Where does omaha stand politically? I'm moving there from wisconsin soon.
Where does omaha stand politically? I'm moving there from wisconsin soon
You want to live almost as far west in Omaha as you can. North Omaha is Africa and South Omaha is Mexico. Council Bluffs, which is just across the river to the east is nicknamed Counciltucky b/c it's mostly rednecks.
Tons of murders in North Omaha b/c of black gang violence. It's like a little Chicago there.
Now, for the plus side, West Omaha is really nice. It has a clean, suburb like feel. The Old Market area/Downtown is a cool area as well, but make a few wrong turns and your in niggerville again.
Agriculture = Chamber of Commerce = Unending, unchecked, mass immigration
The pan handle is still legit America
Politically, honestly it's got a lot of filthy liberals b/c half the whites are cucked and you know all Dindu's are voting for Democrats.
It's nowhere near as bad as San Fran or LA. In the Obama election the electoral vote got split, I think we have 5 and 3 went to Romney and 2 for Obongo, b/c of Omaha and Lincoln.
Its a flyover state so im sure they have available ' '
I'm from Omaha. What would you like to know?
West Omaha is boring as fuck. If you plan on living out the rest of your life in a generic white neighborhood with soccer moms then be my guest.
North Omaha is African and theres nothing there so no reason to be there. South Omaha is fine. Its just hispanic. Just don't walk around at Night. Council Bluffs is poor and full of rednecks. Lot of porn industry and casino in Couniltucky too.
Downtown Omaha is liberal as is the college campus. Everywhere but West Omaha will be Liberal. The entire state votes Republican though so Lincoln and Omaha is about the only thing.
You don't have to go even close as far as the panhandle to find legit America.
West of Lincoln, especially cities that aren't right on I-80 like Grand Island or Kearney. Rural areas are basically all white with some mexicans maybe but not very many.
As a Omaha native; I suggest living in Dundee. Nice hip part of town, white, and not soccer momish. Near a lot of bars too. Benson is swell too. Cheap too.
Trendy yuppies like aksarben (nebraska spelled backwards) and midtown. New areas in downtown as well.
Omaha actually has quite a lot of shit going on for being on the smaller side of 'large metro areas' or whatever you want to call it, especially considering it's in Nebraska.
It's not as significant as Denver or KC but it's not just a bunch of fucking cornfields like everyone thinks.
You basically just repeated everything I said except for you think West Omaha is boring.
OP has vanished...
If you like music, then the concert halls Waiting Room and Slowdown and Sokol Hall will be your best bet. The casinos also have music as well.
Sports, we have the mavrick hockey team which is good, college world series, baseball near platsmith with the royals, and huskers football/basketball in Lincoln. We also tend to host the summer swimming trials as well.
Casinos of course. Lots of festivals like Arts, Taste of Omaha, First Fridays, etc.
Tons of shopping in Old Market, Dundee Town, and various malls like West Roads and The village.
Club life tends to be either near the Slowdown, Old Market, or Benson. Benson is a very happening part of town. Lot of young folks. I recomend the Beercade and Jakes as a good staple bar. Waiting Room is also here.
Omaha is restuaraunt capital of the United States. You're bound to find something here. I like the gyro shop down in West Omaha. Good Taco place down in one of the outdoor mall things near Trader Joes. And midtown has good places to eat as well.
Use this site called Omahype to find fun stuff
thats because thats basically omaha. and west omaha is fucking boring. dont live there unless you have kids.
Yeah it all just depends on what your looking for. Lots of things like age, relationship status, if you have kids, etc come in to factor when deciding where to live.
The interstate is setup pretty nice so if it's not rush hour you can get almost anywhere in town in a reasonable time.
North Omaha is a ghetto, run down houses everywhere and obviously largely black. Avoid like plague. A couple years ago we had a robotics competition up north and the school was basically a re-purposed jail.
