8 Years of Nothing

>Healthcare is still expensive as fuck
>College is still expensive as fuck
>Jobs gone overseas
>Minimum wage is still 7$.

What the fuck? WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK? Whatever happened to 'Change' and 'Yes we can'? What notable thing has he done besides shitting up the middle east?

>inb4 job growth

Fuck off. There are 20 other things that make life extremely shitty for most Americans, and Obama didn't even touch that. Now we got that evil bitch Shillary to look forward to, another 8 MORE years of nothing and you better believe that you and I are going to bail out Wall Street again when it happens. Goddamn our government.

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i remember one of the promises i based my vote on was his idea for a college graduate hiring program. something like "we'll sponsor new hires n shit". didnt pan out well

He helped race relations go from strained to the worst they've been since the 60s?

What a joke

>soldiers still in Iraq and Afghanistan
>Gitmo still open
What a complete fucking joke.

we got chomes during his rule tho

5 shekels have been deposited to your account.

Moore just about sums it up for me.


Straight talk, I'm a liberal and voted for Obama both times but I agree with a lot of stuff already said in this thread.

I doubt it would have been any better under Romney or the Depends Undergarment Spokesman before him, though.

oh gee a career politician didnt live up to his promises what a surprise. surely hillary will be different

We're all niggers now. Congratulation, senpai

he gave us Trump

I dont need to pay for health insurance for another 3 years so thanks obama for letting me be a neet for a little bit longer.

Trump is a conman. His whole life is built around selling a turd to people and calling it caviar.

Hillary might not be different, but she at least knows what she's doing; that's far better than an inept conman with no political experience.

lmao, I needed this.

I mean considering Obama got jack shit done, I kinda think with Bill Clinton, things will get somewhat cheaper but holy shit, that's not good enough. I don't think Americans like working 50 hours a week to afford basic things.

Same, he won't get remembered for anything other than being black.

>but she at least knows what she's doing

Is it just a coincidence that everything in America got really fucked up when a nigger took office?

Is it your first day here? You have a lot to learn.

Things went downhill while Bush was in office. In fact, I think a lot of people are voting Clinton this election because they want to recapture some of the good of the 90's when her husband ran things.

Reminder that white folks' greed drives a world in need

gas yourself desu

>>Minimum wage is still 7$.
it has been going up due to local governments increasing it.

Did a great job of making us look weak though

Obongo, the okie doke stuttering fool.

How come Japan is so successful, wtf policies do they have we don't??

>Bill Clinton

top kek m8

Great, someone is fine tuning an AI with a sense of humor on Sup Forums

Bill Clinton caused the dot com bubble

Like NAFTA and basically causing the financial crisis?

hillary gave us every war. she sold weapons to countries in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation. she knows what she's doing, and that's exactly why she must be stopped

trump went right up to the neocons faces and told them their wars were a waste of money and made things worse than before. he BTFO all the neocons in the GOP. now he needs to BTFO the neocon that has the DNC nomination.

You forgot to add war.

shovel ready jobs nigga

>Trump is a conman.
Welcome. I was where you are a few months ago. The man Trump really is still amazes me sometimes. I encourage you to try taking a look at him from other angles.

Well there are more jobs now. The economy tanked under Obama which led to mass unemployment which led to mass idiots accepting a fraction of what they are worth just to get a fucking job. Horray

>yfw Obama will be remembered for exactly 2 things
>First black president
>and the president before Trump

You really bought his Hope and Change shit?


It was all true.

It just wasn't specified that "yes we can" [go golfing and on fabulous vacations and live in luxury at taxpayer expense forever while fucking their cracka ass cracka country over]

Here's a good place to start

God he is so gay...

It would've been worth it if he just did single payer health care. I don't care that it's socialism, the current system is all the worst, most corrupt parts of socialism and capitalism combined. At least that way there would be a chain of command and people to hold accountable. But he hardly even fought for it. Stupid. If you run on something like that I expect you to go down in flames fighting for it.

