Conversation with German ex-gf about refugees

My ex-girlfriend is German and we have stayed good friends and keep in touch. Today the subject of Refugees came up.

How did I handle this exchange? How do Germans really not understand what is happening?

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never reveal your power level

Brainwashed since 1945. By winning WW2 against them we lost much much more. We all know their is a lot of problems in this world, now people need to know the (((source)))

This your gf bro?

My power level is not an issue anymore. We are an ocean apart and she already knows and ironically agrees with same-race relationships.

They can't have a nationalistic opinion. Look at how that has turned out for themin the last 100 years.

Ex-gf and she correctly disapproves of dating outside the white race.

This is a muh compassion issue not a coal burning one.

This was gold OP next time go full merchant hunter on her

Well it's important that she is distinguishing between migrants and refugees.

She may be right, maybe Syrians aren't that bad.

But the Afghans, Somalis and Eritreans are fucking shit up.

Also the fact refugees should be stopped in the first safe country and not move on for gibs.

>Also the fact refugees should be stopped in the first safe country and not move on for gibs.
Exactly why is this so hard to comprehend

Talking to your ex-g/f is complete Cuck level. Any girl you dicked in the past should be complete history and never talked to again.

Crying that shitskins are going to overtake white people is also completely missing the point of the rapefugee crisis. The point is an entire Islamic army of 20something ex military and jihadis were allowed into EU. They are there to take over not steal muh white skinz. None of them want white gf they want to rape white girls and marry subservient peasant wife they bought underage for a dowry and shipped to their Islamic fundamentalist stronghold in EU to propagate more derkas.

It appeared she was fine with your views, however due to emotion and lack of being ready she is not yet comfortable with accepting the cruel truth of reality.

I'd say continue on with her, but be more subtle and inciting as women tend to leant to emotion rather than logic generally.

Basically ease it up and don't be too forceful or she'll resist with as much force.

Take in to account the amount of contradicting narratives she's lived through, redpill is never easy.

I meant inviting.

go suck some wild animal dick you retard leaf faggot

literally nothing wrong with being friends with an ex girlfriend who lives in her home fucking country

by the way nice empty gold vaults you're barely worthy to be our hat anymore

our 2nd date she described hitler as a man who had some really great ideas before her voice just trailed off without finishing.

she knows he well enough and I'm not trying to get her back since she lives across an ocean and we broke up 2.5 years ago and keep in touch sporadically.

i think I'm going to just keep having conversations like these and hope it fires up something inside.

notice how her default response was to just change subjects? fuck that shit keep it at the front of everyones mind.

I'm a second gen American, who's Grandfather married a USAF officer and moved here after having 3 kids in West Germany post war. I only wish my people would stand up for themselves. The left has ruined my native lands. You did okay, just can't force them to hear it out. it's better to be a racists them a dead. They need to understand that.

God Bless You, sir.

>How do Germans really not understand what is happening?
Because just like it happens in most of yurop and other countries with a white majority, she is a naive and privileged girl who grew up in a safe WHITE environment. The few immigrants or non-whites she grew up with were decent so she created a positive image about them. Her country is majority white so she can't even phantom what large masses of non-whites would do to it.

Tell her to spend a month in a non-white country or one that's mostly non-white. She'll be lucky if she manages to stay alive and not become a rape victim by the end.
I recommend mine. Lots of ugly macho non-whites who love to objectify women. Our brownies make about 70% of the population.
It would also show her how great gun control is working for us. :^)

Women always change the subject when they're losing in a discussion, it's just their thing.

As for your decision I agree, continue this and try to sway her as best as you can.

Also given from your description of her she seems very intelligent, though her compassion is a hindrance.

Continue this and good luck man.

I was about to just completely bash you because of flag and country turning into a pit of hell, but I hope you get out of this mess safely, user. Not much else I can say besides that.. oh and I'll ask some survival advice in 3 months when the same thing happens here.

Last name isn't ----beck is it? I too admire a german female who I have these conversations with. She is a bit more willing to state her opinion though.

Damn, exactly right. That's why it begins there. They can't say a word about or possibly jailed for being a bigot. So fucked up. What is the end game. Complete destruction of the white population?

thanks for the inspiration, friend.

this thread is basically just to prevent my REEEEEEEEEEEE face from becoming stuck permanently. need some venting time.

Holy fuck your country still has internet?

Answer me your cuck. Your situation mirrors mine. Does your german also use a shit fuck load of emojis when speaking and have an adorable accent?


never uses emojis

adorable accent in 8 different languages

>Brutal war in Morocco

Fucking educate yourself
>46 year long civil war
>Hundreds of thousands of people living in refugee camps, stateless.

they're gonna need to go south.

pools closed.

