Why are millenials choosing to move back home?

Why are millenials choosing to move back home?

Gee, I wonder

Because hypermechanization of the economy has reduced the number of jobs (and increased the qualifications necessary to hold said jobs in many cases), and inflation has made it difficult to pay for food/services. Raising the minimum wage has only made things worse.

This is a lot more accurate than but is a symptom.

its nice to live with loving family :3


The Economy has collapsed and we are likely very very close to the end and a total economic collapse.

Because we are pussies who dont want to work

Try not going to fucking college when you're completely devoid of talent. Stuffing it full of morons is why we have an identity politics problem now.

This. Good luck to all you people with kids.

Would Sup Forums let me live with you?

>More homeless people choosing to starve!

It isn't a choice, it's an economic reality.

It is very easy to get a job where you can support yourself and you can so this right now in America without even a highschool diploma.

1)The issue is people are fucking pussies.

2)They are also betting on a welfare state.

They are also utilizing as much of their parents as possible because of 1 and 2.

A lot can't find work, and even among those who can, a lot can't find jobs that pay well enough for decent housing.

They dont have any way of making 7 million dollars to afford a shitty house. All the immigrants skilled and unskilled have taken all the jobs. Our governments no longer care for the people only their own pay checks.

Because the housing bubble will never fucking pop. You either live with your parents or with flatmates until your 30s even with a steady income.

Not in an economy where housing prices are completely jacked to exploit the fact that women insist on having a career, effectively making many households have 2 sources of income.

Because my uni is only 45 minutes away from my parent's home and I'd rather save money and live on campus, even if it comes at the cost of my social and dating life.

I'll move away when I go to graduate school.

>Graduate from undergrad with no debt thanks to hard work in high school leading to academic scholarship

>Can't find a job that pays more than $11/hr

>Go to grad school

>Get some scholarships but there isn't much out there for a FUCKING WHITE MALE

>Graduate with a Master's

>All jobs I'm qualified for want 5+ years experience

>Have to take some bullshit job I'm way over qualified for just to make ends meet

Gee I wonder why I'm living at home

>Follow your passion!
>You can do anything you set your mind to!
>Go to college, study hard and you will get a good job!

And then the millions of degree holders realized society had trolled them.

The average 18 year old doesn't know shit about the economy, of course they are going to get a degree in Literature or Anthropology or xyz studies.


Rent you braindead idiot, find some roommates.
Live without a fucking smartphone
Maybe skip cable and going to the expensive hipster bars
Hold down a job, climb the ladder

post of the year

This right here. I have to spend $300k+ to get a shitty house in an area that's not infested with crime and I don't even live in an expensive city

I am doing an apprenticeship, I won't be able to save for a deposit until I'm like 23

I share an apartment with 3 girls doing marketing, and one guy doing "international studies". He said he hasn't done a single exam since he's been at uni, but just gets 1000-2000 word essays where he can sit at home and write about why we need more chinks and slimes because "like, their food and stuff is good, i think."

I've always been on good terms with my parents, still living with them in my mid-20s. Got so much more money than my peers who are struggling to get by, I'm rolling in fucking shekels.
And of course I don't tell ANYONE how much cash I've got saved up because they'd just whine to me and ask for handouts, not my fault for your life choices you little shitstains. I chose to be a mommy's boy for these shekels. Fuck off.

Because I make a good living (about $60K/yr as an Environmental Scientist) but would like to save as much money for as long as possible. Instead of living in a shitty apartment, I'll soon have enough saved for a house and nice car. It's not much of a problem with women, because most of them my age (24) live at home too...

>wasting your money on rent

Why not just live at home for an extra year to save up for a down payment

The minimum wage has only been raised in certain areas. Nice try.

mommy is the only woman I need

>choose shit degree
>dont get married
>wonder why you cant afford to live anywhere

No. Wrong. So wrong. This is all relative to standard of living. A person can survive on less than $1,000 per month in ANY part of America.

I personally have done this easily.

You simply aren't doing any work.

Protip: When you start making net $4,000 per month keep your standard of living down for about 5 years

Most millennials got red pilled that the majority of their lifetime would be opening up spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel from 9 to 5 while talking calls.