Forgot to add
>racial tensions at all time high
>still getting fucked in the middle east

That post was worth more than five shekels.
>Micheal Moore
I've seen his latest movie, it's cringe America hate as fuck.





Obama's imported about 10 million Muslims.


>Obamacare is expensive

I pay $95 a month for healthcare+dental and can go in whenever the fuck I want. I went with a 4k major medical deductible so that's all I'm on the hook for if something serious happens. I'm single and made 68k this year straight out of college. Make a 100k and I'd pay 2% of that for complete coverage.

Even if you like Obama, that statement is full JUST.

Whats most amazing is that people support hillary who is a direct continuation of obama.



He BTFO whites.


People out way too much emphasis on the president

>both dems and republicans voted for the Iraq war
>both dems and republicans voted for bank bail out
>in the past 8 years republicans have threatened government shutdown

Yea Obama sucks and hasn't accomplished anything but you cucks and every other cuck I meet has nothing to say about congress, only the president

So obamacare successfully reduced the price of health insurance for high income earners.

Good job.

>Goddamn our government.

So do something about it

All Trump has to do is not let in Muslims, and he'll be a better president than Obama.

We all realize both parties suck which is entirely the reason we push Trump so hard because he isn't on corporate payrolls. Doesn't mean we can't vent at Obama for being a useless fucking asshole for 8 years.


Made US education somehow worse with common core.



You get. BUSH term 1 actually did a shit tonn of things. If he had passed he social security reform it would have been an epic term. However, literally nothing has been accomplished by our government in 12 years.

Interesting that the collapse of society seems to coincide with the rise of broadband Internet.


But the % rates are misleading. Rich people are still putting in more money into the system each month. Hardly the Socialism that Fox News tells everyone.

>The man Trump really is

...Is a leftist cuck. It's amazing how quick this fucker 180'd. Just 8 years ago he was endorsing Obama, donating to the Democratic Party, and speaking out passionately in favor of Obamacare. Now you shitwits buy his ridiculous Stephen Colbert act hook, line, and sinker.

But even trump won't be able to do shit, our government has checks and balances for a reason, there are republicans in congress who have already said they won't support trump, you think those republicans and democrats will pass anything trump wants?

I'm pretty sure you mean "the good spirit of the 90s that was made possible by Reagan's actions"

It was "change we can believe in"

You can still believe in it. You're welcome.

>8 Years of Nothing
he strengthened globalism tenfold


He won't make a second coming but he can at least get the wall started and push muslims out. Already more than Obama did in 8 years.

To be the Devil's Advocate, Bill Clinton, back when Trump was friends with him, was drastically more conservative than Paul Ryan, Dubya, etc. The only things that would keep Bill Clinton (the prez, not the current man) from being an ideal republican was his gun control nonsense (though Reagan was a hard core gun grabber) and his trade nonsense (which most GOPe support).

If you get a GOP POTUS

A GOP majority Congress

And a right-leaning SCOTUS


All this could and should happen in 2016/17

I have pretty good healthcare too as well as a good job. I don't know what the fuck everyone on here for work but I'm assuming mostly underage and NEETS. Go outside you lazy autists. Your life is what you make it. Btw I only attended CC because University is a scam. Best choice ever. I'm not in debt except or my car and I have a better career and pension than all my friends except one who is a pharmacist. But he's in tons of debt as well. (Go figure)

>Americans thinking the the economy can change to any noticeable degree in 4-8 years
>Americans thinking the president can pass legislations
He can only reject them. He doesn't even have a vote. True, he's the single most powerful person but Congress does everything.

good thing we had a republican congress up his ass preventing from implementing any higher level of racial revenge shit. checks and balances ftw.

Obama had total control of both house and congress for two years from 2009 to 2011.

>at least knows what she's doing

A supermajority too. There's literally no excuse; the democrats could have done whatever they wanted.

You've been swayed by seeing people agree with him. His background and experience are still the same. He's a businessman who dealt in real estate and branding everything from steaks to bottled water. But he now qualifies to run as president despite having no political experience.

