Chill music to put on with friends?

Chill music to put on with friends?

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if they are men of taste then this

if they aren't, then some of J Dilla's stuff works great in the background

King Krule aged like shit
>inb4 butthurt popsoy replies

>Penguin Cafe Orchestra
I love this album, but I think your virgin looser is showing if you think this would be good for the average person to put on while hanging with their friends. That being said, a couple tracks from this actually are on the playlist my friends and I made for our get-togethers, but that's an exception.

yeah, how normie are we talking here exactly? because if its too chill they would just call your music boring and change it to some pop, might as well put on the radio. Otherwise

I forgot about J Dilla, thanks
and im unsure if youre memeing with Penguin Cafe Orchestra

if I'm hanging out with people that only want to listen to shitty trap rap, then I'm gonna listen to shitty trap rap with them, yeah. but I really don't hang out with those people. I'm not 18.

i do not meme, friend

Not very normie, pop would be turned off straight away

What do you put on when hanging out with friends?

Why is Conan on Dutch TV

On the spectrum of music to put on when hanging out with friends there is quite a lot of space between trap rap and penguin cafe orchestra

that's where the jay dee comes in

haha epic
get your lol on at Sup Forums dot com

thats right, but there must be more than just him

what are other go to's?

Alright then your good. You could just let them help you out by making a spotify list together. People love to show off their taste so i would go with that.

I've had the honor of playing the dj role, but i feel like i get judged no matter what i put on so, eh.

this goes over pretty well. honestly the best way to go about this is to just ask what kind of stuff they wanna hear and build on that

Mild high club
Cocteau twins
Timber timbre
or some long ass jazz playlist

currently listening to it

Having a cold drink with friends, eh?

some dumb nigger shit i don't know

Banes world

>There are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that aren't in the double jointed master-race.

LMAO plebs