I've lived in west Omaha and the worst I've had to deal with is the occasional hail or tornadoes. Otherwise very friendly neighbors, great weather, very positive community.
source: lived in Omaha for over a decade
West Omaha is not sociable at all from what I saw. You're better off living in downtown apartments if you're looking for a social life. People in west omaha raise kids, talk to other people with kids, and keep to themselves. If you don't have kids and live in West Omaha; you'll be seen as weird and no one will want to talk to. Even so; everyone in west omaha is either a teenager or 40+ parent.
The only problem I've had living in Omaha is the cucked white people in my generation. The fact that I'm white comes up way too often, even when discussing the Constitution with my classmates.
Dundee is best, followed by Blackstone or Benson. Midtown isn't bad, but it's expensive as fuck
>actually attending the university of no opportunity
I mean it feels like a scam, but I'll be able to work a government job at the end hopefully.
>Implying that doesn't describe literally every university nowadays
government hires people from creighton or unl; not uno fyi.
Depends on the neighborhood maybe? I've seen both types where the people just stay inside all day and never go outside, and I've also seen neighborhoods where everyone comes to one person's house and basically has a bonfire every other week.
I grew up in the ladder type neighborhood where everyone knows everybody, we used to throw a lot of parties and have tons of people over. I can see where an outsider might have trouble getting along though.
The city itself is fairly liberal in an otherwise conservative state.
I would say aim for something in midtown, west of 72nd but probably not as far out as 156th, that's just getting into rich boring asshole territory.
Also don't go north of Fort. Ever.
I'm moving to Scottsbluff in a week. I fix farm equipment. Combines and what not. Its probably just like where I'm at in Idaho.
Lol very untrue
Experience matters way more than where you went to school
That's why I'm going to be a teacher at Martin Luther King Jr. High School.
what neighborhood? and the reason you probs got the whole party thing going on is because your parents knew each other.
some weird autist from pol isnt going to have much fun in west omaha.
>people from UNO having any sort of experience
UNO is basically the safety school in case you're too stupid/poor to go to UNL/Creighton
>UNL has black lives matter protest in response to Mizzou
>UNL has major title IX issues
Much superior school desu
Lol I wonder where this superiority complex comes from
I'm guessing you're in highschool
Mizzou is losing new students and donations...but it's 'public' so it will not die and we can pay for it forever!
How the fuck have this many Sup Forumstards lived in Omaha? It's bizarre.
Scottsbluff is way the fuck out in the panhandle.
I'll add, you cannot be a philosopher unless you went to the Frankfurt School.
It's a solid place to live. Cost of living is low, few blacks, strong job market. And the state itself is conservative so that's nice.
>Uno babies mad they can't attend a better school
I went to Texas for my undergrad. No way in hell was I going to spend my college years in Nebraska of all places.
UNL blm protest didn't even accomplish anything just so you know.
I tested into UNL and decided not to go. I can always pursue a masters somewhere else as many teachers do.
West Omaha is where it at.
Also, the medwest is very redstate. I am a conservative in North Carolina, I was sorta liberal in Kansas.
>few blacks
Hmmm... not sure about that. North Omaha is full of Dindu's
They're contained up there. There's few in the real parts of Omaha.
Are you lost senpai?
The band 311 is from Omaha.
Never heard of 'em.
Immigrant or underage.
I'm 19. I don't listen to rock or bands.
>Or bands
So you don't listen to music?
Sounds good
The sand hills are a pretty area, if your from a rural area you will probably like it. Scottsbluff has about 15k people. Honestly I've only drove through it so I'm not sure what the town is like but you aren't too far from Denver or the Black Hills in South Dakota, which are absolutely gorgeous. If you don't like it out there you could probably get a job anywhere in the rural areas surrounding Lincoln and Omaha b/c we have way more farming on this side of the state. Most of western Nebraska is ranchers. Good luck, the people are very nice in Nebraska which I'm guessing is the same in Idaho.