Although he managed to convince so many people otherwise, maybe he's politican material after all.

Also, laxt black president

tbqh w/regards to your pic i've seen lots of mexican cartels holding severed heads

Congress would have complete control of the wall, there is nothing trump could do about that

Surprisingly enough it was Obama unilateral immigration plan that could set a precedent to allow trump to act solely on a Muslim ban

But really man, that isn't going to happen, democrats do historically well in congressional elections during a presidential election cycle

What happened? Literally the most obstructionist congress since the civil war. This was their plan from the get-go. Since rural dumbfucks are over-represented in this country, we're fucked.

It was a lie and most American ate it up, so fucking stupid. Oprah endorsed him, how can he be a bad guy?.

>Its 2116
>Jose Mohammed Smith is in history class
>Reading about Barrack Obama
>"First and last black President"

No one ever mentions Cash for Clunkers or American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

He even admitted there were no "shovel ready jobs"

NEATs actually get the best deal since they don't have to pay shit to be covered.

For everyone else, there is a minimum dollar amount required for coverage. On average the middle class pays a slightly higher percentage of their total income, but not nearly as much money as the upper class. Budget to have your family covered, no middle class worker is unable to afford Obamacare. I can't speak for small business having to cover employees though.

You mean his party had control of both Houses. Laws take time to make. You can't just pass as many as you want as soon as you have the majority. And for 1/4 of the time.

The moral character, intelligence and ethics concern me more than experience. I dont want a politician. What qualifies him is his courage in the face of globalism and our decaying country. Trump knows how to delegate. He will have the best advisors in the world. I trust his judgement, with that. Put away your stale Hitler meme.

They did, Obamacare and the stimulus package were both passed during that time. healthcare reform would have never been possible without the majority, however there are more blue dog democrats in congress than rinos

he's supposed to work with the government and not be such an arrogant nigger. and now his legacy is caca.

He is the first , we are entering a turbulent time. The stick of white grievance has been laying on the ground for the last 50 years. He may not be able to carry that stick, but someone else will come and pick it up after he is gone. The world is fucked.

Two years with a supermajority obviously if he wanted something he could get it. Problem is he kept pushing stupid shit nobody wanted. Presidents have made wonders happen far quicker in the past with that kind of power.

What's most incredible is that people STILL think he is a good President. My brother, who I would have never before considered politically retarded just told me the other day "He'll be remembered as one of the better Presidents we had, top ten even." For fucking what I said, and he couldn't give me a straight answer.

I asked about the debt

I asked about health premiums climbing through the roof

I asked about labor participation rates being as low as they were in the 70s

I asked about Libya, Syria, ISIS, and his continued bombing of Afghanistan/Iraq with double tap drone strikes.

I asked about tuition increasing nearly three fold (and climbing) before he entered office

I asked about "Fast and Furious"

I asked about his failure to close Guantanamo

I asked about the NSA and his illegal wire-tapping of almost everyone phone in the US and foreign phones as well

And basically he just shrugged and blamed Congress and the Courts.

Obama is Carter 2.0, we need a Reagan and fast.

>she at least knows what she's doing

This is factually wrong. To get actual health insurance neets pay the most. My health insurance is 300 a month which is absurd.

Medicare exists but it is not health insurance, my cost should be around 150.

Obamacare is a total failure for most people, they are just jewed into signing up for expanded medicare, not health insurance.


The only thing "cheap" about it is that I make so little I'm excluded from the requirements. Oh boy, I sure feel privileged that I'm not mandated at force of fines to have expensive government health insurance. I love being destitute.

>Obamacare and the stimulus package were both passed during that time
Yeah what a lame track record.

My insurance did go up but only to cover kids and a wife. Luckily I'm single with a gf and she has her own coverage. IMHO kids really fuck up your income. I don't see the point I having them unless you want your shitty genes passed on.

I mentioned nothing about effectiveness you just said he passed nothing, the dems passed the 2 biggest things they wanted during that time