This character FUCKING SUCKED
Literally every scene with it was cringe worthy.
This character FUCKING SUCKED
Literally every scene with it was cringe worthy.
>This character FUCKING SUCKED
Yeah, UR-M0M was a bit of a let down, i agree.
That wasn't as good as you thought it would be
I know, thats why i didnt tip her.
He was literally the only source of humor in his dull, dour movie so don't blame him for trying.
Asides from constantly stating the probability, he was alright
His "humour" was acting like a complete fucking retard. How many times can he blow their cover and have that be funny for some reason?
>we want our movie to be grim and gritty
>think Saving Private Ryan A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away
>but here's a quipbot, because our movie tested poorly in young audiences
Maybe the Boba Fett movie will be good.
You sound underage
>2016 is almost over
>almost everyone born in 1998 can post here
>1990 is almost three decades ago
He was the funniest character in the movie other than blind guy with a bag on his head.
I liked it.
Deal with it, you fucking asshole.
Bazinga bot 420
It wasn't even his lines that were cringy, but his actions.
The "I don't even look where I throw a perfect grenade behind me to kill multiple stormtroopers" was like something from a cartoon.
Why would a robot even need to look? They can have sensors in 360 degrees.
sassy robot and blind gook were the only charming things in this horribly edited and paced depressing waste of my time
I bet you liked bb8
More like RD-1T, amirite fellow 4Channers. LOL
The problem is not that he quipped.
The problem is that nobody quipped back.
but then again that's exactly what C3PO did too.
nah R2 would beep n boop, or chewbacca would groan. in rogue one the sassy robot would say something funny and people just stared at the robot like they hate being alive
C3PO didn't quip. He was anxious and the butt of jokes. KSarcasticO makes the humans the butt of his jokes.
>people just stared at the robot like they hate being alive
fuck that describes the cast of Rogue One pretty well
happy ending then?
it was a wholly joyless, sexless, laughless experience for characters and audience so yes
i really wish it was everyone locked in a room with darth vader and his weird new mask instead of random redshirts at the end
you mean just like c-3po, r2d2 and chewbacca?
if you want to watch good movies maybe you shouldn't watch movies for kids
I like the cut of your jib user
You're autistic OP
There was really awkward delivery on most of the jokes. They didn't take any time to let the punchlines actually land. There were a number of times where I didn't even realize until after the cut that a joke had been made because they kept darting around and blasting distracting music every second.
This character was so obviously Disney's insurance policy.
Never was a character more blatantly rewritten in post-production to deliver the optimum number of quips to make plebs enjoy the movie
Apparently Tudyk improv'd a lot of his lines, and they ran with it.
i didn't mind him
he was so concrete in his robo-autistic thinking process i was wondering in the theatre how we'll he'd fit in with the Sup Forums
>was like something from a cartoon.
or from a Star Wars movie, which, you know, most 80s kids cartoons were trying to rip off.