Mine only knows 4 but it's better than my 1.66. I got it bad for her. Her gramps was a party member back in the day. Fuck we had some good conversations along these lines, and she tolerates my far right views mostly while also questioning and confronting where she thinks necesary. I massively appreciate the frankness.

She refuses to speak French with/to me because of her insecurity over it. She is cute.

Also I think the German women are slowly just sort of realizing "holy fuck everything is shit" given the German male is fucking garbage. Have you ever noticed that in your discussions with normal germans?

>South from Western Sahara
Yeah, NAH

i need to respond again. you are a faggot and you come from a family of faggots. aussie logic is to seriously bring people who HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO END A CIVIL WAR 46 YEARS ON INTO GERMANY!??!?!

yeah that'll make this better. thats what we need. this will all be solved if we bring in a shitload more moroccans.

i hope crocodile dundee sneaks into your wife's daughters bedroom late at night and rapes the innocence out of her.

fuck you

The only problem with refugees is trying to play spot the terrorist. I don't think Europe should stop taking them in, but there has to be priorities as to who gets what/where first. And this is where Europe has failed.

You want to accept refugees? Fine. By your priorities need to be:
>holders of university degrees/skilled laborers/doctors first
So they wont be economic leeches
> engineers/scientists
> the young
And last in the list:
>religious officials

Reason being is there doesn't really need to be more fucked in the head imams preaching bullshit. Especially in the western countries that are trying to save their useless fucking lives.

Your ex seems to be pretty sensible, t.b.h senpai

Sorry, I'll use a trigger warning for you next time.

Trigger warning: You're way too emotionally invested in the future of your race to make any rational judgements or filter fact from right wing propaganda when discussing refugee policy.

Hmm leaf being completely fucking right for a change brings solace and a ray of sunshine to this desolate mordor of my existence

your criteria just filtered out 99.9% of the immigrants though.
unless you count doctors that do FGM
>the young
young muslims are more radicalized than older ones.

this has nothing to do with "right-wing propaganda" and everything to do with you making a complete mockery of music by getting on tv and banging sticks together.

you and your wife were fucking awful and should quit music altogether. get a moon stone and force evolve you are not even a human

I lived in france normandy till i was 21. I just moved 3 years ago to usa nevada. People in europe are fucked. There is no talking to them about anything political. You ethier have the same opinion as them or are trash on the street. Fuck

She wants the d
Both yours and Jamal's

>Refugee policy has everything to do with a musical performance on an Australian political talk show 4 years ago.

You could be the most perpetually butt blasted person alive.

Enjoy this

>How did I handle this exchange? How do Germans really not understand what is happening?

It's the last thing she said that's wrong. These people don't JUST want to flee from war. They want to live their lives according to THEIR values and THEIR beliefs, which sure as shit aren't your and probably not her beliefs.

She's fucked.

mine also refused to speak french in front of me because she didn't want to look silly even though she knew the language.

german girls are god-tier in their views, but just a little brainwashed. she always had nice things to say about hitler and disagrees with race-mixing.

to go back to the french speaking, i just want to put it on record how retarded that entire language is. yeah lets just not pronounce half the word and dress like mimes all day. fuck the french.

I'm french and i hate french people.

Had German ex gf too. She has this same docile mentality, whenever I said "nigger" or "faggot" she would just go "omg you nazi xDDDD" or do the retarded german emojis like ^^ or -.-

German women ar hopeless subservient spergs

Sounds like a nice girl. Do you think most people want to listen to think about what is going to happen when the west is over run by hajis, it is going to be a nightmare.

Like that one quote by Nikola Tesla 'you will experience horrors...'.

She must be real lonely to keep replying to you, fucknut.

show an image of her it is not like we can find her or anything

you sound like an autistic faggot

Oh shit I forgot to actually say anything of worth

In every interaction I've had with Germans they are incapable of holding any sort of open pride in their nation. This is not because they are not proud nor unaware of their problems, but because of the propaganda they've been subjected to since birth.

The German I know, granddaughter of a party member who was proud of his service until death and believed fiercely in what he did, absolutely hates german history. She has been bullied her young life for being tall, been told she can't be proud of herself or her nation by her leaders, and has been taught to hate her own history by her teachers through the use of shame.

She sees the problems but she feels she has no control over them. She doesn't wish to vote for AfD because she disagrees with aspects of their manifesto and buys into media stupidity, because she has been trained her while life to do so.

