So the crew in this movie is planning on colonizing the planet, right? (That's what I heard anyway)
But why do they do it without making sure the planet is safe first? Why don't they wear safety suits just in case of dangerous wildlife? (Like the Ayy lmaos or the spore that kills Michael Fassbener)
So the crew in this movie is planning on colonizing the planet, right? (That's what I heard anyway)
Other urls found in this thread:
like in Alien, they're responding to an emergency beacon and got diverted from their original destination
it's pottery
Then why is everyone in the trailer so casual?
>People fucking in the shower
>Eating lunch together
>Strolling through the rain in hoodies
Shouldn't they be on high alert and heavily prepared for something dangerous?
I'm also guessing that no one in this movie survives, because if they did, they'd be able to warn earth about the Xenos
it wouldn't be prometheus if it didn't have those things mirite
but my main guess is that David (falsely) briefed them about the safety of the planet
But if it's a rescue mission, why is everyone laid back and doing nothing? Even short hair chick says that she doesn't even know what the fuck they're supposed to be doing
you forget Weyland Yutani are scumbags seeking to profit off of them and keep that shit close to their vest
she's just frustrated that her fuckbuddy has recently died
also listen to the blonde robot-man, user
he knows what's best
How do you mean?
I've always wondered. How the fuck do they make money off of the ayys?
Sell them to governments as bio-weapons
But that was a different chick in the shower
research the fuck out of it, then implement some control system and use it as a weapon or some shit like that
The Ridler can stick this one right up his clapper.
Never seen any of these, planning to change that later today. Any I should skip or any specific versions to avoid? Are the avp movies essential, or just fanservice spin offs?
Weapons to fight against who?
And it's been made clear through multiple movies and games that Ayy lmaos cannot be trained or controlled, unless you're some freaky clone hybrid
>Putting a pair of goggles on a creature with no eyes
Skip 3 and 4 and AvPR.
AvP 1 is fun if you don't take it too seriously
Why is Bishop the only based android?
Man I don't know. I just vaguely remember a line in I think Aliens where Burke or somebody mentions the company weapons division would have a field day.
Face it, Weyland-Yutani is just evil for the sake of having an evil company
1, 2 and 3 and also 4 because fuck all the faux-elitist retards
4's production design is very good, at the least
AvP1 is retarded but entertaining and coherent. Requim is the only genuine piece of shit imo, because it's underlit (which was a filmmaking mistake) and it feels like some teenage slasher
Special Order 937 didn't just invent itself you know. Walter lives and relays all info to Weyland-Yutani on eventual rescue. This explains "another bug hunt" in every later film.
Doesn't explain how David gets his eggs on an Engineer's ship, with Spacejockey and landing on LV426....
Thanks, how about Prometheus?
>muh helmets
fuck off with your autism
That song in the trailer.. so cheesy
Skip everything but Alien 79
So it begins.... The most annoying discussions by autists ever
worth it
very divisive movie
try ignoring the retarded characters and focus on the puzzle pieces of the plot; there are a lot of cool dots to connect there
There's literally no explaining Prometheus
>responding with stupid shit
>''I'm smart tho''
Watch Alien, then Aliens. Then go play Alien Isolation. Those are the only titles worthy of the name
And you're ugly, just like your mother
Go play in the corner, dum dum
If an armed group of men with machine guns can hold them off they're useless as weapons. Really just an inconvenience and even if they won then what? Now you have a city filled with the fucking things.
What's her endgame?
Watch all 4 and Prometheus. 3 is flawed because of studio interference but it's still a beautiful looking film and the only one where we really get to know Ripley. Be warned though it is unrelentingly grim.
I'll get you, and it'll look like a bloody accident
weyland/yutani would probably license them to the highest bidder and have a killswitch available, or use them for their own gain in clearing planets for their colonial mining operations
No eyes but the dome is photoreceptive.
What's your point?
Good Fassbender vs Evil Fassbender
Which will prevail?
It's like shooting a man before throwing him out of an airplane.
>Then why is everyone in the trailer so casual?
Because it's a slasher movie, everyone is fucking retarded so the big bad can slaughter them without much delay.
