which is the stronger piece?
Which is the stronger piece?
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Horse in short and mid, bish in long game
not knowing that the pawns rule the board
One can be just as powerful as the other with a good supply of pawns.
Knight is king of early to mid game, bishop reigns supreme in late game.
why am I not surprised
aren't they both worth 3 points?
check them quint quints yo
This guy knows what's up
Bishop rules the end game and also the very early game against unskilled players.
Knights control the board early to mid game and can be valuable later, but they aren't really a force for taking pieces more as a force to control wide swathes of the board.
Horse+Horse = rekt
Bishop+Bishop = semi rekt
Horse+Bishop = Horse will almost always be offense and Bishop will almost always be a bluff
Also, use the pawns
this is the only correct answer. it's not even controversial.
>1 post by this ID
>has nothing to do with politics
Hmm, really makes you think, huh.
The Knight, because the Knight can kill but the Bishop can't because of 'muh 10 commandments'
Cechkmate christfags
The meta has been exposed.
the woman (queen)
as in real life too, does whatever she wants and theres nothing you can do about it
Knight is less restricted in movement because it can jump over pices but can only attack eight squares and can't block pathways. However it can attack a lot of pieces which can't attack it so it doesn't need the same level of defence that the Bishop needs.
Bishop can attack up to fourteen squares but, most importantly, blocks pathways.
However it can be attacked on it's own path by three different pieces(Pawn, Bishop and Queen).
I'd say the Knight is the more valuable piece. Specifically if you're playing against less experienced players because they can't get used to it easily.
You seem upset. Did Osiris fuck you?
Did you love it? Fucking camel jockey faggot
This, they are equal
Was the guy who created chess a feminist? He made the Queen the strongest pawn right?
funny how all the americans are wrong
and the two asians are right
you have obiously never heard of my religion
In the endgame, two knights are insufficient to force checkmate against a lone king, while two different colored bishops can achieve mate.
Wrong about what exactly, snow coon?
I asked the camel fucker if an egyptian god fucked him.
You are literally a chink maplenigger who should kill himself
No matter how hard I get fucked by him, I'll always know that at least I'm not getting fucked by the jew.
Idk ask some Jews. They dominate chess like the alphas they are
I'm not Asian...
come on, leaf, you're better than this, but not much
The bishop is more bigly.
Like how your people were fucked in the 6 days war?
You mean fucked like that by the jew?
Try getting a checkmate with a king and a knight, it's a fucking joke endgame piece. But them knight forks are nice.
You can't checkmate with 2 knights, 2 bishops can. Provided they're not on the same colour square.
It's 100% situational. Locks pawns = Knights. Open pawns = Bishops.
Remind me again when you actually fought the jew in recent history instead of sucking their cocks?
which one should you sacrifice first?
Your grandparents.
You know, those people that all died in a matter of hours.
>Knight is less restricted in movement
>He doesn't know about support points.
>He doesn't know Knights MUST switch colors every move.
>He doesn't know Knights can only move in a specific radius around them.
They're restricted as fuck.
we wuz not so bad at bantz today
It depends on how the chessboard looks like. Bishop in open game, Knight in closed game.
the white ones
Depends entirely on the pawn structure. If locked I'd sacrifice a Bishop and try to take a Knight. If open I'd use a Knight. It's not exactly rocket science. Of course, I'd need to know all the factors. Are there open ranks? Have we traded Queens? Did a king castle already? What's the opening gambit, etc...
It depends. Most of the time I'd trade my knight for a bishop though.
You use more buzzwords than my communications professor.
What are you even talking about now?
Hello Mr.Shalaby
How is the shop in Zaweya doing?
Not the horse the horse is shit
Oh wow, so even your professor calls you a maplenigger? Thats fucked up, you should probably retreat to your safespace and call uncle weed-man to help
>muh 6 days, oy vey
depends on the material
depends on the position;
bishop generally a slight edge
i was in chess club through school and played it a lot it is knight because it gives excellent cover square and can be used in unision and support each other if in cener of the board it is excellent.to cross over pieces also its unusual movement makes it hard for less skilled opponents to see its movement future
Sick burn.
This kills the burger.
Nothing Le'monjello Al-Gizi, dont even worry about it.
Please accept my sincere apologies while you go on with your day of storing grain and drawing hieroglyphs
If your answer isn't bishop remove yourself from the gene pool
who wants to play a game? lichess.org
you palestinian bruh?
The horse. It is impossible to predict where that wily bastard will land on the board each move.
>Said Egypt.
Nah, you're just Sand Jews at this point. There's hardly any difference between how Muslims operate and Jews. You're basically the same merchant.
Knights against amateurs. Bishops cover more of the board.
How new are you?
there is no better piece, bishop is far superior in open, knight dominates closed. that is why knight is better in a mid game while bishop is usually stronger in an end game.
Welcome friends. This place really makes u think.
>american education
Australians are Asian. Here's a pic of a typical street in Australia. Notice anything?
at least some of them aren't total kikes
Generally speaking in a more closed game, the knight, in a more open game the bishop. Although Knight tends to be more of an asset earlier on because its more mobile in the beginning, Bishop in the endgame.
>Flag checked
No response needed.
its obvious
Most of the good chess players are kikes though
do you have a hatian housekeeper?
In a closed game, the knight. In an open game, the bishop. In an endgame (pawn race), the bishop.
i agree, i even posted a picture of a jew.
I thought you'd be comparing bishop with rook. Never heard of this.
>This triggers the Sup Forums.
>Not fucked by the Jew
Berber please.
lel I totally forgot bobby fischer was a jew.
The white versions.
No comp
Someone challenge me to a day game on chess.com. I have a new username, and I need to work my rating up.
they're equal
I've taught Chess to kids for a few years now and this always comes up. Truthfully, it comes down to your play style. I like sneaky chess in closed games, which makes knight drastically better for me. However, at the end of a game (less than 6 pieces), and if playing against someone good enough to avoid forks, a bishop is absolutely better. Bishops control a board while knights are stealth forkers. In a chess game of 30 moves, the bishop rates slightly higher in value. However, it ALL depends on the board. A better question is the 6 point trade: knight+bishop vs rook+pawn on f2/f7 after opponent castles kingside. That's a better argument.
which is why they are both worth 3 points
>Provided they're not on the same colour square.
Anyone else want to play?
Depends on the pawn structure, mostly.
wanna beat a shitfaced guy who's only played chess a couple times? I'll honestly try my hardest
meme magic
only because they are pushed to play it
a rare based jew
so why isn't a knight worth 4 points v a bishop 3?
>someone good enough to avoid forks
ie not a retard
no, shoo shoo
oy vey, such a deal I can give you for those quints, I wud even sell my own mother!
Egypt armed with tanks were defeated by Jew civilians with crap homemade guns. Your people will never rid yourselves of this shame.
Shame? What shame? I take pride in the fact we actually fought instead of bending over for the dirty jew dick.
If you call that a fight....
Knight in early game.
Bishop in late game.