Rogue One is just a retread with fanservice!

>Rogue One is just a retread with fanservice!
>but The Force Awakens is an amazing piece of cinema

i wonder if they regret seeing TFA while drunk at a midnight showing and then doing the review straight after

Apparently they don't, because they still won't admit TFA is mediocre, even after waiting however many months to do the Plinkett review of it.

They're able to admit to themselves now that it's a rehash of ANH, but they still justify it by saying it's what fans wanted. And they still won't admit that the characters are absolutely awful and don't hold a candle to how great the characters in the original trilogy were.

I got kinda bored with their opinions on these kinds of movies in general.

So bored, that I predicted their reviews for Spider-Man: Homecoming

Here we go:

[Opening skit of declining effort]

(Jay) Speaking of ____, have you seen Spider-Man 6?

[Both slowly look at camera]

(MIKE VO) Disney's Marvel's IRON MAN 4: SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING is the latest entry in the long line of the Marvel Cinematic Universe films and is the third reboot of the Spider-Man franchise. In this movie, a super hero must learn to cope with and adapt to his super powers by punching people in the face, while trying to pursue an under-developed love interest.

(MIKE) Jay, what did you think of...Disney's Marvel's Spider-Man Homecoming: An Avengers Story?

(Jay) Well, Mike, I...actually liked this movie!

[Mike Face]

"Star Wars fans," a.k.a obese manchildren, did in fact go directly from crying that the prequels weren't Star Wars to crying that TFA was too much Star Wars. It was actually jarring to get such concrete proof that people like you have always been more interested in crying than in anything else. As for the characters, the way that you damage control Luke's own status as a Mary Sue just further proves this.

>b-but he was on a ship with Obi-Wan for a few days while traveling which makes him not a Mary Sue! He had training!

It's fucking hilarious.

this really irritates me, I like both TFA and R1, but R1 handled fan service and references infinitely better than TFA was great to set up the new star wars franchise but and core it's still a new hope reboot and R! actually did something with the newly revived franchise

(Jay) [laughs] Well, when I say I liked it, I mean I found it watchable. Spider-Man Homecoming is a...a really well made film.

(Mike) Yes, it is a well made corporate product that a bunch of cynical suits put lots of money into. It was also very BOOOORING!

[Hearty Jay laugh]

[Proceeds to briefly explain the film's plot and then extensively talk about how people must be getting tired of comic book movies and the eventual down-fall of the Marvel Cinematic Universe]

This is some good bait, where can I find more? How much does it cost?

>Mike watches a very accessible "arthouse" flick like The Lobster
>I don't get it
Mike is a pleblord.

I have basically the same opinion. RO and TFA are both fairly middling and forgettable, but at least RO tried something different and was a coherent story, even if the characters were forgettable. TFA was just ANH but with characters that nobody gives a shit about while also totally ruining the Original Trilogy by undoing the happy ending.

Mary Sue or not, Rey is a terrible character portrayed by a terrible actress
>[Wide eyed, open mouth expression]
>I can handle myself
>[Jedi mind trick despite it not being established in the movie once]

END. Anyway, it gets really predictable when someone is more dedicated to expressing an unchanging principle of theirs rather than expressing an actual opinion on a movie to movie basis

She was a fucking video game RPG protagonist. She just did things and had no actual characterization beyond "I'm a strong independent womyn who doesn't need YOUR help!"

JewJew got everything wrong about Star Wars. He thought you just needed to hit the same overall story beats in the plot and strike gold. But Star Wars isn't just about doomsday weapons and fancy spaceship battles. The characters are what make it. Star Wars didn't carry fans through three movies to make it a worldwide phenomenon for decades just based on lightsaber duels and explosions. It was because people genuinely liked Luke, Han, Leia, and the rest of the cast.

Characters and the emotions their interactions elicit are 90% of what makes good movies good. If a movie doesn't have that, then it usually isn't worth watching.

Which is why it's baffling how much people (and RLM in particular) continue to suck JJ's dick about TFA.

It might as well not even had any characters.

The characters in TFA were the film's strong suit. They were as well-drawn as any of the leads in ANH were.

>The characters in TFA were the film's strong suit. They were as well-drawn as any of the leads in ANH were.

The criticism of R1 being unable to stand on its own is somewhat valid, as it's just a middling action science fiction movie without Star Wars, but it's not strong criticism. Is the force supposed to be explained to us every film? Did he want an ending showing Luke blowing up the death star? Should there have been a detailed description of the Empire and its organizational structure and history?

No, because this movie is not understood to be a stand alone, it works more like a sequel. It is expected that audiences will have seen other SW movies before seeing this one, so it is not necessary to retread certain foundational information.

>Proceeds to briefly explain the film's plot and then extensively talk about how people must be getting tired of comic book movies and the eventual down-fall of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

>things that will never happen in an RLM review

And there's the problem. Star Wars is a huge universe that has a plethora of original ideas. It doesn't need to connect to the main storyline. Hell they could make 25 years a slave with gungans and it'd still be Star Wars

muh expanded universe

This meme of rogue one being good is fucking retarded and needs to die already.

He never claimed to be anything else.

You thought people like RLM because of their exquisite taste in movies or some shit?

They know more about the technical side of film making than artistic concepts.

Watch Now You See It or Nerdwriter on youtube if you are interested in those

Mike doesn't write these reviews alone.

>he thinks tfa had good characters