Walk into american 7/11 in 2016

>walk into american 7/11 in 2016
>see this

What do?

buy 12 of them?

makes that cuban homo look like a pussy

Laugh. It's pretty clever.

Wish that HUAC still existed

That shit has been around in grocery stores since 2010

actually had one, of those, it wasn't bad, got it at a Bevmo in like 2011, its satirical leafman

>"A taste worth standing in line for!"
Hearty kek

>Get a bag of Fritos and fill it with the free chili and cheese from the chili cheese pump

>buy a pack of menthol smokes, 100's

>hit on the ham beast single mommy working reg

>get a blow job in the shit closet from the ham beast

>use my boss' name

>give her his number

>cut the power behind the building and leave

drink it? Lenin would probably be rolling in his grave if he knew his name was being used as a capitalist parody beverage product.

>Get hammered and sickle

At least this wine cooler is honest.

> A Taste Worth Stanind In Line For

It's redpilled, what's not to like?

>Walk into 7/11 in Canada in 1998
>See this
>""""texturally enhanced soda""""

Seriously this shit was nasty, it was like drinking barf.

>Those lighters in the background

Dude weed lmao

That stuff was from the future

brb have to return tapes


The mucous balls are tapioca!

>a taste worth standing in line for

>MFW this is some dank local coffee

>7/11 sells alcohol
which fucking degenerate state are you in?

Holy shit, I remember buying that shit at a dollar store in America. I got it for like my 9th birthday party, no one liked it but me.

I actually keep an empty bottle of that on my desk next to my computer kek.

Forgot to quote what I was replying to. user who had Orbitz at his bday party

smash it imo.