That's probably a camera
To be impregnated by a proto-facehugger and become a contributing step in the evolutionary chain of the most perfect biological life form every designed.
What's this from?
Maybe wait for the film to come out
The captain already gets facehugged, and there is no chain, the Ayy lmao is fully evolved in this movie
Both will be evil Fassbender by the end of the prequels. All synthetic humans up to the Hyperdine 120-A2's were a bit twitchy when it comes to xenomorph/alien interactions. Behavioural inhibitors haven't been invented yet.
>Watching slasher movie
>Sex scene
>Spoopy bloke appears and kills the white male
Every. Single. Time.
Are you saying they...admire its purity?
>face-hugging is mutually exclusive in Covenant
I'm talking about her end game, not the first act.
This guy.
Looks like it should be Blomkamps concept art but it isn't
I think after seeing what the first one does, the lead lady would try to stay away from the eggs
>Yfw Danny Mcbride will be the only survivor
*pauses whilst deep in thought*
Magnificent... isn't it?
So why did Fassbender 1 become an asshole again?
Wasn't it because the skinny white guy kept bullying him?
Obviously. What's more obvious though is a classic android switcheroo to turn a happy ending into a bad one.
He was programmed to by Guy Pearce
>David (falsely) briefed them about the safety of the planet
What was Guy Pearce's purpose? Was he there because every alien movie has to kill off a Weyland?
old, dying, wanted secrets to eternal life
Because David is a secret asshole
Couldn't they have gotten Lance Henriksen, or any other old man actor instead of putting a young actor in and makeup?
Great answer. While the characters can cause you to scratch your head, the plot is fascinating if you care about the cinematic world of Alien.
>or any other old man actor instead of putting a young actor in and makeup?
He's almost fifty, and makeup/prosthetics artist gotta eat too
Of course, any possibility of a true sequel that answers the questions you had about Prometheus has been scrapped in favor of a generic slasher movie
>David straight up genocides the Engineers and develops his own pinnacle form of life
>Peter Weyland gave David a body, advanced intelligence and uniquely.. sentience.
>Peter Weyland was himself just an evolutionary step in a species created by Engineers
Forget about hard or even coherent sci-fi from Hollywood.
Weyland wanted him to learn the secrets of the Engineer's technology. Seems he chose Holloway to experiment it on because he was such an insecure cunt.
Is Fassbender having problems?
First he agreed to Assassins Creed and now this
It's more an open secret, at best, by now.
>Spoiling a death scene which could have been a great shock when her lover dies
It's a dream sequence lucifer
What the fuck even happened to Holloway?
>David stick black drop of goo in his drink
>Holloway drinks it and fucks his wife
>Shaw gets impregnated with squid thing
>He wakes up and sees a fishy thing in his eye
>His skin starts greying and his eyes turn red
>White male love interest dies
What ever you say
Sounds like you have spent too much time online
>girl making love to her bf
>is standing on her toes
Why does this always happen
How does it kill him anyway? The tail slides up the chicks leg then all of a sudden the guy explodes
He's a big guy
What an underwhelming trailer. Scott has such a narrow dim sighted view on this universe with his billion dollar slasher movies, amazing how pedestrian this looks.
The version in the trailer is cut so it doesn't make sense. Wait til you see the full scene
because he does his best!
>She doesn't notice the slimy tail creeping up her leg
Check out this fan trailer wich makes it spoiler free
Saws upwards, curving up from ballsack across abdomen, penetrating underneath jawline.
But I don't wanna see the full scene
Was it rape?
Ridley is not one to make a generic slasher movie
the marketing opted to make the trailer look dumbed down to get everyone back to Alien (because Alien is a generic slasher horror right?)
>Saws upwards, curving up from ballsack across abdomen, penetrating underneath jawline.
I read that in RDJ's Sherlock Holmes voice
Xeno-flirtation at best I'd say. Nothing came bursting out so no need to worry about consent.
So showing half the cast dying in the trailer was intentional?
How old are you?
>what is your age
>name are your favorite movies
>do you fuck tho
>I need all this information to judge and berate you while mostly just projecting all of my own insecurities upon you
That's a negro.
10-1 it's a fucking dream sequence.