What the fuck is her problem?
She is one crazy bitch and her hate for white christians is insane.
What the fuck is her problem?
She is one crazy bitch and her hate for white christians is insane.
Other urls found in this thread:
she's jewish and female, the worst combination
>someone makes a joke/makes light of a situation/comments on something negatively
>an overweight, extraordinarily brainwashed teen from pol construes it as "insane hate" in the most textbook case of psychological projection ever
Applies to 99.9% of cases of you SJWs calling things "anti-white."
>she'll never be your cuckoldress
why even live?
I don't know. Most Christian white girls are ordinary at best.
spotted the jew
all these exaggerated images remind me of is that old I AM SILLY! comic, real hard to take seriously
I want a jewess to control me.
The left has gotten aware of how they embarrass themselves so they're trying to unload all the terms describing them onto the right.
Every bullet point there is so accurate it hurts to read. You must be one delusional moron.
Yeah, sensible people believe in the patriarchy, white privilege, male privilege 73 genders and fartkin.
This makes no sense. OP is an SJW because he gets triggered by jokes that aren't on his list of approved dogma and because he characterizes them as "insane hate" i a desperate attempt to make himself look like a victim of oppression. Just because you're mentally ill and hold onto double standards for life doesn't mean people aren't going to point out that you're clearly an SJW.
Based mark.
But it is insane hate. Did you see her "sell the vatican" campaign a few years ago?
I don't mind politically left comedians like John Oliver or John Stewart for example, they're both genuinely funny guys. But people like Sarah Silverman and Amy Schumer mask genuine hatred and malice under this guise of humor. It's mentally ill and they're allowed to get away with it.
Not insane hate, you're still projecting. Criticizing the Vatican's greed is not insane nor is it hateful. You're an SJW.
She did nuffin' wron'.
>making this strawman even when the alt right believes in all of those things with the words swapped out
You're projecting and making it blatantly obvious that you're a jew not everyone is the Sup Forums boogeyman
>Criticizing the Vatican's greed
What greed exactly? Vatican City is tiny and represents over a billion Catholics. Oh and it's not a criticism, it was a campaign. The rhetoric she spews over Christianity is clearly indicative of her hatred for it.
How about we sell Israel and feed the world instead?
All the Jews hate white people and Jesus.
The Vatican is a hoard of treasure making it the very definition of mindless greed, especially when you consider its attachment to a religious institution that prides itself on charity (which is always a backhanded brainwashing attempt).
America has elevated the Pharisees as Gods in the Earth.
>Sup Forums believes in censorship
Why do so many Jews hate white people so much. Like where does it come from, you don't see this shit towards blacks or Asians
What do you suggest the Vatican dose with it's hoard of treasure sell it to rich people to hang up in their Living room?
They don't, they have a tiny percentage of racists/hateful lunatics like every other demographic does, you mentally ill whiner.
>The Vatican is a hoard of treasure making it the very definition of mindless greed
It's an actual country that has been built up and established through centuries of architecture and culture. What mindless greed is there aside from it looking pretty?
>especially when you consider its attachment to a religious institution that prides itself on charity
So who gives a shit? You don't get to invade a country just because you don't like their culture.
If you're so concerned about injustice then why not look at the Jewish nation instead?
White Christians are the real chosen people and not the Jews
>Sup Forums
The Vatican is a "country" with a population of 450 that represents a religion which claims to follow the teachings of Jesus. Jesus would sell his massive hoard of gold and use the money to feed the poor. This is the source of the joke and the "invasion" you hilariously put it in the typical cringeworthy victim-obsessed SJW nature of a pol shitposter.
>If you're so concerned about injustice then why not look at the Jewish nation instead?
Because it has no relevance and the only people who see Israel as an injustice are liberal SJW, neo-Nazi, and Muslim shills.
She is like what 40 something years old?
No kids - that train has left
No husband - never going to get something being that edgy spoiled princess at that age
Its her own fault
They throw a temper tantrum if even the slightest thing outside their narrow echo chamber agenda appears on television. Their ideal world features as much or more censorship than a typical Islamic country. How can you say they don't crave censorship?
