Why didn't they get back together?

Why didn't they get back together?

Because Jerry was bad at sex.


Because this that and the other

Because Seinfeld isn't some shitty romcom like Friends

smal penis

he never made her cum

it's canon btw

They did, for an episode, to shut NBC executives up. But as above user said, this wasnt that kinda show.

Exactly my thought. I was rewatching Friends yesterday after 4 years and its just not funny =, its just fucking dating bullshit. Now i know why people rate Seinfeld way higher.

Jerry only packs a 6 incher.

Half of Seinfeld is dating bullshit, though. Someone has a new partner in almost every episode.

He had the move, and Elaine loved the move.

But that's still funny instead of Ross getting back with Rachel again and again, Monica dating Chandler , Phoebe with joey, Joey with Rachel. It's just fucking bullshit.

But there isn't any dating drama. The dates are just jokes for the story, we aren't meant to care for the relationships, like we are in Friends.

This. It's rare to find a comedy without the emotional dating relationship shit.

because Puddy's dick was better

They did once or twice

Yeah that's right.

came here to post this. elane is only friends with jerry because jerry is ultimately a bitchboy. putty is the giant dicked retarded chad every girl really wants

>jerry is ultimately a bitchboy
He's not though. He couldn't care less about Putty getting his sloppy seconds when he's out banging a new 10/10 every week and dropping her because of some minor shit she does that annoys her.

jerry is a slutty woman in the show dude, a nancy

Which is better slashteeveeslash? Fraiser or Seinfeld?

Do you think Elaine did anal?

High five!

>tfw no Elaine gf

Jerry's fit is fire. Gonna copy it when I go to brunch tomorrow.



Jerry couldn't commit/make a full transition from being friends to dating. He always saw her as a friend rather than a girlfriend.

But Puddy stole Jerry's "move" which Elaine was a fan of.

>tfw no ketchup secret


George had better fits though.

>this is morning mist

because it was a well written show

You're reading this post in my voice. high five.


she was cute and innocent with the puffy hair till season 5-6 and then they suddenly changes her hair with that fucking ugly black lipstick as she became an annoying selfish bitch.

because it didn't rely on faggy relationship drama


Yeah, she looked great with the puffy hair -- especially when she let it down.

Seinfeld without a doubt.

But Frasier's pretty good.


Seinfeld. Easily.

But Frasier is a close second. It's also responsible for my favourite half hour of comedy ever - Ham Radio

Shit. Meant for Also, Lilith is the GOAT side character.

Is Curb Your Enthusiasm any good? I've almost finished watching Seinfeld and I don't want it to end, and Larry David wrote both.

>wanting to watch a show about two married Jews complaining about everything

>Jerry is a narcissistic germaphobe perfectionist
>George is a narcissistic lazy life-dodger
>Elaine is a narcissistic slutty gold digger
>Kramer is a narcissistic weird loner

Frasier and it's not even close.

It's pretty awesome. Larry David is GOAT.

This, except Seinfeld.

frasier is shit
only good things on the show were the dog and the cane

is Frasier recommended? if yes, which seasons?

I wouldn't call Kramer a loner, he hung out with a lot of different groups


All of them. There's a drop in quality from about S7-8 but it's still a very enjoyable show until the end.

You mean Bob Sacamano?

>that episode where Elaine finds out how rich Jerry is and starts flirting with him constantly

Every episode is Larry putting his foot in his mouth and the funny music plays while every other second there is some pop or modern culture reference. Honestly it is garbage but idiots lap it up

Awesome terrible wrong opinion you have there, user.

He never sticks with any group consistently though and he has no idea how social norms work. He was probably a high functioning schizo or autist.

Him and his smoking buddies and his poker buddies and he played golf with a good bit of people

They are too conscious of each other's schemes and Jerry can't make her come.

It's one the best sitcoms of all time, and if you watch it after Cheers (another one of the best of all time) you get to watch a 25 year character arc play out over 539 episodes with some of the best supporting characters you could ever ask for.

Yeah, this is true

Julia Louis-Dreyfus will always be a 10/10 in my book. would bang repeatedly.

Kelsey, why are you so butthurt?

thanks user. Merry xmas

its hit/miss compared to seinfeld. some episodes are hilarious (officer krupke) while others are total cringey trash

Because of CAM WINSTON!

Seriously though, you nerds asking Frasier or Seinfeld are asking the wrong question, Seinfeld and Frasier are inarguably at the top of the mountain. The question was always Seinfeld or Friends to see if a person was a pleb or not.

I like all three because I'm a contrarian.

thank you too m8

is watching ellie any good?

Thats some awful taste you have there user.

>liking Friends

>A narcissist
>A loner

Pick none. He was just an autistic mooch.

Frasier, simply because there's zero clip shows

Seinfeld is kino while Fraiser is, at most, flick

All of them until two of the main characters get together.

>a mooch
>not a narcissist
The dude literally raided his neighbor's fridge daily

Says the gay man.


a beggar or scrounger.

Mooching off everyone is narcissistic behavior. Instead of going out and making yourself better you give up and depend on other people.
If you aren't disabled, that is narcisssism.

>tfw no Elaine and Lilith threeway

they know better than that
see the episode where jerry lets out his emotions

Why does Sup Forums keep hyping this show so much?
It's boring on so many levels.

> Annoying theme song
> Constant laugh track
> Cheering and clapping for Kramer everytime he enters Jerry's apartment
> George getting a constant stream of hot chicks
> Unlikable characters

The only saving grace were the supporting characters like Newman and George's boss.

This show doesn't deserve the praise it gets and is not worthy to even be in the same category as outstanding sitcoms like Frasier and Friends

she liked ass play
he didn't

It's literally the Big Bang Theory of the 90's but the Jewlovers that populate this board refuse to admit it.

Hellooo Newman ;^)

hahaha you got cucked by your own BROTHER frasier ahahahah

Nice trips

If you think about it the big bang theory and seinfeld do have a lot of similarities.

> Annoying theme song
> Tall,quirky one is the fan favorite
> Short, balding manlet gets hot girls
> Laugh track
> Unlikable characters
> Bad writing and bad jokes

No he didn't. They had been divorced for like fifteen years.

>that scene where George is being overtly homoerotic to Jerry after Jerry throws his emotions away again
>"Right back atcha, slick"
Every damn time

Sorry you don't remember Seinfeld when it was aired, youngfags. Don't hate it because it's better than your shows.

ahahaha KEKED

I remember it and I'm probably older than you. I remember that it was the Big Bang Theory of the 90's. I'm sorry that you are twenty years old and wasting your life on Sup Forums but acting like things that are facts are not facts to try to gain some sort of cred over the fourteen year olds also wasting the best years of their lives here is not going to work on me.

Sorry kiddo. I'm 35 and have watched the original run of Seinfeld.

Yea uhuh keep telling yourself that.

You added two decades to your life. Stop posting

>Get told

Definitely not over twenty.

If you think I'm wrong why don't you actually come up with proper responses to the criticisms raised instead of whining like a little kid?

(you)r autism though

Yet another awesome rebuttal. Thanks user, you really proved us wrong.

yeah but (you)r autism though

>tfw no elaine jewfu