>dude, fuck 2016
when will this meme end?
Dude, fuck 2016
Other urls found in this thread:
Rey will never be kidnapped and forced to wear that outfit.
>Being a contrarian faggot for the sake of being a contrarian faggot
right on time
What if they repair Carrie with cyborg parts? That would be pottery.
Can 2016 get any worse? Celebrity deaths, Trump, the list goes on..
>Libcuck """celebs""" dying off
feels amazing
Sup Reddit
In a few days
>being pro brexit
>being pro trump
>hating liberals
These are all characteristics of redditors
fuck drumpf and fuck white people.
t. Libcuck
you just know
yeah, this meme is really bad
who cares if a bunch of celebrities died of old age? most of them weren't even active any more
what david bowie and prince had done in the past few years?
sure, you can get sad because a celebrity you fancy passed away but to call this the worst year because of that?
Man, I'm already looking forward to 2017, because the people in the 'fuck 2016' camp are going to have so much more to complain about. Trump sworn in, European countries turning nationalist, more lefties dying and getting BTFO...
It's going to be beautiful. 2016 was one of the best years of my recent life, and I feel like it's only going to get better going forwards.
WTF I love Reddit now
>what david bowie and prince had done in the past few years?
Bowie's last two albums were among his best.
No they weren't.
There has got to be enough room for at least one more big celebrity death. Robert De Niro must be very nervous.
WTF I love Reddit now
Got Captain America Civil War, Doctor Strange, Hacksaw Ridge, and Star Wars Rogue One. 2016 was great as a movie fan.
2016 is hands down the greatest year of the 21st century.
Only 2001 come close.
Whenever I ask someone why 2016 sucked this is all they bring up. I then ask "what in your immediate life has sucked this year" but they never have an answer for me.
None of the shit you mentioned is going to affect them in any meaningful way but they act like it's the end of the world.
How will his wife's sons cope?
Kind of like conservatives and Obama.
I don't remember conservatives rioting in the streets when Obama when.
Most people disagree.
Yes they were you fucking faggot
And yes 2016 sucked
>tfw you know there'll be a scene in episode 8 or 9 where she sees the slave Leia outfit and is grossed out by it
Then it'll comically cut to her dressed like a muslim and everyone in the audience will be meant to clap
Normies hadn't infected the internet nearly as much as they have at this point so I didn't have to see any of that.
Good one, Mohammed.
>being smug about basically ruining your own well being because "m-muh libcucks"
I hope it's still funny when you're homeless and subsequently blown up by nukes, Amerifat.
>the newly elect president in my country has no effect in my life
>the fact that my country left the biggest economy block in the planet has no effect in my life
are you a berniecuck?
>what david bowie and prince had done in the past few years?
Blackstar was a masterpiece you pleb
No I voted for Trump but I just know he's going to be just as ineffective as every other president. Needle shifts slightly, my day to day life isn't going to change much.
People saying it for attention constantly is annoying, but you can't deny that 2016 had more notable celebrity deaths than any other year in the 2010s so far. Plus Brexit and Trump. Not that Trump or Brexit are bad (I supported both), but they weren't the expected outcomes. 2016 has been an eventful year
>but I just know he's going to be just as ineffective as every other president
He's already done brazen acts literally no other president has done, is pissing off other countries, and has no experience. You fucked yourself, dingus.
The day you actually start working a job, leave your parents house, read the paper and pay bills like a normal man, perhaps you'll understand that politics affect both the economy and people's lives.
Or you could just open google like the average neet is this shithole and at least pretend you know what the fuck you're talking about. That way you wouldn't be a retard voting for Trump because the memes told you so.
Obama pissed Russia, Syria, Lybia, Pakistan and USA
I've been working and living on my own for the last 15 years, nothing's changed in my life, and read the paper? Are you 60?
Yeah nothing is going to come of that, get a hold of yourself chicken little.
CTR doesn't pay anymore you know?
Fisher is holding on to be the first celeb to die in 2017.
>People with aids die
>waaaaaahhhhhh we should lick China's asshole and ask their permission to take a phone call from Taiwan
fuck off, you little pussy
You just perpetuated it to the end of 2017. T-thanks bro!
> read the paper
>the news says the world is burning down, so im not gonna look out the window to see if it's sunny or not, im gonna believe the TV and screech in the shower
This was the year Kek manifested his powers of chaos.
No, there was just 8 years of smear tactics from the Tea Baggers calling him a nigger and his wife an ape, Congress petulantly blocking every piece of legislation he supported, a house representative publicly calling him a liar while he addressed a joint session.
Riots are the product of frustration. All of the above are products of being spoiled fucking brats.
kek keep trying to convince yourself you're not fucked, Amerifats.