She refuses to have kids because she is worried her children would inherit her mental illness, not even kidding
That just means she can now be an unrestrained sex-bot.
Yeah, much better to use all your available resources to feed the perpetually poor perpetually hungry masses. Who cares about creating beauty that lasts generations?
>The Vaitcan is a "country"
So it's a legitimate nation then? Great, let's move on.
>That represents a religion which claims to follow the teachings of Jesus
Right, the teachings, not the lifestyle. Or do you think every Christian is a hypocrite for not being a nomad who tries to do good deeds?
>Jesus would sell his massive hoard of gold and use the money to feed the poor
The Pope has sold off his personal assets to help feed the homeless. You're asking for him to sell the necessary infrastructure he needs to head the Catholic world as well. That's retarded.
>This is the source of the joke
So let's recap. The source of the joke is: even though the Catholic church does participate in donations all around the world, even though the Pope has sold off his personal affects to help feed the homeless, it's not enough because his house looks too nice? Yeah that doesn't reek of a hate-filled opinion at all.
>Because it has no relevance
It does though. Sarah Silverman is an outsider looking in. She's criticizing the entire world of over a billion people when her culture and people are guilty of far, far greater crimes. Change comes from within, not from Jewish banshees shrieking at the sight of a crucifix.
>liberal SJW, neo-Nazi, and Muslim shills.
You drop buzz words like an SJW. Maybe you should go back to Sup Forums or Tumblr.
She's a kike.
None of those are buzzwords, those are legitimately the demographics of people who distort facts badly enough to whine about Israel. I'd bet anything you fall into one of those groups. Palestinians are obese gluttons riding on charity coming directly from the US and Israel, not "oppressed." They're incredibly lucky their warmongering hasn't gotten them far worse.
>anyone committing worse crimes or more crimes than Catholics
jews are vile creatures from the synagogue of satan
>the worst combination
depends on if they have big tiddies or not
>None of those are buzzwords, those are legitimately the demographics of people
Look up the definition of buzzword. SJW, neo-Nazi and Muslim shill all fit in. It's even more apparent when you spam them every post.
>Palestinians are obese gluttons
Two wrongs don't make a right. Palestinians could be camel riding mongoloids, it doesn't excuse how fucking childish Israel is. What happened the other day? The US didn't pander to their every need in the UN and they immediately jumped to the 'US is anti-Israel' rhetoric. Again.
This is a classic leftist tactic. They've been doing this for over a hundred years.
I wonder why
Perhaps white christians actually are shit
What retarded person made this.
The irony and hilarity of nazi useful idiots making images like this is too much to bear. You're impossibly dumb.
It's what libcucks do. Liberals are such faggot unfunny losers
Not an argument
>can't dislike nazis and kikes
shiggy diggy
It's also a "tactic" of people with basic observational skills.
>encounter someone who claims to be anti-SJW yet displays every single characteristic of one, right down to hypersensitive virtue signaling "offendedness" when unapproved free speech happens
Not everything that criticizes you or your mind-blowing hypocrisy is a plot.
>white genocide isn't real goy, don't disrespect muslims that would be islamophobic
Do you even know who Karl Marx is? He was a rabid anti-Semite. Even though he was a Jew he still fucking hated it.
He wrote an entire book to say just how shit Jews are. They're culturally the most pro-Capitalist and that disgusted him.
Saudi arabia and Israel are buddies. they both hate the shia, all jihadis are sunni/salafi/wahabbi (aka saudi version of islam).
mosques in europe are built by saudi money, and are salafi mosques. even refugees think these mosques are extreme and crazy
>Palestinians are obese gluttons riding on charity coming directly from the US and Israel, not "oppressed." They're incredibly lucky their warmongering hasn't gotten them far worse.
I cherish her jewbs.
