>it's a Tig wants to fuck the tranny episode
It's a Tig wants to fuck the tranny episode
The death of Tig's daughter did not make up for the majority of the suffering he caused and it's bullshit he lived at the end
Tig literally did nothing wrong.
Why did SAMCRO have such a liberal policy when it came to Jews, Spics and Trannies?
Because they weren't black
Because the priority is money not racial purity
That's what happens when you let Ron "The Jew with the Jaw" Perlman take over your MC
>Because the priority is money not racial purity
>juice goes full fucking retard thinking the club will kick him out for having a black father,which resutls in him becoming a NARC and killing a fellow member to keep it a secret
And then it turns they wouldn't have cared.
Black people are stupid and act rashly
>Black people are stupid and act rashly
What's Tig's excuse?
He's a pyscho
They were reaching out.
No he's not, he's just mentally disturbed
Dont be transphobic please
>it's a gemma ruins everything for everyone episode
This show got pretty dumb towards the end
Last two seasons went Dexter.
it was always dumb at some point I realized it was pretty much GTA missions/rpg fetch quests
>sorry fellows I can't let those guns out of the port unless you help me with my problem
>hey guys we'll help you with your problem if you get one of our guys out of lockup
>I'd love to help you get that guy out of lockup but I need someone to babysit my wife's son
and so on and so on.
even the aryan brotherhood will do business with niggers and spics if they get a good profit out of it
with criminal organizations, the image they have is just a fascade and it's always about the money
some real life bikers often drive cars more than bikes in their day to day life, they only ride their bike for appearance sake
Tasty air
Blacks couldn't join SAMCRO but they were more than welcome in the Grim Bastards.
The Mayans were the latino crew. You want to ride as a mex? You ride Mayan.
>it's a Jax tries to get the club out of guns but fails right at the end and ends up selling even more guns season
>It's a Irish kidnap Jaxes son in order to sell him to a highest bidder episode