This is the current state of German affairs, as far as I can tell. It goes to show the dangers of an authoritarian system to your own populace. Germans are not free, nor will they ever be under the current paradigm. They have one self in public - or with people they know or trust little - and another self with only those closest to them. This is exemplified in the German language itself, and what it creates is a populace of sycophants in order to avoid social stigma.

Amusingly they tend to either love or hate the American south because of the contrasting openness, friendliness, and everything that is antithetical to theit lives.

That is why Germans do not wish to speak about things often.

I love french desu. It can be a beautiful language sometimes. I find german more fun to speak though, but the grammar trips me up a lot. I have a lot of difficulty speaking french now that I've been learning german though.

I think I explain that phenomena you mention here :You're seeing who she is and what she actually believes, but she will never feel it acceptable to actually express her views. That's just my take though.

German and Polish women are GOAT tier. I've also met some redpilled swedes, who, hilariously, hate Swedish men due to their tolerance of their situation.

German females have a unique view of friendships. They constantly talk to exes and shit like that. They want to be liked by everyone, even people they profess to hate. It's weird as fuck.

muh hitler
dumbass. never speak such things

this is how its done

I love you, man.

This must have felt like the U.S. liberation from the nazis in 1945. After that my father was born.


could of chosen a better picture m8

were going to make it, man.

by the way, the hague is god-tier and i enjoyed it way more than amsterdam.


the cooking one and one with shirt over head were in canada.

while were on the topic of canada, the thousand islands thing is really cool especially since there are no faggot canadians around to bother you. key under the mat paid them online and never had to interact with the fuck.

>How do Germans really not understand what is happening?
You underestimate the average persons disinterest in political issues. To understand what is really going on you need to actively research on the internet. You won't find objective media coverage in Germany, unless you read what many would consider radical right wing (online) magazines. It's really just an issue of people being uninformed & misinformed.

its not just that its the media is actively hiding the truth. so normies who passively hear a few headlines will actively resist anyone who tries to tell them all is not well.
i don't understand it actually, even when you link these people to video evidence they'll outright deny it.

i see what you mean..

from about a week ago.

Oh you are one dense motherfucker. She is unpacking muslim food.

And you dont seem to understand sarcasm:
We fucking hate you, your government and its politics. Your continuously misunderstanding geo politics and just your fucking low IQ and miss of overall cultural background.

Dont present yourself as the good guy here, circumcision boy.
Fucking misfit. Wtf do you know about muslim immigrant annoyances besides the flase flag in orlando.
Oh and your two towers

go fuck yourself

t. Achmed from Rotterdam

To back this up:

Have fun with ¨victoria¨ nuland and your dead libyan ambassador


Used to love that place.
Now there are no mor ships coming from Dutch Indies, as you fuckers muscled us out of there for your fucking markets and shekels

Dont think too much of your self American

i think that is couscous being prepared.

thats cool you hate me. i care.

i spent 8 days last july in holland and fingerfucked one of your perfect bicycle-fit blonde women after feeding her space cakes.

i know nothing about the false flag in orlando because I'm not from florida and i certainly wouldn't know a thing about muslims since I'm not poor and my neighborhood is over 99% white with a beach view.

speaking of the twin towers, the apartment i lived in in soho was in a pretty dope spot. got to see the new freedom tower getting built step by step every day.

have fun ruining your country with muslims and while your at it add some more franchise fast food restaurants around the beach at the hague. nothing screams holland like fast food joints.

get fucked by a canal boat paddle you effeminate cuck.

and figure out a real fucking language instead of just throwing letters around willy nilly.

you make me sick

you're trying too hard. she doesn't care.

you can say a little bit here and there, but you can't harass her with the info

fuck off carlos you're gonna have to go back in a few months pack your bags

> you make me sick

My job is done for now.
Hope you vomit all over your shitty phone so you can not contaminate the rest of us.

But he's right. Redpilling must be a gradual process

you are no geert wilders ill tell you that. i smell defeat all over that pathetic "give-up" shit post.

be careful what you say, the EU might arrest you for hate speech. LOLOLOL @ that being a thing.

This. If anything, she'll guilt fuck a rapefugee just to spite you OP. That's how brainwashed she is.

>We don't need more Nazis
Yeah, yet another thing the media just loves to push. We have a real Nazi problem here in Germany, being one of the most welcoming and least racist countries in Europe. The rise of the right is completely blown out of proportion (unfortionately), at least the radical right is nearly non-existant, but the media want us to believe the far right was a threat. Their theme is "Don't let the right wing become stronger, you know what happened last time.." Generally, the fear of history repeating itself seems very ingrained in many Germans, so they reject anything coming from the right.

