Has anyone else noticed how most adults today haven't moved past their teenage years...

Has anyone else noticed how most adults today haven't moved past their teenage years. I know a ton of people well into their 20's who still eats mac n cheese every night for dinner and is still obsessed with superheroes and Harry Potter. I mean, I understand keeping a youthful spirit, but people are so infantilized these days. Grow up and get serious, am I the only one who sees this? I feel like I've taken crazy pills.

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lmfao who careas haha xd

Being an adult sucks dick. Why should I?


Yes,Yes, well done OP, well done OP


Lol being an adult sucks? Since we all know evading the inevitable is the way to making your life better /s
Grow up and make your life better, that cuck attitude won't help you

What do you mean by being an adult? what is your idea of what adult life should be like?

Those days are over, the future is now. If you think that it's bad now, wait until the generations that live through full automation.

There's nothing wrong with them, they're just products of the time.

I play vidya, does that count?

So, you're just realizing that people in their 20's are still kids?

>eat mac n cheese
because it's cheap and caloric, like ramen
>still obsessed with harry potter
and you're obsessed with Jews. we all have our thing.

Yes. I know a bunch of creepy women in their late 20s-early 30s who are obsessed with teenage boybanders. They're all single and desperate and not even in a washed up barslut sort of way but extremely autistic

>Mac and cheese bad
>having fun bad(superheroes)

Poster OP = (Post.isGay()) ? "Faggot": "OP";

OP, you never really grow up.
You still think of yourself the same way at 60 as you did at 20.
The only thing that changes is realizing that your time is running out.

I don't know anyone over 30 with kids that still plays vidya on a regular basis

sounds strange to say it but it really does seem like people who grew up with Ataris see vidya as a part of their childhood, and not meant for adults.

It's a timesink of epic proportions
Worse than even Sup Forums, at least 1% of the shit posted here is informative

Mac & Cheese is "cuisine" originating from the Great Depression because Americans couldn't afford much else to eat than cheap macaroni and cheap cheddar melted together.


probably, but so is probably 90% of television and film, and modern day adults still consume that on a regular basis now.

I guess now that vidya has become a societal norm, we will soon watch as gaming evolves as it is marketed at both children and 30+ adults that still want to play their vidyagaems.

Probably the same reason people who didn't grow up with TV as kids despise it for keeping kids in doors, the process repeats with videogames.

I spent ten hours the last three days assembling my jet ski completely. All the parts were out of the hull. I sank all that time and energy into it, only to have a bad starter, and requiring disassembly of the exhaust system (an hour if you know what the fuck you are doing). So maybe people of my generation, seeing vidya pay off instantly with their pleasure receptors choose virtual timesinks instead of turning on the tv or even sinking cash and effort into something that just fucking eats shit and dies, even after you replace the entire fucking driveline and fuel system.

Jetski $1700
Driveline rebuild $350
Fuel system rebuild $150
Having the fucking starter fuck you over = priceless


xbone $300
xbl $60/year
games $300 for 5 new, or even more on sale
hours of enjoyment for less headache, bureaucracy, and cash.

I should have just bought a fucking gun and shot myself.

Do people actually watch tv for hours at a time while doing nothing else? Not cooking, cleaning, eating etc?

Mac and Cheese is fucking delicious, suck my stubby cock

Dude, you don't know how bad some of us have it. I work at fucking Disney world.
>Hey user, are you going to see (insert latest Disney flick targeted at 8 yo girls)
>No. Why would I? I'm a grown man.
Everyone looks at me like I'm a giant flapping asshole

>not wanting to fuck the bunny

Le edgy ternary statement that you fucked up lmfao

Go back to meme.js pajeet.

Sup Forums and the Internet is THE main reason for this


I'm a low test faggot. I need roids to be a real human bein

I'm over 30 , play video games , don't have kids and fuck a woman who goes to church... so?

Most people I know haven't developed past high school, they're 25 and still listen to the same music, smoke weed everyday, watch manchild shit like adult swim cartoons...

it certainly would mean outgrowing Sup Forums and memes

My grandpa is in his 60s and he plays FIFA all the time.

>Grow up and get serious

Why? What good comes from growing up? It fucking sucks.

Give me pizza, vidya, comics and netflix over that boring 'growing up' shit any time.

The fuck do you care? You sound like a pussy triggered by someone liking something you don't.

>live carefree life pursuing self pleasure and watching the world burn
>work hard, get married, have kids, get divorced, pay child support, work harder, watch the world burn anyway

There is no good reason to grow up.

Internet cynicism is killing a whole generation and Sup Forums is ground zero.

people who want to be serious are a persecuted minority. Even more so on Sup Forums than anywhere else. Sup Forums is designed to keep you infantilized.

Easy times breed soft people. The advent of atomic/nuclear weapons has deterred major world powers from going to war with one another. There is no longer a reason to spend one's life hardening and gaining wisdom. This is both a blessing and a curse because we now see people, living in first world countries, literally inventing problems just to give their dull lives some purpose.

