>we need a lead female character, because we had Ripley
>she will be exactly like Ripley, but it's a different character
>androids always cause problems and give no benefit to expedition, so we'll have one again
>we'll have shitty horror scene in the shower
>and we'll show almost everyone's death in the trailer
>don't forget about alien itself, we'll make sure we'll fuck up with its design as you probably have seen on leaked pics
>as everyone loved that safety aproach in Prometheus, team doesn't care about helmets this time too
>instead of it they'll have some shitty machine gun, because we need some shooting and explosions
>don't forget about androids, they are still evil and trick humans easily everytime, that's why they are in every important mission
>remember wayland corp? they still send retarded unprofessionals on primary and revolutionary expeditions though their expeditions are literally NEVER succesful
Defend this hack.
Other urls found in this thread:
ridley changed the script because all of you spergs were crying about it
It's your people's fault. You wanted generic shitty alien film. You are getting generic shitty alien film. SUCK IT UP.
>I don't like Scott's movies therefore they must be bad! He's old so he must be demented! He's ruining my favorite corporate franchise! The scripts aaargh!
I wonder if anyone here actually likes movies.
>I'm a director. Of the successful movies I have directed, those movies were not written by me, but instead by different people. What makes you think that these new Alien movies will be good?
amy seimetz is one of the very, very few good actresses in hollywood though.
but the shower scene was terrible.
Its her in the shower?
This will be Ridley's The Force Awakens.
As retarded as it was, at least Prometheus brought some new things to the table.
>I haven't seen the movie yet so it will be shit
Reminder that Rogue One turned out to be amazing and way better than TFA so I have hopes for this one
I wanted to be hype. After Prometheus failed, I still wanted to believe he could rebound. He could learn from the mistakes of Prometheus and make something great.
Then this trailer dropped.
And now I'm disappointed once again.
>Reminder that Rogue One turned out to be amazing
Gr8 b8 m8, I r8 it 8/8
>people still fall for the "director = auteur" meme
Come on, it's the current year.
As stupid as it may sound, Blomcamp is the only hope now. Yes, he's worse director than Scott, but he may have a better script.
Already played pic related a year or two ago. No reason to go see Covenant on my own accord.
Anyone who hates on Blokamp is an idiot.
He is a fantastic director with amazing visions. Just hasn't had his big blow yet
>mfw the graphics look way more realistic than most super hero films made today
too clean
And to add, a director can do as much as nothing in the creation of a movie.
>remember creepy spooky space jockey from Alien 1979?
>they are actually humanoids lmao
>and their planet has nature just like Earth
>and aliens are only bioweapons
>why did they create us? what is their idea?
>how about fuck you! The last alive engeneer in Prometheus behaves like a retarded gorilla
>ok, ok, guys, we'll fix it later
>prepare for no answers
>get ready for butthurt and facepalm combo
>Gieger would end himself if only read one page of the script
>all deaths of crew members are in the trailer so be sure to check it!
>we'll shit on it so bad, you'll claim AVP:requiem was classic!
It's not our fault he allowed JJ's man hack, Damian LameCow to done fuck the more brilliant original script up.
We did not want a generic FUCKING ALIEN FILM YOU STUPID FUCK! We wanted a more interesting well put together thought piece than Prometheus. It had such bounteous potential. At the very least the warchowski fags had sense enough to speak to actual philosophers and to read books on existentialism. They even had these philosophers aide them with the script. But no, Riddley and the fucks at fox entrusted the series to Damian Lamecow!
Riddley Scotts last good film was Black Hawk Down.
Yeah, it reminded me of Fincher's alien 3 for some reason. Riddley has become a hack of other failed ideas.
Of course it's not her because she's a femanazi dyke who needs no man. The only reason why she''s not the Captain is because if they made a female the captain to be killed by the alien that would piss off the femanazi, so the sacrifice had to be a man, you know, like in the original.
It's mother fucking POTTERY!
And I fucking want to find and harm horribly any fucking idiot who says the Debris scene made no sense, "Why did the girls run in the shadow of the ship, that was so stupid?!?!?" It's because the score is fucking debris, and they were surrounded by molten magma the result of a plasma drive exploding while at full burn. Had they left the shadow of the Ship, they would have gotten smash with MOLTEN MAGMA!
And during September 11, every bitch and their first cousin ran in the shadow of THE FALLING BUILDING! No matter the danger coming at you from above, People always instinctively runs away, not DIAGONALLY!
