Why are Muslims always portrayed as terrorists in Hollywood?
Why are Muslims always portrayed as terrorists in Hollywood?
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because majority of terrorists in the last 20 years are muslim.
Uh... because they are, much? Duh!
I think you mean real life.
It's a stereotype that reinforces conservashit beliefs
The problem is sandniggers, not muslims. Islam wouldn't be shit if only white people were into it.
This. After each act of terrorism you get so-called moderates denouncing it on TV, but you kinda suspect that as soon as they close the doors to their mosques and homes they start whooping with glee and laughing at the gullibility of the infidel.
>person kills several people in public place
>oh no, where's he from?
except they don't denouce it
Islam is the way it is because no white people were into it.
You're right, it's like when someone says "I'm sorry that you're offended" as part of a non-apology.
I saw an interview with a prominent member of the Free Syrian Army, the group that actually gets funded by the West.
He basically said that the West cause shit all throughout the Middle East and then complain about attacks like 9/11 as though they don't understand why terrorism happens. It sounds to me like the moderates clearly think terrorism is wrong, but they don't think it's undeserved or unprovoked.
arabs have an explosive temperament
I think the Indoslimes would differ.
Why is real life so racist? Who can we blame for real life having Muslims represent a disproportionate amount of terrorists, black men for representing a disproportionate amount of criminals and killers, and Jews representing a disproportionate amount of bankers and media owners?
Real life is racist as fuck, Drumpf supporters would love real life, it's their fucking white nationalist paranoia realized.
It's going to be hard to find positive portrayals of Muslims in an industry run by Jews
it is deserved and provoked
I mean that much is obvious if you have even the slightest bit of knowledge about American foreign policy over the last century. We help keep dictators in power everywhere and then the people overthrow those dictators and now we have a country ran by people who hate America. And it's a vicious cycle because the people hate us so much we can do nothing but ensure the dictator stays in power because at least they don't fuck with us. The Saudis are the current prime example
Keeping dictators in power would be fine. The issue is when the US destabilizes a regime for strategic interests which ultimately ruins a nation for decades (Iran).
The Arabs have shown they can't do democracy right and who can blame them. Until some major cultural changes happen, they should stick with more Arabic means of governance.
american joos love the mudslime
But their idea of governance is to wind all the way back to the middle ages. If they had their choice they'd detach from the 21st Century altogether to go live in a dark-age shithole.
>But their idea of governance is to wind all the way back to the middle ages
Nah that's not always true. Look at Assad in Syria, Hussein in Iraq or my personal favorite: Mosaddegh in Iran. They kept their respective regions stable and were bringing in a lot of social change which is good the stagnant Arabs.
Even then, the world is becoming more globalized by the day. It's in the best interests of say the Saudis to have a more humanitarian face. Withering away a totalitarian regime can be just as effective as overthrowing one.
You're assuming that white people are dumb enough to fall for Islam's gobbledegook.
They fell for Christianity which isn't that different.
It's fundamentally different.
>no dietary rules
>no chosen race
>founder preached peace, and wasn't a literal warlord
>Christianity has no inherit concept like the Caliphate and can exist separate from the state
>has had reformations (even the Catholics have reformed)
Christianity is pretty good as religions go. I'm an atheist, but I'm a Westerner so culturally I guess I'm a Christian. People have done bad things in the name of religions, and people who believe in religions do bad things.
But Islam was founded at the point of a sword. It expanded militaristically, and its goal is a single nation, the Caliphate, with a theocratic king. Its a religion that preaches violence, and whose founder justified his atrocities with religion.
You can't say that doesn't effect its believers. The only "moderate" Muslims are the few who live in the west and don't really believe it.
Muslims are the Klingons of the world. Always at war and concerned with their broken concept of 'honor'
Because they are.
Why are muslim terrorists downplayed in hollywood?
Because evidence just keeps Pilling up that they are, kinda dumb question if you ask me.
Shame it wasn't caught on video for research purposes.
Fun fact. There is a psyhological disorder callee "intermitten explosive disorde" and the dsm says middle eastern people have a higher rate of having it. When i learned this i chuckled.
No joke, my SJW coworkers were worried about the Paris bombing was because it was going to make people in Europe more reactionary and anti-refugee.
So, just to clarify
White Deaths: meh
Hurt Brown People's feelings: Top priority.
Was he /ourguy/?
They started this shit back in 700AD. Those fuckers started that fire.
"Moooooooooom, I want my muummmmmmmmmy!" *WHACK*
Blood gushing out.
Just fucking stand up to that shit, act as outraged as an SJW but use facts.
Lol these are only the memes from the last two months that I've collected. My meme vault goes back at least a year.
that would make a lot of women really wet though
I told you man! I told you about bombs!
It's still immigration.
Well it's pretty much true.
She's a fucking third column.
wtf i love islam now
I'm with Fillon.
I forgot that episode when Worf raped a nine year old girl and threw Garak out of the airlock for being a filthy homosexual
As a Singaporean I disagree. Malayslimes and Indoslimes are fairly benign
This whole thread, you should be ashamed!
Anders Brevik
Read the full story.
She literally travelled the entire way with inly a wedding dress. And no protection.
There is a reason why you usually dont travel alone.
Top is cultural diversity by the way, bottom is stale monoculture.
This guy sounds based. May he get 72 virgins
The right benefit from that moolah
Actually this could happen
Just saying
Protestants have persecuted and killed Catholics for centuries in England. How can we expect modern Christians to co-exist?
Because dumb americans eat the boogieman narrative.
Shut up papist scum
We had a huge fucking war to settle this. True Christians won. Protestants are heretics.
>thinks Im a Christian
What a shock. Muslims are encouraged to switch off their reasoning and to give in to their base instincts, just like their child-raping warlord of a prophet (the ideal man apparently).
Fucking hell, even chimps have more social skills than these assholes.
I don't understand it's a mystery to me...
What are you down? Kike? Goatfucker?
Then how come Protestanism still exists hm?
And the fact you had a war proves that Christianity is a violent religion. Maybe not as violent as Islam, but still violent.
Is that all the religions you can think of?
Go ahead. Throw some more insults. You will not be able to guess