How does Sup Forums feel about this?

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>The teen's parents, Daniel and Savilla Stoltzfus, of Quarryville, Lancaster County, also were arrested after they told police they had "gifted" their daughter to Kaplan four years ago.

>The girl was 14 at the time, and Daniel Stoltzfus gave her to Kaplan as thanks "for helping his family out of financial ruin," according to the criminal complaints.

Alpha as fuck

this would be legal in a libertarian society

Admirable quaddubs

Once their farm was saved, Daniel Stoltzfus, now 43, did some internet research and concluded that it was legal to give their daughter to Kaplan, Heckler said.

Savilla Stoltzfus, 42, was at Kaplan's house when the child-welfare check was made, Heckler said.

The Stoltzfuses "think he's a wonderful man," Heckler said.

Would it, though?

daily reminder that its okay to stereotype men based on their car and apperance as long as its done by a female

Jen Betz, 37, a mother of two young children, said she was the neighbor who called a child-welfare hotline about Kaplan. She said she called Bucks County Children and Youth on Wednesday because she was concerned about the girls - some 7 or 8, some young teens - she saw at his house, which she noticed had boarded windows and high weeds.

They all wore blue dresses and had long, unkempt hair, she said.

"The guy drives that creepy blue van," she said. "He looked creepy."

Clearly we should make it illegal to prevent nefarious men from doing such things.

Oh wait...

Then Betz learned that there was an infant in the house. Being a new mother to a little girl helped make the decision for her.

"Something needed to be done," she said.

Betz talked to a woman from the Bucks agency on the phone Wednesday. "She asked, 'Do I need to send the police?' I said absolutely," Betz said.

remember that your appearance is now under constant scrutiny to the left female majority

And rightfully so. Age of consent and taxes are slavery.

>legally gifted
>some liberal leftisit cunt "didnt like" his property and vehicle apperance
>calls up child welfare and ruins his and his legally obtained underage waifus lives who will now be put into the true child molesters that is the orphan industry

I don't see why it wouldn't. The parents forfeited guardianship in return for money and the man was rich enough to not be affected by any community boycott.

Kind of fucked up but this happens all the time in more tribal societies and from the looks of it he was a competent provider. Probably could have gotten away with it if he waited till the girls were 18 but whatever.

By this logic I shouldn't be wary of niggers.

Disgusting subhuman filth should be publicly drawn and quartered

Fuck these God damn degenerates ruining my country I'm FUCKING SUCK OF IT. God I hope trump wins then we can clean the fifth.


ugh youre right
stereotyping is evil
she should have just not said anything

>waiting till she was 18

they wanted to repay him, not rip him off


Classic Jew, above the law in his mind when it comes to pedophilia.

i bet you she lives on the goverments money having the child welfare number on speedial in the first place, otherwise if she actually had a job and other things to be responsible for rather than worrying about the appearance of others it would have never happened

read her own claims, literally nothing is based on actual evidence, its just all stemmed from how she "felt his yard and vehicle were unkempt"

Kaplan doesn't echo.

You would be the first to go my unemploymed autistic friend

"with an individual of the Jewish faith named Lee Kaplan,"

Kaplan or Caplan is also a surname common among Ashkenazi Jews

Wikipedia it

Stoltzfus family, that is too bad, probably some Dutch Amish family that were in a bind, feel bad for the girl, feel bad for all of them. Disgusting filth.

They should add it to the list.

Yep, The pedo was a jewish man.

Why would a stay at home mom have a job? The increase of women getting jobs and a generation of latch key kids is what is causing a lot of societal problems now.

You seem upset that he got caught and the laws that forbade the arrangement and are projecting it onto a woman who was right that something was going on in the home of some rich Jew, which is fine I guess but a bit immature.


2 in one week, I have read/heard about 2 pedophilia cases in the last week and both of the perps have been ((( )))

>mfw I've been within 3 miles of there

Wtf I hate white people now

if he lived in a proper state with the right to bear arms he most likely would have been killed as he tried to protect his rights on his own property cause the swat team saw him with a weapon

she did something that could get innocent citizens killed

all because their yard wasnt mowed as frequently as this lady wants it to be

They aren't white, according Tim Weiss, Jews aren't white.

>Shaming stay-at-home moms.
Please kill yourself. She just had a kid and she was raising it. You're extremely degenerate and upset about the fact that a pedophile got caught. People have always kept tabs on their neighbors.
He was (((white))).

this one jew is white though lmao


The man was jewish mexianon

They are a chameleon. white when calling for 'fellow whites' to check privilege and become more inclusive to minorities but then suddenly reverting to minority status when they begin to collect the benefits.

Overplayed your hand, troll. Pennsylvania has great gun laws and it was an initial welfare check that found it, not a swatting. He also left peacefully becasue he had full knowledge what he did was illegal.

fucking sjws shaming pedophilia
It's natural!!! if there's grass on the field, play ball
the ancient greeks did it all the time just like homosexuality that means its okay
stay outta my goddamn house bootlickers it's none of your goddamn business whos trapped in there

You must be fucking stupid, Jews aren't white. They want to destroy the white race, not all of them, but some of them. They are idiots they think when the west is dominated by Islam that they will have the upper hand, they won't they don't know what they are in for when that day comes.

Hoping for nudes.