The force awakens was bullshit; it was fucking dumb from its first scene to when Leia hugged that mary sue BITCH!
Of course not, that's why directors are so famous and get oscars. It's because they can do nothing at all. Poor Ridley was tricked to make shitty movie again.
A brand new ship why wouldn't be clean
It was miles above and beyond the shit awakens. It was coherent and although poorly written and executed save for the last 25-30 minutes, The Force Awakens was the dumbest movie I've seen in some time.
This trailer really fucked me over, I was like, FUCK! They could have made it more 2001, they could have gone virtually anywhere better than what I saw in the trailer. Another generic crew meets a supposed superlative fate. Event Horizon's trailer looked more intense and interesting than this snooze fest.
What a frustrating game to play, and it was scary sometimes. Like you'd be there hiding, hoping it doesn't know you're there. You turn on your indicator tracker only to have its noise arrest the creature's attention and in that moment you quickly switch it off hoping its not there BUT THE FUCKER WAS WAITING FOR YOU! Any time it hears the tracker you'd best not move for a long, long time. Five minutes will not do it.
It's his own fault. He should have taken over the reigns of writing the script and then hired some ghost writers to help him flesh it out.
>horribly written
At this point I have no idea what this claim refers to. Prometheus has to be the most throughly examined and explained movie in the history of Sup Forums. It makes sense, get over it.
Remember that rolling donut from Prometheus? That rich old fart Weyland who took two archeologists and few random jerks on the mission to have eternal life? Remeber all that shit? Prepare for even more kino this time, hahaha!
I like your style, but fuck off.
THE ORIGINAL SCRIPT MADE SENSE, NOT THAT RETARDED SHIT DAMIAN GAVE US! I SAID THE ORIGINAL. HAVE YOU READ THE TWO SCRIPTS YET? Well you best read them buddy, one's perfect and only needed revision, the other was dog shit! It's the same thing like that film with the guy from that biker tv show, the original script made more sense than the rewrite.
That I get! He didn't expect to meet edgy contrariwise lame duck fuck, he thought he'd meet some one like Yoda. I think he fucked it up though when he had the guy smash mum in her belly. Poor Mum. And Ridley killed mum off screen too. Poor Mum.
Let us not forget that Alien was written by O'Bannon and Shusett, who are primarily known for goofy B-scifi and even one Steven Seagal movie. You guys are too fixated on scripts instead of the filmmaking.
O'Bannon rewrote it several times though and with Shusett and others, revised it even more. Even the worse filmmakers can make a masterpiece.
Agree. Good ideas can come to a bad scriptwriter too. Ridley cannot tell good a script from a bad one, that's why the movie will flop. 28% on RT and 6.4 on IMDB.
>guy who's job it is to map out the excavation gets lost
>makes sense
>it's a soft reboot so they can milk the kiddies for another 20 years
>we're not actually going to see the space jockey homeworld
Hollywood needs to crash and burn.
His most brilliant movie in my opinion is Blade Runner. The best version is the one without Harrison narrating it. Come to think of it, that demon movie with Denzel was perhaps the only film that needed a narrator and by its end blew me away: I was like, FFFUUCCCKKK; Blade Runner, not so much.
Hollywood is the place dreams die and better ideas turns to shit.
Yes because the Astronaut who went to kidnap her rival and wore astro diapers so as not to take breaks, proves that scientist are not humans who fucks up from time to time, and are esteemed professionals throughout.
My friend takes literal adult retards out on excursions for his church. He took 3 of them to see Prometheus.
One of them said he didn't understand how the guy with the balls got lost when he was the map guy and he was in constant contact with the ship.
The movie is so badly written that people who are legitimately mentally disabled, not just "haha Sup Forums is full of retards" hyperbole, literally mentally disabled people are able to realise it but nobody involved in the film was able to.
>this astronaut went crazy IRL
>this somehow explains an unrelated plot hole in a shitty scifi film
I remember so many of you idiots complaining of how the crew of scientist behaves as if Scientist are some infallible person thats not unlike Captain Spock was. Scientist are people first, you tit! Remember the Columbia disaster? DOZENS OF SCIENTIST SAID FOAM COULD NOT SMASH INTO A NEAR IMPENETRABLE WING (so far as sissy foam is concerned)! And the lead investigator and a HIGH SCHOOL PHYSICS TEACHER were absolutely stunned to learn that SCIENTIST WHO WORK FOR NASA BELIEVED THE FOAM COULD NOT put a whole in the wing! People can be dumb! Get over it!