Cost of living m8.

NJfag here gonna be graduating with a degree in Economics a year from now. Even if I'm lucky enough to get a wall street job I'll probably be stuck living with my parents for at least a year

Are you a cute trap? If so I probably would.

In central europe it's normal and expected for people to live with and take care of their parents
ones that move out are just considered extra enterpreneurial
for parents to say to their child of any age to move out would be a huge violation of social norms

I feel sorry for you, I really do

Mother has MS and early stage alzheimers at 46, my siblings bailed and now I have to care for her.

A 300k house is still middle/upper middle in America right now.

Are you really so delusional that you can't live in a poor area? Being such a weak little baby you must be very repulsive to women.

>A person can survive on less than $1,000 per month in ANY part of America.
What state do you live in?

Static wages. Higher employment requirements. Higher youth unemployment. Ever increase home and rental prices.

I'm 33 and I live at home. I'm self employed. I don't pay rent but I pay for my share of the food, power, heating, renovations. Most of my free time I spend gaming, playing vidya, and working out.

At this point I think my mom is more dependent on me than I am on her.

moving out of the family home immediately was a pretty short lived phenomena.

throughout history it was pretty common to stay with your family until you had a partner to move in with or had your career established.

just because fucking boomers and gen-xers were able to leave the house at 18 and never look back doesn't mean much.

>only in certain areas
And it's fucked things over in said areas, all the jobs are part-time and with high rent that creates a financial barrier against career advancement

>Absolutely no jobs. Especially not outside of big cities.
>Everyone are forced to move in to big cities in order to survive.
>Big cities are too expensive to live in
>The federal reserve intentionally cause inflation bubbles and devalue the currency by lowering the interest rates so that people will spend their savings and borrow more.
>Girls are unpartnerable whores
>Roommates are degenerates
>Mummy is the only person in the entire world who loves me

There's absolutely nothing with living with your mummer until you're in your thirties. That's how people used to live. The only problem with it right now is that many people are forced to live with their entire family in small apartments in the city, rather than on a farm.

Those troll degrees really are a scam for those kids. I can't believe it's legal to charge a 17 year old 100,000 USD to major in transgender lizard-kin studies.

that and also in my country over 80% of people own the place they live in completely

>Why not just live at home for an extra year
>Why not just live at home for an extra two years
>Why not just live at home for an extra five years

Oops I'm now a fucking NEET basement dweller with no life experiences, and a perfectly boring home, who wasted the best years of my life pinching pennies.
Bitch living at home is fucking embarrassing and you should be embarassed

I have done this in Alabama. I have done this in Texas. I have done this in Oregon. I have most recently(2 years ago) done this in New York City.

It is all about a standard you wish to keep and just like anything in life survival is based upon your willingness to do things. Are you unwilling to save money?

I'm going to move back. Gotta save for dat mortgage depositorial
stingy buggers will still charge rent on top of bills tho

Found the boomer.

speak for yourself, faggot.

I've got a gf.

Seriously give me a reason to move out early into a shit neighborhood where I'll probably get robbed rather than stay at home and save up for an area I would actually want to live in.

Not to mention the fact that there will probably be another housing crash soon, but much smaller than 2008.

I live in Phoenix. My options are wait and live in a nice area close to the stuff I want to do or move out sooner and live in Beantown or out in the fucking sticks with all the other lower middle class white flighters

> choosing

It's not a choice
It's submission.
Millennials can't get good jobs, even if they have STEM degrees or trade skills
The economy is simply in a shit spot right now
Companies don't want to hire
Companies that have to hire want to hire part time
Companies that hire full time are flooded with older more experienced applicants
Older applications are staying in their cushy jobs longer because they want to rebuild their retirement savings
Which means less jobs open up for Millennials

It's a shit system for the young and it's only going to get worse.

even microbiology is a meme, at the PhD level it only pays 35K/yr (if you're lucky). Should've gone into nursing, I could have been an NP with a guaranteed pension making 120K by now

The only poor communities in my area are black and mexican, so no friendly rednecks to let me be unfortunately

Why not just buy a tent a live outside?