>>being pro brexit
>>being pro trump
>>hating liberals
>These are all characteristics of redditors
Really? Well you just really made me think.
Thanks :^)
>a house representative publicly calling him a liar while he addressed a joint session.
Obama did fucking lie about that, though.
Let me guess, you've only been alive through George Bush and Obama's Presidencies?
Fantastic artistic analysis user, really made me look at my own tastes and choices. You sphincter.
>Libcuck """celebs""" dying off
>People who disagree with need to die
>Not trying to persuade them with superior arguments
>Not learning to work with Liberals
>No let's treat other Americans like our enemies
2016 fucking rocked you flaming faggot. Start
>fucks up having a supermajority in congress for the first 2 years
>"muh ebil tea baggers tho"
Thank fuck for congress then, that lefty retard was a fucking loser.
So you think his behaviour is a logical choice? His behaviour all through the election campaign was part of his post election ruse also? user, it's time to let go. You'll feel better, cos finding excuses for him for the next 4 years will turn you grey.
When hipster faggots can't handle the awesomeness of 2017
It's worked his whole life why would it stop working now? Companies are bending the knee every time he even so much as mentions their names.
Do you think people voted for a Ted Cruz or a Jeb Bush to be President? I don't think so.
Don't worry... will soon be replaced with fuck 2017 meme
if Cruz had won, everyone would be screaming "fucking jesusland!" like they did in 2000
No Obamacare and the expansion of the war on terror was awful for my family personally
>the expansion of the war on terror was awful for my family personally
Take a wild fucking guess
Yeah, but Obama isn't Donald Trump, he isn't a retard.
Why? People are much more likely to die driving to work. Go fuck yourself faggot. War is good for the economy.
>continued warmongering was bad
Honestly, I've completely turned my life around this year. I will always remember 2016 as one of the most important years in my life.
>war is good for the economy
only if you're winning
Was your brother drafted? Nope. Stop being a fucking idiot. He put himself in the situation and got extremely unlucky. Cry me a river. For most other families the war on terror is a good thing.
Did his leg fall off?
Tell that to all of the families of veterans that are killing themselves, it's something like 12 a day.
You end up losing far more men than the actual in combat official death toll.
Take into account the $2 trillion spent on the Middle-East wars and it is a huge net loss.
Oh yes and Sup Forums is a place of love and tolerance. Full fledged feminist atheists here.
>Was your brother drafted?
yes, he died in Latakia
hehe, watch this
This is one of the most upvoted submissions on /r/the_donald.
I don't know, like, five days?
the Sup Forums playbook
this, it's like I'm literally living in nazi germany
>not Saul Alinskis "rules for radicals"
So instead of addressing his fair point you're just going to start daydreaming about a fictional timeline that didn't happen where you guess what people might think?
Cool. They have themselves to blame. War isn't a new thing.
Fuck off reddit.
It's been a pretty great year for me desu
>get over most of my social anxiety by doing my military service
>make new friends, even go out drinking a few times
>get accepted into a decent university
>get two new jobs (that I'll have to quit due to uni)
Too bad about brexit, I was considering studying in Scotland but it seems like a bad time to go now.
>Too bad about brexit
brexit is the best thing that could happen to the UK and ultimately Europe. EU is corrupt and as jew ridden as the UN. Go to Scotland faggot, it'll unironically be great.
Jew Jew Abrams carbon copies every scene from the original episodes. I wouldn't be surprised if this happened.
Implying it won't be Finn forced into that outfit.
don't fall for the brexit memes amerifriend. The EU is fucking garbage, the sooner it implodes the better.
This has been a meme since the 2000s and will likely never end. I see almost every year as just neutral.
Then the year 2020 starts and people will claim as the next "2016". Because Trump will become president for another 4 years kek.
>People who disagree with need to die
not user, but i don't know how you reached this conclusion
>8 more years of lefty tears as we make this country great again
i love this year so fucking much.
Donald Dumbfuck alone makes this an awful year for the books.
We could've had a qualified, sane, eminently prepared woman. But America didn't want to eat it's fucking vegetables and exercise five times a week.
No, it wanted to let racism and sexism run rampant again. It elected a brain dead Cheeto who thinks nothing of tweeting about nuclear war.
Every thinking person is scared for their lives right now. If a disgusting, stupid creep like President Pussygrabber can send a good woman home in tears, what fucking next?
I don't know. And this isn't even getting into Brexit, Syria, celebrity deaths or the countless other heartbreaks of 2016.
Don't tell me this year didn't suck because it absolutely did. It sucked deep, hard, and double mercilessly if you're a Muslim, black, or a woman.
This shit needs to end here. Despite having my heart ripped out a hundred times this year, I'm hopeful 2017 is when we start to fight reaction and white men's last temper tantrum dies down.