Let's have a nice cringey liberals thread

Yes they are all cringe but just post your best.

Other urls found in this thread:



>when you stop hanging out with that lumbersexual manlet because he's an insufferable mangina


damn, never heard this before but shit is funny.

Christ that guy is fucking ugly. I'm no Channing Tatum by any stretch of the imagination, but good lord that guy needs help.

It's the best way to describe people who dress like lumberjacks but don't have enough upper body strength to properly chop wood

>not divorcing her as soon as she brings up the idea of an open relationship

Nu-maleism is cancer


>Hipster Merchant

Women arent into polyamory, they're into fucking around with no obligation to the one paying the bills.

Thank goodness for the sexual revolution of the 60's and 70's amirite!?

Just look how much it connects and empowers people!!



Top kek

That is a very punchable looking face.

>oh, hey, i'm going to make an ugly face
>that'll show them

It serves to be a wanderer of many a board.


ah fuck not this story again. shits sad as fuck yo.


This guy is pandersexual.

Liberal dad jokes will age like a fine wine. Never gets old.

this tbqh familam

swear to god this guy looks like cowsep. no one seems to see it tho.


well, at least he gets sex, unlike you virgins.

More like beggarsexual

Is that the Sup Forums guy
The Jew one, yknow? What's his name?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't EVERY man from Lincoln's time racist and sexist?


because he has literally no standards and will fuck anything that moves.

>hfw he notices the showers


Basically, yeah. Lincoln liberating the slaves was kind of an afterthought anyways.

The point, you stupid autistic leaf, is that Lincoln was a Republican. Hard to believe, but that was her entire fucking not-an-argument point.

Umpa lumpa.

Thanks for the (You).

Let's face it: he's dressed like a fucking 21 year old hipster when in fact he's probably >30.


He rationalized his emasculation. In reality it is pretty simple, he was just viewed as pillar of continuation, just like the bus is on time. But the bus doesnt have a sexuality. The bus is on time or it isnt.

>but he forgot to mention the cause



i wonder if they even have military experience?

Holy fuck, I found this hilarious




Is that real?

someone should have lit the middle part on fire


Nasty shit


ugh aren't all men sexist?



you fucker i was eating lunch


why do you retards always block out the name. you're shaming them...release their name you faggot. are you afraid of the internet police or something?

im not even close to being done famalon


is anyone lurking or am i just posting these pics for my own amusement

I'd fuck him

then beat him to death before he can sue me for rape

Never lead a paper trail if Sup Forums started fucking with the faggot, the user who posted it might be found out.

Just a precaution my friend.

fuck i feel like these threads are the Sup Forums equivalent of fat hate

Inspiration of how not to dress/act/look like


>Implying he doesn't just watch like the good cuck he is.

>I'd fuck him
dude there are way hotter traps than that
if you are gonna be a faggot atleast have good taste

You the first thing my dad taught me about women is that if you aren't good at bed they'll cuck on you on the first chance they get.

>in a relatively good shape

hey, that's me you're talking about. Easy on the hate speech.

It's an edit.


Macierewicz looks BADASS


thanks canada

>tfw no homemade coconuts

I checked, it really says "totally wrong stats"

jesus fuck he is losing his own hair from all the cuckage

Fuck me. Newbies have to go back. Im sorry. You have to go back.

I know her?

np famalon
looks like i ran out of cringe pics on this computer switching to macbook

Is this some shit KFC ad?

>you'll never get a gf with skin that luminescent
Man, if I meet a guy at a party wear flannel I bring up chopping wood and show them the stack I had going for my grandparents. Like 8 pallets laid down in a rectangle, about 6 feet high. Kind of autistic but it tells you who's a fuck boy and who's actually /out/

You first.

who else /blessed with a non-cuck/nu-male looking body/ here?

feels good to be tall and broad

>most of them have tits
There is a difference between traps and trannies on hormones.

Fucking hell that made me physically cringe.

Is this real?

"Number is correct => Pants-on-fire lying"?

Wtf am I reading?

Even leftists have to be embarrassed by this.

k last one, idk if this one is cringe or rage inducing

Feel that homie.

I'm built like a barbarian


Where is this Jew?
Why are people walking around a room full of showers?
Or are they just getting them comfortable with the idea?

This is amazing

>has a school-age kid
>still lets his spouse sleep around

He's just as bad and deserves everything that happens to him.

> good hair growth in all the right places
> masculine jaw
> facial hair needs to be shaved every two days, could easily grow a full facial beard if i wanted to
> deep voice

thank you jesus

>that free speech sign in the background



false. A trap is any biological male that looks enough like a girl that they are able to fool people. This includes passable trannies and the VERY VERY rare crossdressing male. The vast majority of traps are on hormones. Shemales on the other hand, are simply transgender porn stars that usually have implants and plastic surgery.

the entire fucking show is called Free Speech, that's the irony of it

>that giant fucking jewnose

For fuck's sake canada