It isn't real, how can even a shitposting dumbass like you continue to claim it is after you saw that the media couldn't even stop Trump from getting elected? Do you have any understanding of logic at all or do you just compartmentalize all of your beliefs so petty consistency and logic can't get in the way of them conflicting?
kikes really are subhumans huh?
>it's a Sup Forums thread
Why do you pathetic shits waste your time on politics and shit?
There's literally 1000000 better things you could be doing with your time.
If you care about politics you should probably kys
>just let the jews do whatever they want
free speech for them but not us?
It's interesting desu. If you're interested in foreign cultures and nations, you learn about politics just by proxy.
>how can even a shitposting dumbass like you continue to claim it is
>shitposting dumbass
Hope that's useful to you.
Ah, so you're a Marxist and you don't even realize it. Seems like there's a term for that as well....
>If you care about politics you should probably kys
yeah dude just turn your brain off and watch capeshit
Why do Jews love promoting multiculturalism so much
>you can be an accidental Marxist
Get out
There's another one now.
hello jidf. winning "the battle" against Sup Forums yet?
leave this site, you disgusting trash
but I've got nowhere else to go
multiculturalism is what they claim to want, but actually, they fuel differences and conflicts so that other cultures destroy each other.
the jews wants to bring everyone else down to their own level, as it's easier for them than to elevate themselves up to everyone else's level.
*outside of israel
>what is a useful idiot
too bad they didn't gas your ancestors back in the day.
>it's easier for them than to elevate themselves up to everyone else's level.
Like endless pissing and whining on Sup Forums is for you? You're not "everyone else", user. I think even you know that.
Do you guys know how diverse 'Jewishness' is? Not every Jew came from a Polish or Russian ghetto. They're spread all over the world. They have different cultures from country to country and then again for each kind of Jewish diaspora: Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Mizrahi, etc.
How can their possibly be some international conspiracy when they lack even a common language? Yes, some Jews are extremist and crazy, but you get those kinds of people in every demographic. There have been plenty of oddball Christians in history too.
>What the fuck is her problem
She won't find me and ride me like a horse needing to be broken while flaring her nostrils and yelling IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO YOU PIECE OF SHIT
That's her problem
Politics, especially identity politics, is extremely appealing to idiots because it's easy to digest and you never, ever have to admit you're wrong. Defying logic and refusing to admit that you have it wrong is seen as a virtue by your "side" in politics. When you're wrong in politics, simply attempt to change the subject or call your opponent Jewish and you automatically win the argument. Sup Forums regularly argues that 3 + 4 = 23 simply by repeating it over and over with other people repeating it over and over. In politics, as long as you scream really loudly, you're right. Contrast this against any scientific/empirical hobby, where refusing to admit you're wrong will get you shunned and ridiculed by your peers.
>an overweight, extraordinarily brainwashed teen from pol
they're fucked-up wretched adults. in its way I suppose that's shocking but there's no point refusing to acknowledge it
>endless pissing and whining
I'm just posting facts and you're not making any arguments but "whaaa stop saying things about jews"
ehhhh i'd still take them over Palestinians
Kikes are parasites on this good earth
A useful idiot is a tool for Marxists, not a Marxist himself.
>belittle the speaker, thus belittling the argument
So many classic leftist tactics in here, it's like a greatest hits record.
>There have been plenty of oddball Christians in history too.
These people aren't Christians, although they pay it the occasional insincere lip service. The idea that any of 'em could practice a Christianity that Jesus would regard with anything except disgust is ridiculous.
This sums up about 96% of Sup Forums
Yeah, you've got nothing.
Someone went through the trouble of pointing out that many newspaper clippings mentioning 5 million or 7 million Jews also existed over those several decades, which is about the simplest way to point out that you're an idiot who doesn't understand what selection bias is, and you still post this without regard for how embarrassingly stupid it makes you look. Fucking amazing.
>REEEEEEEEEEE no one makes fum of my star wars REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
They all fit in the oven.
kek you can hear him saying to norton "this is inappropriate"
>everything's a coincidence when it's against jews
Literally tumblr