I like this guy

Does this make you feel better, if not then I doubt that you can into Java much.
String OP = (Post.isGay()) ? "Faggot" : "OP";

>pulls the victim card
You can be serious sometimes and joke at other times.
If you dislike the way Sup Forums treats you, why the fuck are you here?

I live like a kid but I could still probably kick your ass.

How does this make u feel?

I could make a few different things, but I'm lazy as shit, so I end up just cooking some pasta, then a tomato "sauce"(cook until all water vaporizes) with ground meat, onion, garlic, and that's literally it. I find noodles despicable and hate shitty food, but I can eat the same fucking thing a dozen days in a row without any problems. If money were a problem I'd probably eat pasta or rice by itself.

I'm not obsessed with anything, I dislike weeaboos and anime, and I dislike faggots who can't comprehend doing other things than they're doing. That said I do spend 99% of my time (which is also free time) doing useless shit on the computer while waiting for time to pass by, certainly not benefiting society in any way, certainly not contributing to any productive hobbies.

the Internet has made it so the process part of gaining wisdom is completely avoided.

You learned infinitely more from a library simply because you had to work to find what you wanted.

And Sup Forums is just the same thing but it removes the effort needed to make a large social group

I never cared for superheros.

I do like a lot of 80s cyberpunk Anime though.

If my experience is worth anything being an adult means watching bad sitcoms and being horribly misinformed about he world while sharing bad jokes on Faceberg and Twatter.

I'll pass on that.

Sup Forums is designed to be an image forum.

People using it while remaining infantilized does not retroactively change it's original goal.

Hey fuck you harry potter is awesome.

How is this even relevant on Sup Forums

There's still time to shoot yourself friend.

I find those things to be fleeting, but to each their own. I find building a family/legacy to be more fulfilling

Because muh """"""""""degeneracy!""""""""""

We will all be children in the future, once there is no more danger in the world

Never said it wasn't, but I'm just perplexed how some can obsess over it

Only when the bombs go off.

Hitting 20 isn't some magic that makes you into a different person. Bills and stress do that, and it's something you'd probably be better off avoiding.

>Implying most threads are relevant

Degeneracy is a very important factor of societal and tribal norms and laws. The more degeneracy is allowed, the worse it becomes on a national, if not global level at this point.

Degeneracy such as sex out of marriage, homosexuality, adultry, BESTALITY, manchilditis, blatant selfishness, and others, are all now legal and celebrates by everyday individuals, yet they'd all put you not only in legal trouble in the past, but the entire commune would despise you.

Yeah I suppose that's true

Let people live however they want OP. I am productive monday-friday and enjoy smoking a fatass bowl on friday nights, jamming out on my guitar. and watching ed edd n eddy when im stoned.

I am 25 years old as well and make 60k a year and pay my bills on time. Let me have my fun.

Wish more people would understand this.

>Grow up and get serious
I work 9 hours days, Monday-Friday, at an auto detail plant, and sometime I have to work Saturday and Sunday too. I have an apartment to myself. I'm resisted for selective service, I pay my taxes. If I want to spend 3 hours a day playing fucking Total war or Dark souls, it's none of your fucking business. I've taken care of the things society expects of me, why can't I have hobbies?

Adults criticize other adults for doing things which they deem a "Waste of time" Before TV it was reading, then TV, then music, now games. I'm not going to change my life for your archaic world view, and anyone who has their life together shouldn't either.

>TL;DR OP is still, and forevermore a faggot

Have we become "the beautiful ones"?

the Internet itself utterly destroyed community forever. And the idea that the Internet should be "private" and not fully public and de-anonymized like the streets has allowed it to proliferate.

Technology is the ultimate enabler of degeneracy.

>Has anyone else noticed how most adults today haven't moved past their teenage years.

the truth is nobody ever moved past their teenage years

people NEVER grow up

they remain fuckheads until the day they die

Rousseau. A passive population of overgrown children that cannot question its elites. This has been the plan for hundreds of years and now we see the fruition.

Yes, and that's why I'd rather have nothing to do with dumbfuck millenials

pol is my home

Geez lol chill, I don't care if you play games in your free time, I do as well. Sounds like you have your life together, don't be so touchy

I hung out with a 37yr old single mom last night. She got wasted and forced herself on me. I had sex with her just so she would stop trying to grab my dick and kiss me. However before all that she kept asking me to put on capeshit. I was sober so I wasn't seeing anything in a skewed perspective. She was a literal female manchild. I have never felt so much pity during sex.

Don't see the issue with having childish hobbies provided you're still a productive and self-reliant member of the community. the problem with millennial manchildren is that they aren't at all.

This one gets it

>de-anonymized like the streets has allowed it to proliferate.
Do you walk down the street telling everyone your name and address?
Or are you just another anonymous face in the crowd?

