I've swallowed the ultimate black pill Sup Forums. I'm converting to Islam. We will end the degenracy of the west and eventually live in epace under sharia law.
Find a flaw in a Muslim utopia.
Pro tip: you can't.
I've swallowed the ultimate black pill Sup Forums. I'm converting to Islam. We will end the degenracy of the west and eventually live in epace under sharia law.
Find a flaw in a Muslim utopia.
Pro tip: you can't.
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>swallowed the ultimate black
I'm sure you did
Just become Orthodox OP it's even more traditional than Islam. Orthodoxy is an ancient religion, Islam is technically a medieval religion.
>I've swallowed the ultimate black pill/pol/.
faggot detected
we don;t need your kind ehre
>checks flag
No surprise you spineless cunt.
most Jews don't even belive in god
>Find a flaw in a Muslim utopia.
The belief.
>Find a flaw in a Muslim utopia.
what happened to the uk lately. these low tier shitposts are worse than quebec.
find one flaw
Sup Forums btfo
Islam is the only religion that can end degeneracy
>lets have all the serfom and poverty of the old left with all medieval restrictions and assbackwardness of the old right
I'll pass.
Jesus is the truth not muhammad reeeeeee
Good bye, we won't miss you.
inshallah my brother
allahu akbar
Takbir, brother.
I always found it funny that even in the Qu'ran agrees Muhammad he's a false prophet.
This is going to start happening by the hundreds of millions FYI
Jews and their puppets vs Islam will be the final battle that ends humanity and begins the NWO
This pic is not a "quote", but the message is going to come true regardless
Your daughter (and all of your female descendants) will be raped, beaten and effectively enslaved by complete strangers, and her own father will sanction her life of suffering.
These females of your blood haven't even been born yet and you have failed them so spectacularly that the consequences will continue to blight the women of your family for countless generations.
Any homosexual descendants you have will live in shame and fear, and if they give in to their urges they will be outcast, possibly beaten, whipped or even killed, all through no fault of their own, but for a simple, unpredictable quirk of nature combined with your unnatural commitment to a book of lies and/or ignorance.
You don't deserve the bacon, alcohol and freedom that the rest of us enjoy, but your descendants haven't done anything to deserve their religious enslavement so they have my pity.
Poor show.
>caring about women
Do you honestly think women sit around thinking about the well being of their future sons
>gotta be a gentleman though
Women are the entire reason that pic related is true
>Find a flaw in a Muslim utopia.
all countries where Sharia law is in place is flawed.
Orthodox Christianity I mean
>not protecting the women in your family from predatory males
Pathetic. I feel bad for the family you marry into.
I must have wandered into tumbler or redit on my way to Sup Forums
less flawed than the ones where it isn't
proof: look at the west
rest of the world is not like the philipines, you have christian faith where you live to guide and protect you, west doesn't
>Find a flaw in a Muslim utopia.
what muslim utopia?
You made that shit up. Jewish people are not Jews you idiot.
Literally any country with a sizeable Muslim population is a shithole.
That's my main problem with it.
believing in a faggot man instead of a god.
Even if their culture weren't rife with other forms of degeneracy, Islam in its current state still isn't good for white people because non-whites dominate and drive it. Joining it is submitting to an invading foreign culture.
> Find a flaw
No TV in the room
Tell me how adopting the sandniggers tribalism will save the West.
Oh sorry, is this Sup Forums?
>We will end the degeneracy of the west
And replace it with turbo Islamic degeneracy, congratulations
in islam i would be allowed to kill any predatory males that approached my daughters
you can just kinda, heh, talk big on the internet. youre not even allowed to have guns or knives so maybe you can murder the aggressor with a spork
Taqiyya. Muslims already fight amongst themselves. You think if everyone was Muslim they'd be at peace? No they'd still fight amongst themselves.
That's not the black pill
Black pill is apathy and nihilism. It means accepting your fate as hopeless. I've already accepted I'm an unlovable permavirgin.
Most places where Orthodox Islam is very prominent tend to be pretty shitty places.
Orthodox Islam believes in murdering and maiming people for private actions. Orthodox Islam generally seems to dislike freedom and peace between different cultures, free speech, and many things that I wouldn't consider harmful enough to ban evil (music, many forms of art, alcohol, sex before marriage).
Orthodox Islam and the culture that surrounds it is frequently involved in and tends to promote child marriage, female mutilation, the killing of infidels, terrorism, and other bad stuff I don't like.
If the reason you want to join Orthodox Islam is to end degeneracy, you probably won't find yourself very happy. On the outside, countries like Saudi Arabia might be free of gays and such, but they will be filled with the marriage of eleven year old girls and things of that nature in the shadows.
You've already realized nothing matters. Now you can turn this into a positive thing; if nothing matters, you can seek happiness in any way you wish. Good luck, user :)
How in the living FUCK is that real? It can't be.
>Find a flaw in a Muslim utopia.
