorist and that person will have to spend years wrangling red tape to get their constitutional rights back...

>who actually want to live in and support America.
Sorry, I don't count terrorists who happen to be citizens as people who should be protected.

How do you expect him to win? Americans overwhelmingly support more gun control. It's not just the terrorists its the fucking psychos shooting up schools and murdering children using military rifles that they should not have. The people shouting SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED are a fucking cancer that everyone mocks by telling them they are compensating for having a micropenis. Republicans can't win by continuing to argue for the right to own fucking assault rifles anymore. They can win if they werent so fucking stubborn. Compromise on gun control and just maybe democrats will consider compromising on building a fucking wall and starting to fix immigration. Trump is a negotiator hes stern on his positions but willing to reach compromises that everyone can at least partially agree on

Oh I understand you now, you're just a moron.

>True but, the list which is usually revolves around flying and just assumption isn't on the same level as firearm ownership.

If Congress passed a law banning domestic travel it would be dismissed as unconstitutional.

Basically this. All he needs to do is say "Ok lets not give guns to Muslims or nutjobs"

Oh I understand, you're a traitor to your country. I bet you're a minority too.

Why don't we just work on banning muslims?

If history is an example, compromise on the 2nd Amendment only leads to the loss of more rights and no other benefits.

So kindly go fuck yourself.

trust an expert

Scandinavian/French, guilty as charged.

>If Congress passed a law banning domestic travel it would be dismissed as unconstitutional.
Well yes, if the person is walking. Right to board a airplane does not exist.

I'm fine with it for now. It shouldn't effect law abiding citizens from getting guns, which is good. The only thing that worries me is that regulations like this could be used maliciously by in the future by the government to suppress the population from buying weapons.

Rights are for people, not muslims.

only taxpayers should be allowed to have guns

your not fooling any one beaner. no conservative wants muslims to be able to buy guns. they can all end up on terrorist watch list

>Anybody that Obama says can't own a gun, shouldn't be allowed to own a gun
My God user, you're absolutely correct. How could I have been so stupid?

But what about all the compromises we've made so far as swipe? It's time to stop giving ground until a few things go our way.

What did you expect? now he has the conservative vote and needs the liberal.

kys shillfag. now you're on a list cannot buy guns or fly cuz some fuck in washington says so

what a friccin pelb

oh well, we''l just change it back when the government gets all tyrannical and get our rights back,,,

I'm a convicted felon, and I support the law of not allowing felons to own firearms,

HOWEVER... I do believe it should be modified to be the restriction of firearm ownership to those convicted of VIOLENT felonies or property crimes such as burglary or strong-arm robbery, as those show a pathology that likely would put the public at risk were said person be granted those rights again after proving themselves to be prone to sociopathic behaviors.

Me, I was convicted for cultivating mushrooms and got snitched out by my girlfirend's girlfriends... who it turns out, was an informant for the FBI trying to work off a 15 year sentence for wire-fraud.

My stupid-ass ex showed her my aquariums in the basement and a week later the DEA flash-banged my livingroom.

Thank god I only got 24 months.
But I had to "gift" my 15 years and $100k+ gun collection to my brother and will now get a MINIMUM MANDATORY 5 years in STATE PRISON just for being in "constructive" possession of a shell casing, gun part or any firearm paraphernalia!

I'm biased of course, but I believe it should only be antisocial/violent offenders who get their gun rights revoked.

Or even for non-violent offenders, a 5 year suspension of said rights... sort of like probation.

But I'm not keen on the "Forever" aspect... as I served my sentence.

The only way to restore my 2nd Amendment rights is a full gubernatorial or PRESIDENTIAL pardon.

No-one but the 1% gets that.

Thanks for wasting your life reading my blog faggot!


didnt the government say christians and gun owner are potential terrorists?

this is their way to take away all the guns they already said who the government perceives as a threat.

Thank you based britbong for keeping my pasta handy was just about to dump it in this thread until I saw you had it covered.

What happened to common sense? If someone is a Muslim, you don't let them into your country and you don't let them arm themselves and commit mass shootings against you. What the hell is controversial about that. Muslims are not welcome in the West. They are not part of the West. They are enemies of the West. Who the fuck invites their enemies in and gives them guns?

FBI doesnt give a shit about muslims. They never take action against them.

FBI is only concerned about persecuting right wingers

this is a Natsoc board not a conservative one faggot

Wow, sorry to hear that user. While I do think that your case is pretty unique, I'm not sure if I agree with letting non violent felons legally own firearms. What about the non violent gangbanging drug dealers that are felons? I don't know if it would be logical to let them own guns

I hope he's just pulling the pandering bullshit (like with the tranny bathroom trash) so he can appear palatable to a broader audience. You guys have to remember that right-wingers are still the minority in this country and if Trump is actually doing the pretend card then it's a pretty smart move. Like a few others here said if he actually supports this he's not going to flat-out lose my vote but I'll be really disappointed in him for supporting bullshit.

he never said it

>Well yes, if the person is walking. Right to board a airplane does not exist.
The right to travel is strongly implied in the first amendment, and given that there's no way to reach Alaska or Hawaii in a timely fashion from the contiguous states without traveling by plane, I'd say the right to board an airplane does exist.

It's merely being ignored by courts for the time being.

It's right here though twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/743078235408195584

He does support this.

He said so clearly back in November and didn't mention a damn thing about making sure due process rights were protected.

>I'm not sure if I agree with letting non violent felons legally own firearms. What about the non violent gangbanging drug dealers that are felons? I don't know if it would be logical to let them own guns

If you don't trust an ex-convict to possess a firearm without being a danger to society, why are they out of prison?