> The best way to predict what will happen in the election: realclearpolitics.com
Let me say something that Sup Forums may find controversial: I think that Trump being a birther and going on about Mexican rapists and being "edgy anti-PC speaks his mind and the truth" and basically being a Sup Forums shitposter who stumbled into a nomination is going to hurt his ultimate odds with niggers and spics and chinks. Crazy, I know.
...but I was wondering if it was at all possible to pull off a "white people take it for him anyway" scenario.
The pic related is me thinking up the worst scenario I possibly could in terms of minority voters:
> Black vote based on Obama/McCain 2008 with turnout based on 2012 (which, shockingly, turns out to be higher than 2008).
> Hispanic vote would actually be the biggest Hispanic landslide for the Democrats, with a 4-point increase in turnout. This is the "Hispanics go Trump piñata" scenario
> Similarly, record for the Asian vote, and a turnout boost
But then I assumed the absolute best scenario I could for Trump in terms of whities:
> White voter share is Reagan in '88, basically a total blow out
> Turnout rate based on white turnout in '04 (there really were "missing whites" with McCain and Romney)
And...an incredibly narrow Trump win in the popular vote, with a solid win in the electoral college. Democrats hold onto the southwest (NV, CO); but Trump basically kicks ass in the Rust Belt and midwest, winning OH, IA, PA, WI, MN, while holding onto FL/VA/NC and even picking up NH. Minnesota is extremely unlikely to break for Trump IRL, but it was also the closest on my map, so whatever.
If you really want to go all out with the RaHoWa strategy, probably looks something like this.
I don't know if anyone cares but I'm going to keep messing around with this. I'll try and think up the best Hillary map I can imagine.