AfD gets zero media coverage unless they are in the focus of yet another slander campaign. Journalists make up "racist" quotes of AfD politicians and have them printed in papers, then backpedal when they get sued but the damage has already been done.

she didn't even disagree with me she just wanted to completely forget about the subject.

lets put this massive influx of breeding machines on the back burner so the 3% white population won't feel bad from being red pilled too quickly.

australia and canada spawn some of the most ignorant creatures on earth. with canadians its probably all those tar sands fumes, but the aussies likely aren't even human and are only known for talking funny and wrestling alligators.

a truly awful people.

fucking KEK

> smell defeat
> smelled napalm and called it ¨victoria´s¨ pussy.

Back to school, boy.
Bring some real arguments

you sound like a retarded sperg.

that she's still talking to you shows she's either impressive or desperate

Bro, you fell for the "I can discuss things with women as if they were real humans" meme

>still talking to you
that entire conversation took a whopping 3 minutes

who wouldn't wanna talk to me? im fucking flawless

I done something similar to a French girl in uni. She did the exact same thing just immediately resorted to "I don't want to talk about it". DESU i think they kind of know what is up but they do not want to risk their reputation. Remember girls (especially teen/twenties) need to conform to any media group think, questioning this is very dangerous for them as they are such social creatures. Black pigeon explained it pretty well, if the media tomorrow did a 180 U turn then girls would oppose it, they say what they think they have to say alot of the time.

You need to go back Pablo.

You know Sup Forums, I used to hate it when you post your "exchanges" here because it will always so fucking eye-gouging to actually read it.

But honestly, these are getting better. Straight to the point, no holds barred.

We are uncucking ourselves, and it feels great. And what you are gonna find, is the women who are hot and worth it, will like you MORE after you grow a pair of balls and state firmly what you believe. It doesn't mean get super angry at the world, and be cruel. It just means firmly and unapologetically stating the truth, without fear of pussy loss or ostracization. That's what's going to get you real pussy in the end -- courage.

The males are trying to get uncucked but women are still media slaves aND alwas will be.

then i fell for the "whenever i don't feel like having this conversation anymore ill stop" meme

the only hate ITT is from countries that are going to either have canals full of muslim shit, alcohol-free oktoberfests, empty gold vaults and striking south african firefighters, and complete outback trash who can't even figure out how to live in 95% of their huge fucking country.

all of you get fucked you're all cucks go let faraz and his boys play with your wife.

...said the keyboard warrior customized virgin.

AGAIN: wtf do you burgers know..

they follow whoever has the most test. quit masturbating so much and be nicer to your mom.

Neither my father or me have spoken to my mom in like 8 years she is a repulsive liberal and still texts me once a week to try and converse.

>How do Germans really not understand what is happening?

It was a longterm setup, last year or the year before, about 3 month before the invasion started, was an anniversary of the end of WWII.
For about 3 month straight all TV stations and newspapers published war "documentaries". On Easter the biggest TV station showed Schindlers List. Whenever there is a local election newspapers publish some war stories. Last year the "jewish olympic games" have been in Berlin. And off course 95 year old SS people get still prison sentences.

Its massive brainwashing on all channels!
Make her watch tgsnt!

>I'm sorry, I kind of don't want to hear this

Germany in a nutshell, especially the under 30 year olds. Your last reply, while the obvious truth, would get you branded as super nazi in conversations with 90% of germans.

She is a woman OP.

We're past the danger threshold, unfortunately. The only thing standing between the West and its collapse is the rejection of self-censorship.

Well if your mom is a total bitch, then you don't have to be nice. I'm talking about all the basement dweller on here who have fresh tendies brought to them on plates by their moms yet can't even manage to be nice. That's why their dicks are so small.

Why so long no talk with mom? What did she do?

When I was in college she basically kicked me to the curb when I was financially broken. My father came to my aid and helped me through it if it wasn't for him I would of been living off the street and I have type 1 diabetes so I probably would have died. Now that I hace graduated and am well off she wants to start over even though even before she fucked me over we always argued about everything.

>that last line

Check fucking mate. Women are fucking retarded, women's suffrage was a mistake.

>I have stats! STATS!
>100%! No, 1000% of rapes!
>*racist ramblings*
>please be my friend

You sound like some angsty pale person.

>Redpilling a woman
Try to sweep a dirty road while you are at it.

You don't "reason" with women, their emotions don't allow it. You tell them what's up and stand firm. If they are clever enough they will accept it otherwise cut your losses

You sound like you crave nigger semen, krautcuck.

So what he said is wrong?
You mean that Germany won't be a non-white infested shithole in a few decades?