I like to think I do, but the implication in the OP is that somehow playing games and doing things you enjoy makes you less of an adult, when really it's just an arbitrary age. As long as you take care of yourself, and you're not an autistic sperg about your interests I don't see why you should be looked down upon for having them.

I guess its just the fact that my parents seem to be embarrassed by my playing games, but they're happy enough cheering for sports teams or watch reality TV.
Why is one ok, but the other isn't?

I was the same age as the actors in harry potter, read the books as they came out, and went to almost every midnight showing of the new movies with my sister. It was at least some part of my life, and I'm not going to say "welp, I'm 25, time to forget about this particular series." It may not be even objectively good, but it was fun for me to grow up with, and I'll always like it.

young people have always been like that, it was just less noticeable in the past because people in their 20's took on more responsibility earlier. But people have always been kids to some extent until 30ish

I suppose I wasn't clear enough in my original post, my problem isn't with the things I listed per se, but with people's unhealthy relationship with them. We all need escapism but when people use it to forget about responsibilities then that is an issue. And I see no difference between the stereotypical fatass sports fanatic, and the stereotypical weeaboo. Both are symptoms of the same problem.

Honestly, that makes sense

Mlp is my favourite cartoon and I mostly eat out, I don't really give a shit about moralfags like you

Yet in your OP you assume that the majority of adults are using escapism to forget about their responsibilites. Do you have any evidence to support that claim?

Assuming this is not bait, let me ask you: what about mlp appeals to you?

While growing up I would watch my dad play vidya, and we played a lot together. Good times

Fair enough. Moderation in everything and all that.

Why else do you think "adult coloring book" sales are up?

I can only speak from personal experience, it's completely possible it's just especially bad where I live.

> Can into Java

Stopped paying attention right there. Anyone can "into" java. You don't even have to understand what the fuck a pointer is in that language.

But let's look away from the awesome packaged libraries you have there:


Great language in general. Thumbs up, man.

Well, if you are going to base your argument off an opinion then I will do the same. You sound like you are upset that people choose to live their life different than you do. Should we all live our lives the exact way you want us to? Would that make you happier with your life? It amazes me that you don't hear the dictatorish way you are coming off. I have a sneaking suspicion you are in you early 20s and think you have it all figured out. Ironically, learning to accept that the world the way it is, rather than how you would have it, is the when you truly 'grow up'. You can only control your life in the end.

hello me

It's you

I was just pointing out the fact that there was nothing wrong with my declaration, don't be butt hurt because you have to type a couple extra lines to get where you are going. The language pays well and that's what really and has a fuckton of support, that's what really matters.

Dictatorish? We all have ideas on the best way to live life. I never said I wanna make anything illegal. I was just venting a few of my concerns and thoughts on what I have observed. Dictatorish? Read my comments, do they sound like a totalitarian? Just trying to have some rational discourse, what else is Sup Forums for? ;)

>We all have ideas on the best way to live life.
Correct, but we must accept that everyone has a choice. Some people will make choices that we disagree with, but that doesn't give you the right to tell someone else how to live their life any more than it gives me the right to tell you how to live yours.
We lead by example user. If you are truly that concerned about the current state of affairs, then by all means, get out there and set the example. Do not do it seeking admiration of followers, that is your ego getting in the way. Set the example of the right way because you believe it is the right way. You can only control your life in the end.
In other words, this conversation is in some ways pointless. We can debate til we are blue in the face, but in no way are we going to convince one another to change what we beleive is our personal best way forward.

Can't disagree with you here, except for your last statement, I think talking about these things is important, it's healthy to talk about these things.

I had a conversation similar to this one with my 13yo son last week.
In truth, an adult male doesn't need to talk about these things as they are common sense.
You kinda sound like my wife asking me to talk about my fee-fees more.

I know some a couple of people in their 80 who still play games

mostly shit ones, but the point still stands.

I can see avoiding responsibility and living a slacker life, but this obsession with puerile children's entertainment is a step beyond that. You can be a slacker and still act like an adult and be concerned with adult topics.

Going out in earning money to support my family is awesome. My wife gives me sex, nightly. I have two children who will carry on my DNA and my legacy. I'm never been so loved in my life. Yeah being an adult sucks, have fun with your Harry Potter wizard buddies

>reee stop liking things i dont like

Ten more years.

you should blame george lucas. star wars is the first film franchise that had intensive merchandising tie ins to the film itself. the perfect mix of pop culture and commerce. kids that grew up on that shit are now old enough to have their own children. add the internet and its like childhood nostalgia never died. it gets replayed over and over and over.....

>Being an adult sucks dick
>Why should I?
But you do anyways.

IsFaggot() { return true; }

Your statement and my statement don't produce the same result, sorry you couldn't comprehend

Because I have to be an adult 5 days a week. Acting carefree for the weekend keeps me sane.

I more than comprehended, I produced your outcome while you were still checking conditions. #outmoded