>implying I'm not itching to move out

I am believe me, but why not be smart about it. I just paid off my student loan only a year after graduating because I was able to throw all of my money at it. Soon enough I'll have saved enough to buy a decent house in a good neighborhood where I can begin to think about starting a nice white family.


in my country things have always been like that

my question 4 u is:
how did you make them not to be like that in the past?

Let's see. I could save my money, pay no rent, or electricity, or cable / internet and live with my parents, saving up my money to eventually buy my own house.

Or, I could spend almost all my income renting a shitty ass tiny, over-priced apartment, saving hardly anything because rent is $1,200 + utilities in my city for a 1 bedroom apartment in a shitty complex unless I want to live in the nigger-infested Ghettos in a shithole that costs almost the same.

It was only in the recent past that people had this behavior of leaving home as soon as they turn 18. For the vast majority of human civilization, a family lives together for a very long time. It was only until the 20th century and the economic booms that occurred, especially after WWII, that it was more economical to leave home and buy your own house. Housing used to be dirt cheap, and getting steady, well-paying work was also simple. That is not the case anymore, rent is over-priced and a bad investment. Housing prices have soared in most of the US.

It's much worse than you think. People have no options. The nuclear family has completely broken apart on all levels. Read this I wish I was born in a big family in the Hungarian countryside.

>tfw I'll never have a family

>get married
>lose everything

>Any part of America
Reminder that the average rent in NYC is roughly 3,000.

>live at home
>have no reason to move out
>literally the only reason is because society says you should

Next you'll tell me that I should have a gf, but that too is only something society says you should have.

Another huge problem is the fact that coastal states, specifically urban locales with plenty of jobs, have overly inflated high house prices due to robber barons - you either get lucky and get a high-paying job, or be doomed to rent for the rest of your life.

My parents used to own a nicely-sized middle class house that they bought in the early '90s for ~150k. Right before the bubble burst, that same house was worth ~750k according to a few appraisers before it dropped to 300k after.

It's unsettling to see how many people give banks and loan sharks the benefit of a doubt and blame the people. They'll gladly shaft you for every nickel and dime you've got. Another trend is that a lot of these vacant homes are starting to be rented out on principle - the banks that own them from foreclosure will find it easier to make extra cash instead of selling it right away. The house will still be for sale, per se, but they'll rent it out at near-monthly mortgage prices until you put a fat down payment on it.

tl;dr: Lack of oversight and regulation on the housing market leads to rampant speculation and profiteering that hurts the working class in an already unsteady economy, coupled with the fact that incomes have not followed inflation trends for the past half-century.

Way to pick a shit major with no prospects. Any retard with a useful degree can get a job.

>for parents to say to their child of any age to move out would be a huge violation of social norms
Around here most parents pressure their children to leave the house as soon as they hit 18. For more well-off families, they will pay for their college tuition + living quarters. But the absolute cut-off date is after college, if you're over 22 and still living with your parents (like me), you're considered absolute scum by normie society.

Don't really give a fuck myself if poorfag wagecucks look down on me for staying with mummy. I make nearly 3x what they make and have a huge savings, while they're coasting paycheck to paycheck letting Mr. Silverstein harass them for rent money every month.

In a lot of areas, those houses under $300k are being used as rental properties...

how many mexicans can you jam in a 3bed/2bath house?

You want my honest answer to your question?

Buy land. Build a house. You are a man and you can do these things, stop letting consumerism run your life.

But also, you didn't make any sort of real excuse as to why you wouldn't buy a 60k house. You also made no excuse as to why you wouldn't sleep in a $200 per month room on craigslist.

You are limiting yourself. Do you work for nothing? What you SAVE are your profits from work, not the number on your check.

That just means you are unsociable and also defenseless.

Rent's too high and I'd rather live with my parents than a random roommate (I have no friends)

Feels great saving money

Because even a fucking burnout stoner can make enough money to afford rent with roommates, some food, and maybe the internet bill.