The majority of muslims being shitskins and Islam being anti-nationalist.
be careful catholics in who you trust, follow Jesus
In Islam you sell your daughter to a man who can then legally do what he wants with her. She's effectively his property. He can legally beat her if she refuses sex with him, even if she's a child.
If she's raped by a stranger she needs something like 5 witnesses to press charges. No you're not allowed to kill a guy because you didn't like the way he looked at your daughter, or because she said he raped her. Sharia isn't Mad Max rules. There are laws against killing and laws against rape, but the chances of a woman getting justice in the case of being raped are slim to none.
But don't worry, she'll probably be safe underneath the mandatory niqab.
Oh there's no anime in islam so all you faggots think about that one.
>Saudi Arabia might be free of gays and such
That entire peninsula is filled with Saudi / Arab fags who will hit on and, if they can, fuck & suck any Western man who's half-attractive.
Arab men can't fuck women so they fuck each other. You just can't promote it or be prideful of it because that's what's not normal. Men fucking each other is a natural trait, being in a partnership is haram.
Not "trait", but "instinct"; implied that there's nothing else to fuck other than an animal.
My sides have hit Alpha Centauri
Praise tengri mate, you doing it wrong.
>In Islam you sell your daughter to a man who can then legally do what he wants with her. She's effectively his property. He can legally beat her if she refuses sex with him, even if she's a child.
yea dude thats called marriage
i believe in the bible though and the bible says its fine to kill whoever rapes your wife. jealousy is the rage of a man and he will not spare in the day of vengeance. god is also a jealous god; his name is Jealous. likewise he will not spare in the day of vengeance.
This post is the tits.
desu cucks like you make me question my faith
It wasn't, it was a hoax that Pike perpetrated because he was a bored old white man.
If the guy that marries your sister or daughter is physically forcing her to have sex with him, you're cool with that?
That's a piss-poor attitude to have towards your family.
>the bible says its fine to kill whoever rapes your wife
Western law does not say that, nor does Sharia law. And I believe the Bible says "Thou shalt not kill." How does that fit into your theory?
Regardless, I'm arguing against voluntarily adopting Islam, not Christianity.
It's possible to treat women with a reasonable amount of respect without crossing the line into accepting infidelity.
You sound like a child and I'd guess you're no more than a meme-spouting virgin.
I don't wanna wear some robe and pray five fucking times a day. Life is short. You can waste it in many ways that aren't degenerate.
If you are British, you might as well convert now because your country is already gone. And get rid of the notion that the white race will exist. You are the last generation.
Well you'll probably spend an eternity in hell for intentionally rejecting the truth of Christ and persecuting His church and leading others away from Him.
But literally other than that, I think you're right. From a human standpoint becoming a Muslim is the only sensible thing.
Ever read hollobeque "submission"? That's the whole idea of the novel.
>If the guy that marries your sister or daughter is physically forcing her to have sex with him, you're cool with that?
if she agreed to marry him then it was part of the contract. the bible says that neither the husband nor the wife can defraud eachother of sex, except if it be with consent for a short time of fasting and prayer. ie with one party wants sex, the other party HAS to give it to them. there is no such thing as marital rape. so yea if my sister or daughter agrees to marry someone she cant deny him sex later
> And I believe the Bible says "Thou shalt not kill." How does that fit into your theory?
well jee wizz their bill, it fits in right here
Leviticus 20:10 And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
thou shalt not kill effectively means "thou shalt not murder," but killing is the punishment for certain things. adultery/rape of a man's wife is probably one of the worst things you can possibly do to a man. if somebody touched my wife i would want them strung up and tortured to death, but the law prescribes a swift simple punishment. death
>Find a flaw
I found several.
1. Islam is the anti-christ religion
2. You can't eatch Naruto while being an Islamic Jihadist
3. You cannot drink or smoke weed, but you can fuck a goat and rape women...
Thanks but I'll stick to being a good Christian.
Lord Jesus is the only source of light in this dark world. Only he can saves up, not this made up cult of Mohammed.
And Naruto
>Find a flaw in a Muslim utopia.
The current Muslim 'utopia' hasn't had peace in thousands of years. Taking over the west won't solve your problem, only make it so that the borders of your enemies get wider.
Though the biggest difference between the west and all those different sects of Islam?
It's easy to guess who's a westerner. You can't tell which sect of Islam someone's running until they've put a bullet in your skull.
>Jarell pozzed up my neggyhole I'm Islam now.
Haha cool whatever #Berenstainworld
doesn't refute the point that ALL countries in Sharia law are flawed.
also Philippines is largely catholicucks. income of church largely depend on baptism and thus they push having many kids.
Truth. Islam declares there is only one god, Allah, and he has no son. To believe Islam is to go against Jesus. Do not be fooled Sup Forums.
>From a human standpoint becoming a Muslim is the only sensible thing.
