So uh, how come nobody is discussing the fact that the orlando shooter's wife is missing?

so uh, how come nobody is discussing the fact that the orlando shooter's wife is missing?
is there a media blackout?

she literally took money out of his bank account during the shooting and now she's gone. They didn't have anyone monitoring her.

like 3 news outlets have reported it total, and there hasn't been updates for hours
what's going on?
did the FBI make the media shut up about it so obama didn't look like an incompetent fuckwad again?

Other urls found in this thread:


Fox news covered it apparently

no left-wing outlet has touched it at all
media blackout confirmed

Delete this.
Final warning.

Yahoo news covered it...


literally no major news outlet besides Fox has touched it, especially no left-wing outlet.


smart move

"missing" i.e. dead and disposed of after the CIA decided her role in this orchestrated tragedy is over

Did anyone save the image of the imdb with Omar in that Afghan movie? Looks like the page has been shoah'd.

Omar Mateen
November 16, 1986
New Hyde Park, New York, USA

June 12, 2016 (age 29)
Orlando, Florida, USA

Well, that's new. If my phone wasn't such a potato I'd look through the archives.

We're witnessing a whitewashing, this is pretty intense

She's in Mosul now

how come nobody cares?
I'm trying to tweet it to major people and everyone seems to be ignoring it

what the fuck is happening


NPR is running constant coverage that the shooter fits more of a "random shooter" profile than a muslim terrorist. If the muslim wife and rest of his family is involved, they can't push the anti-gun message as hard.

i dunno man its always like this. If you yell too loud you'll start to get threats and the rest.

>using Twitter

There's your first problem, may as well be screaming into the void.

I posted about it earlier on Sup Forums and just got ignored
this should be huge news, shouldn't it?

Because he wasn't gay. The wife would have denied his homosexuality so they removed her.

>can't just lie gratuitously about guns
>their idea of a constitutional expert is Lying Jack Kerkove or Duck Huntin' Obama
>today EJ Dionne said that we have reached some sort of turning point, and now Trump will become unpopular and gun legislation will become possible
>David Brooks apologized for how stupid conservatives are and otherwise agreed

They aren't covering it because isn't she in custody? They have the grand jury shit going on don't they?

yes, but she's probably dead or in gitmo and notbody wants to make too much noise about it.

No, she fled.
The FBI had her then they let her go home and now she's gone.
The local police were supposed to monitor her apparently, and they didn't.


To be honest this is probably getting hushed becasue of the incredible incompetence of the FBI and local authorities they have historically had terrible coordination that leads to fuck ups like this.

She's probably on a flight from Mexico City to Kabul right now or has already landed.

she literally knew what her husband was doing, even helped him, so of course she probably would GTFO.


You can say the same thing about the wife of one of the Boston Marathon bombers. Where did she go? How come no one in the media has tried to interview her after all this time?

havent you guys got witness protection in the states.

accessories to crime aren't witnesses.

Do you think spooks are getting nervous yet? They'll only have one chance to "retire" the god emperor once he has assumed office. If they fail to clip his wings on the first pass, he'll justifiably declare himself dictator and liquidate the elements currently in control of the security apparatus. Probably safer for them if they prepare to bend a knee, because the emperor is waiting for them, and he will not be merciful towards traitors.

Unless they cut a REAALLY good deal.

So they just let her go after the FBI picked her up? So far I just see the father saying he doesn't know where she is. Could he just be retarded and she is being held.

Watch her commit another attack. To finish what Omar started.

I dunno, I need more proof that she is missing and not just hiding from the public before spreading the story.

she's gone, the deputies were there for her and she wasn't there

the deputies went to the father's house for her and she wasn't there

he had good taste

>Salman was reportedly living with Mateen's father in Fort Pierce


She either escaped or is in an airplane being taunted by Bill Wilson.

Thought she was recently placed on the no fly list. Maybe too late

it was another hoax

witness protection would make sense

so a shitskin exagerated a story a little bit

and this means the entire thing is fake?

you put a lot of faith in niggers, user


Media blackout confirmed.

"noor salman missing" is the first suggestion on jewgle if you type in "noor salman"
but no articles are covering it

when did RT become such a left-wing shitrag? It used to be a right-wing russian propaganda outlet
I'd have expected them to cover this by now and make fun of the FBI but all they're discussing is why he had no real links to ISIS and how it wasn't terrorism, wtf

Obongo probably promised him that his wife would get immunity in exchange for his cooperation in the false flag.

theres plenty of fucking garbage going on with this event
its 19 seconds to skip the faggy intro btw

except this isn't some retarded conspiracy theory
the media is covering this shit up to make the FBI, and by extension the state department, not look like complete fucking idiots

Jesus fucking christ obama is a joke. people meme about trump saying stupid shit but I bet he would never let this happen.

This. Pretty simple explanation really. Could be a result of Presidential directives about not unfairly targeting Muslim Americans, and then poof goes their material witness in one colossal clusterfuck of cuckoldry.