Because housing is so fucking expensive anywhere close to where good jobs are due to gentrification it's insane

Willingness to do things is the key to survival

You will not have a penthouse. What kind of fool are you?

Two things:

1. It used to be cheaper for the company to hire Full Time employees (Before Obamacare)
2. There used to be forced retirement policies

>You will not have a penthouse

Neither will the vast majority of americans.

Live by yourself and be poor as fuck and barely get by
Live with parents and work and get tons of food and a big house and pay 20% of your income on living in stead of 95%.
Jobs are mostly shit nowadays. the days of being self sufficient are over. wages are shit as fuck. no degree=$12/hr, bachelor's is like 18/hr. and a "normal" house is$300k+ or you can get a trailer or an apartment for cheaper but good luck raising a family there

Easy enough to say now when I am far enough removed from a liberal as fuck high school that made me want to be a doctor for literally no reason.

Then I learn how much I fucking hate pre-med people

I found my way into a good career path now but it took a lot of time on my own because all of the career advice department thing at my college was full of people who've never had a job outside of a university their entire life. They were proud of getting people jobs at fucking enterprise rent a car

Exactly. Why are you not living with 15 mexicans for that uber cheap rent?

You limit yourself by your unwillingness to exceed other people's willingness.

I still refuse. Give me your address so I can stab you instead and demand oral sex from your dog.

Those things do not exist in Phoenix. A 450 square foot studio in the meth infested slums of Mesa will run you 500 bucks a month. There are some dudes that will let you live in their 5th wheel for pretty cheap though.

Glad you know this. Now do better than them. Americans prefer to be comfortable, this limits their profit(savings) and motivational drive. You should never allow yourself to be comfortable.

It's the best environment for my wife's son

wew, also pretty sure penthouses are usually condos not apartments

they are retarded and selfish
have they lost any sense of what family bond, union and values are?
have they become so individualistic taht they can't see their own blood

this may not be much of a comfort coming from a slavshit living in the devil's asshole where 5-10k$ a month is considered wealthy, but you're ok user


Sure. I have citizenship in your true north, strong and free anyway. Thanks, grandma!


I have family in Pheonix. You simply are not making good enough connections with the native population. You are going to need to do this if you wish to reap the benefits of a community in ANY city. Yes, you folks will have to stop having autism.

You try being "sociable" to drug dealing niggers you fucking retard. I've visited friends in the nigger part of town and literally woke up to the sound of niggers arguing and shooting at each other, then the cops came and dragged off the poopskins' bodies, hardly got any sleep that night. You're expecting him to be social to people like that? They don't give a fuck unless he's going to join their gang or deal crack for them.

>in a place full of wealthy people

I don't think you understand.

Is having a $200 per month room on craigslist really worth moving out for right now?

I can wait 6 months and have $12k saved up for a house or I can move out now, deal with some shithole I don't own with some roommate that may or may not be sketchy in an area of town that I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving my car on the street.

I just don't see the benefit

Do you know how much it costs to live in the city? Im not moving out to country where i cant go to cool parties with my cool friends and drink myself half to death no way.

Helloooooooo shlomo goldsteinberg!

>stop having autism.

that is not how mental illness works

$5-10k is considered wealthy everywhere in the entire world.

So if I was able to be friendly and outgoing someone may let me live in a room of their house for less than what it is worth?

I've been eyeing his dog for the past two weeks, she's mine, fuck off.

not an argument

Yes, I am. Think of the men of the wild west. Think about how they got along. You have got to have the willingness or you will simply accept being left behind by evolution.

Nobody said being the best was fun. Everyone is already giving an effort, and you are trying to keep up with that effort and I am asking you to exceed anyone elses effort. It isn't fun but there is not another way, fool. Accept your mediocrity or do something.

This faggot actually has a point. For most of my adult life rent has been probably the largest drain on my income, I think if my dad was willing to let me move back in rent-free or at a low rent I'd probably take him up on it, and focus on saving money until I could make a down payment on something. A friend of mine lives at home because his father died and his mom needs the rent money she charges him in order to make mortgage payments. Not every adult who lives at home is necessarily a degenerate NEET.