How is becoming a muslim compatible in any way with a person's humanity? It requires you to reject compassion in favour of brutal conquest. Women are tamed with a whip like animals. Non-muslims are seen as an enemy to be converted, looted or destroyed, and people attempting to leave the faith are murdered. That's tantamount to slavery, albeit willing slavery in most cases.
There is nothing sensible about adopting Islam. It's moral and intellectual cowardice. The only thing I can see to recommend it is the supposed justification of force in securing a mate, and the security of being a protected class amongst delusional liberals and Sharia-ruled countries and enclaves.
>Women are tamed with a whip like animals.
dude why the fuck are you making Islam sound so attractive
1 Timothy 2
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
Ephesians 5
22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
Just because the Bible says something doesn't make it true or right. It's a book, there are lots of books that contradict each other.
Think for yourself once in a while. No "contract" should lead you to turn a blind eye to abuse being inflicted on one of your family members, whatever your preacher might tell you.
what is the point of a marriage contract if you're not guaranteed marital rights.
>lets get married and maybe i'll let you touch me every couple months
yea nah
You sure know all the bits of the Bible that tell you how you're allowed to subjugate a woman!
Some people take Jesus' message of compassion and forgiveness from the Bible. Others look to it as a guide to help them through difficult times or to help them find strength and moral guidance.
You seem to employ the Bible as a marital referee.
If you were married to my sister and tried to pull that shit I'd stick that Bible somewhere you'd find very uncomfortable.
>1 Timothy 2
>11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
>12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
the bible cannot be even more correct. the plague of feminism in the west is the reason why women should stay quiet.
Spoken like a true cuck.
I'm not saying a marriage contract is a good thing for both parties. I don't plan on getting married myself for that reason.
I'm saying it doesn't justify violence or entitle one signatory to inflict physical harm on the other. And doing so is contradictory anyway. Doesn't this contract typically include a vow to love the other person? Well how can you love someone and simultaneously hurt them for your own pleasure?
Demanding your "dues" as a husband at the expense of your wife would paradoxically break that vow to honour and cherish them no matter what. Though I'm sure many religious marriage vows become open to interpretation once the wedding's over and the "happy couple" are alone.
How is that different than fucking your dog or horse, Cletus?
These kind of medieval attitudes only help the proliferation of degeneracy. Society isn't going to go back to the fucking 1600s, and this kind of retardation simply alienates a large proportion of the population.
Mine has already reached the closest quasar
Read the Qur'an and find out.
If you think you have to beat and rape your wife to ensure you're her only lover, or you have to preach shit from the Bible at her to get her to do your bidding, then you're not exactly king of your castle.
If your preacher came by and showed you a passage in your Bible that says he's allowed to fuck your wife, would you let him? He's explained it as clear as day, it's right there in black and white, so I guess you have to let him fuck her because the Bible is the final authority on these matters right?
You can´t eat pork (lamb might be an option, i actually like it but it´s not the same), have a shitload of camels just in case of being accused of something and bail out (if you are lucky and not sentenced to death), no wonder why europe expulsed muslims many times along centuries.
i suggest you educate yourself prior to forming your beliefs. if you think exaggerated "terrorist" groups and jewish slander against muslims is any indication, you're being lied to.
none of this is true about muslims or the middle east. rape has never been encouraged in any muslim country at all---ever. in fact, it's quite the opposite. many islamic countries often abuse and terrorize those who rape others. so the rapefugee slander you see on the news is most likely all planned or made as propaganda against muslims. muslims have pretty much no real history of violence, aside from maybe timur. slavery in islam is not slavery; slavery in islam is pretty much only limited to POW that would otherwise be killed, left for dead, tortured, etc. islam does not condone violence once in the quran; every single "quote" is entirely falsified or taken out of context (most of them are usually just instruction on what to do if attacked, others just completely made up). the jews have been picking fights with muslims almost literally from the inception of israel in the 20th century. the muslims accepted the jews into palestine during the holocaust, and were immediately killed, jailed indefinitely, and forced out of their country by the same people they took in.
also, as someone who has lived in israel, i can tell you that there is entirely an anti-muslim agenda. they don't even hide it. in some instances, it is taught in schools and children to hate muslims. this never made any news because no one really cares about the muslims, but, at some point, a school girl was killed in bomb raids against palestinians and the muslims retaliated by throwing rocks. the "rebels" were gunned down by the israeli militia. no talk of this was ever made. the bombings of kuwait, the countless wars. i'm not sure what the semites have against muslims, but it's palpable and tangible. some things i learned abroad.
The only time Id convert is the week before Id shoot up the cbd
>shoot up the cbd
Are you aussies injecting cannabis again?
No mercy.
Find a flaw in a Muslim utopia ? Ugh with high probobility youre son will strap explosives to himself and die? If not him someone other in the future of the family so thats a flaw in my eyes
>Thinks user meant orthodox jews
This guy is killing me.
Moeshit islam propaganda