What does Sup Forums think of this show?
seems like the less memetastic version of GOT. I really like it
What does Sup Forums think of this show?
seems like the less memetastic version of GOT. I really like it
the jon snow wannabe guy sucks though
This show was real good. Season 2 when?
Watched two episodes and dropped it. The costumes and sets weren't bad, but the writing was basic, and the PG-ness of it was off putting. Fucking groaned out loud at "We should hump tonight."
If you like this more than GoT, you're being a contrarian shitlord.
>one line
>GoT which has countless shit lines and stupid shit occurring
Yeah this show may have some rather shoddy lines but nowhere near GoT. go back to your subreddit
is this the worst scene in the whole series? the acting, the cinematography, the writing, all of it was shit
I agree. GoT is pretty bad
> Actual shield-wall VS shield-wall combat in the final episode, rather than the usual tv/movie medieval battle where everybody breaks off into individual duels
Fucking loved it, also loved the books they're based on. Better than the last two seasons of GoT.
The difference between this show and GoT is that this show comes from source material that is actually really good while GoT is total fucking dogshit.
Cornwell is a great writer who actually knows how to close continuity out. Martin is a hack.
> it's a Uhtred fucks up episode
somebody want to tell us what show this is?
> It's an Alfred the Great has to fix fucking everything episode
The Last Kingdom, a show about the Vikings attempting to conquer the English kingdoms, and Alfred the Great fighting against them, told from the perspective of an Anglo-Saxon who was raised by Vikings.
The Last Kingdom. It's like Vikings and GoT had a baby, and it managed to be shittier than both of them.
Also his name is Uhtred, son of Uhtred, but his name isn't really Uhtred, because Uhtred was his brother who was killed by vikings so his father Uhtred said to him "You're the Uhtred now"
there is literally nothing worse than those two shows
so should I watch it?
Yes if you want a pretty good show
Give it a go, it's pretty good, and generally more historically accurate than a lot of shows based in this period of history (with the exception of Anglo-Saxons originally not knowing what a shield wall is).
Fun fact: The little sons of Ragnar from Vikings are the villains of The Last Kingdom
Don't remember it being that bad. It can't be any worse than any given scene with Sansa or Littlefinger.