Oh I'm sorry, how many alien enviornments have you walked into? How many dead giant aliens have you seen? It fucked the guys up, one of them started to crack and attacked Mum, in case you didn't remember.
All you faggots are missing the main point of the Alien franchise, and the reason why we watch these movies.
The bonus situation.
You actually believe scientist are some infallible person who can do no wrong? Fuck you son, scientist are people and people are both awesome and retarded all at once.
I was excited about a movie starring Noomi Rapace and a Michael Fassbender head discovering the origins of the human race in a movie that continued to move away from the Alien shit that's been done to death.
Instead we're getting a remake of Prometheus with fucking Alien eggs
Guys I don't know if I want to see this.
The trailer looks like dogshit and this old fart hasn't made a good film in 16 years.
Wat do?
Who the fuck types like this?
I've never seen someone use that many exclamation marks in one post.
>keeps bringing up the astronaut thing
Now I know you're just trolling. You laid it on too thick son.
I'm personally looking forward to some Davekino. Top of the food chain, God-like villainary.
Fucking retarded studios and hacks like Ridley himself made franchize of one good sci-fi horror. Every next movie was worse than the previous one. Absolutely no fresh ideas, all the same shit over and over again.
When there's a chance to make something they fail it in most plain way. Engeneers are humanoids, their world is like ours, aliens are biological weapon.
>engeneers are fucked up living beings blend with biotechnics
>they don't have personalities or thoughts and are more like droids, or hivemind thats only is growing and reproducing all the time
>aliens may have more life cycles than we thought
>may be every egg on 1979 movie spaceship was different
>humans try to make a contact with engeneers but are not considered even as a proper life form and simply ignored
Some shit like this. Or whatever. Why not try to make it interesting? Why not try to make it weird like the first movie was? Why make that fucking shitty awful AVP crossover? Why? Why? Why are you doing it to us, Ridley?
It's going to be TFA all over again.
>exact same character archetypes
>exact same situations and character development in a slightly different setting
>"nerds" creaming themselves when they see something they recognize from a 40 year old movie
>$1b box office, with 5 sequels planned afterwards
Can't wait for them to completely abandon the Prometheus shit and go straight back to where they came from.
He was scared and unable to concentrate. He clearly didn't contact anyone in the ship because Janek wasn't aware that the team had split. In fact Fifield and Milburn likely didn't notice they were lost because they were discussing the discovery of alien life. What people forget is that the storm forced the team to return to the ship quite early, Fifield and Milburn probably only needed to take one wrong turn and it'd take them too long to backtrack before the storm cut them off.
Secure that autistic shit Hudson
And the cornbread.
All I need to know is who's playing Trump in this movie.
Obviously is Danny McBride.
David is Trump. He wants to make evolution great again, but fails miserably.
Although he still manages to get knuckle deep in some Arcturian poontang.
>he's defended the movie so much that he knows the character names in this shit 4 year old movie off by heart
>tfw he's not trolling and legitimately this retarded
Mother of God
Yes, I can remember characters from a movie I've seen. Is this exceptional now?
All you cucks complained and now we are getting another generic normy alien film.
Why does Ridley Scott try to be James Cameron? Part of the appeal of the first movie was that you didn't see the alien really. Just turning this into a slasher film misses the point.
There's no such a thing as
>generic alien film
They are all different and are mostly bad. First two are good movies, and the first one is the only that can be called "good alien movie". Aliens = Starship Troopers.
Not to say much: fuck off.
He's too old to think properly. And hollywood is ok with it. If dubs, Scott is literally retarded.
>supporting characters from a shitty 4-5 year old movie you feel the need to write multiple paragraphs of defence for in throwaway threads on Sup Forums
It kinda is yeah.
Go fuck a duck, bitch!
>remember wayland corp? they still send retarded unprofessionals on primary and revolutionary expeditions though their expeditions are literally
NEVER succesful
Defend this hack.
>remember prometheus? Covenant is a remake of a bigger scale.
>u dont know if its set after or before prometheus.
>There's no such a thing as
>generic alien film
there's been 3 or 4 of them, so yes there is
I wonder where that meme came from that scientist are not to be fallible. When did this meme began and where was I when it really picked up steam.
Alien = slasher in space
Aliens = Starship Troopers
Alien 3 = Prison movie in space
Alien Ressurection = French Comedy in Space
Prometheus = At Mountains Of Madness in Space.
don't ever fucking compare Lovecraft to that bullshit prometheus flick
>Confirmation bias from only seeing Special Order 937 related Weyland-Yutani storylines.
>Covenant plot explicitly states David 8 is on the Engineers home world alone, trailer shows ship he sailed off in at end of Prometheus.
And we're back to this
You're fucking retarded but then this is readily apparent by your autistic defence of Prometheus
This sounds like a REEEEEEEEEasonable post to me
you guys would literally complain about anything.
Guillermo Del Toro gave up of trying to make At The Mountains Of Madness movie after watching Prometheus.
Why is technology in the prequels far more advanced than the mechanical and analogue shit in Alien and Aliens? Fucking ruins the entire franchise for me. Why couldn't they just get it right in 1979 and millennials like me could at least try to enjoy this hack trash?
I said Lindolf turned a better idea into shit. I never said the REwritten script or the movie was flawless, I said the scientist argument made NO FUCKING SENSE. Scienstist are some of the dumbest most clueless people you would ever meet. I know a few, they're not that fucking bright. Being able to study something and sit in a lab and do something Does not fucking mean you're some all knowledgeable git. They're people first and a great many of them sucks at anything else other than studying and experiments. Educate your fucking self before you wreck yourself, bitch.
You wanna know why? because its a fucking movie, its made to watch and enjoy, not to make it a mathematic circle.
grow up manchild.
>any flaw ever abot anyting
>its just a movie man grow up
Plebeian view disregarded. Bet you sometimes whistle, just for the fun of it.
Most scientist are bad at many practical things, but they are good at their own shit. Prometheus scientists failed their own stuff. Bad writing.
Also, if you think that P. is bad only because of the retarded scientists, you are being delusional.
These guys get it. Prometheus was way better than people give it credit for and it was a fresh breathe into the franchise, well actually it was something new.
Ridley has gone on record a few times saying how much he hates doing sequels but everyone got so but hurt that Prometheus wasn't another Alien movie that he caved in and turned Prometheus 2 into Alien 5.
WERE THEY IN A LAB? No. They were on an alien ship, trillions of miles from anywhere in a highly stressful environment. They are not machines nor Vulcan. They're every day people and in most instances they're clueless in every other way except for their perspective disciplines. If you'd remember, one of them attacked Rapace's character because he started to believably freak out.
In fact the scientist and the running from the falling debris are some of the more human things done in the film. Black man hooking up with white boss was also spot on, as were their decision to sacrifice themselves. All those scenes were human. Too human. The scientist mucking up the directions was and is the most human thing that happened in the entire movie. Much like my foam could in no way damage the much harder Columbia shuttle retort, NASA's best and brightest are some of the dumbest people on the globe. They're meticulous masters of their craft, but they can be idiotic and are some of the slowest idiots out there. Any ass knows that with enough speed anything could be deadly. That's why the High School Physics teacher who wasn't even qualified as they were was literally stunned when he heard those whose education and pay was above his say something as stupid as, foam could not be at fault. The high school physics teacher did one formula to show that with enough speed anything can penetrate almost anything else. In the Documentary he spoke of how blades of grass penetrated doors and lamp poles in a tornado storm.
It's like when people said aluminum planes could not cause the building's to collapse when you saw in the video the lighter planes slice through the building like knife through butter.
You need a good story no matter what.
Also Cameron is the one that turned Alien into a franchise. Trying to make a sequel to his movies is career suicide.
the only problem i had with Prometheus was the ending.
besides the only movie that was a huge stinker he did was body of lies
You got to admit, removing your helmet in an alien environment is pretty fucking retarded. Regardless of what your scientific instruments are telling you, there should still be a strict protocols.
>Story by the dumbfuck who wrote transcendence
oh boy
>Yeah, Prometheus was horribly REwritten
I wonder how many of you faggots have actually read that script, or are just regurgitating bandwagon opinions
Prometheus got fucked on the editing table; this is easily deductable by watching the making-of featurette
Almost all of the deleted scenes are worthy additions to the movie which make it considerably less retarded and they were filmed on the basis of the script, and those were just the ones that were included on the bluray
inb5 go to bed lindelof
Not to mention approaching and attempting to interact with an alien species like its a fucking puppie dog.
Did you watch the same Movie I did? The opening scene was fine, I guess but then it got strange, just after the crew woke up. It was in too much of a hurry. Movie could have been twenty minutes longer and really established shots. It at no time lingered on any shots, Just boom, boom, boom,boom, boom, boom, one shot to the other shot to the other shot.
I dont know it looks awesome