What was the moral of the story?

What was the moral of the story?


Violence begets violence. Nazi racists are just as bad as the black thugs they fight against.

This film was all about this one scene and fuck all to do with white black relations because highlighting that Jews are always victims is more important

Around blacks never relax

But white people are superior.

The moral of the film flies over the heads of the ones it is making fun of.

Same thing with Starship Troopers

they need an american history x 2, where derek starts teh race war

>movie was made by a crazy fucking kike

You can't make this shit up either.

Dont talk politics at the dinner table

>So in the end I guess I was American History X after all.

>Edward Norton more or less looks exactly like this still
>Edward Furlong is trolling twitter trying to hook up with Edward_Furlong_Lover18

Really makes me ponder

That's a lot of blood for just one gunshot.

There would have been a moral if the faggy actor hadn't forced the end of the movie away from his character becoming a skinhead again. "Violence begets violence" would have been good. Instead the little shit bitched that unless the ending was about being a cuck he wouldn't act.

I am a Mexican American living in California. It's crazy how all my family and friends feel exactly like this guy does about illegal immigrants.

swastikas don't have one meaning

it was big gun 4 him.

Why do you hate your own people? Have you given into the Right's fear-mongering? Your people built this country, it belongs to them too

That white man can rise above his base instincts and thuggish impulses but black man can't.

i thought black slaves built this country? so which non-white group did it?

what about sisko?

the moral of the story is that not all blacks are niggers and not all whites are great... its just mostly like that!

Now go and build the fucking wall

We enslaved (and continue to enslave) pretty much all ethnic groups. Look at how many thousands of Chinese died building our railroads.

There may be exceptional niggers, but in his skull Sisko has the same three dimples in the same place as old Ben.

Around blacks, never relax.

>father relaxed around blacks, got killed
>Edward Norton relaxed around blacks, got raped in prison for it
>little brother relaxed around blacks, got killed

the whole point is that there was a lot of outreach to black gang to try but none to white skinhead gangs because they were racist
Even though many of the white skinheads joined gangs for the same reason

Around blacks never relax.

No, seriously, no one ever refuted their arguments about race.

since slaves built the country and whites are the ones who enslaved them, does that ultimately mean whites built this country?

>Norton makes an excellent and well-reasoned argument
>director has to make him get violent with rage for no reason in order to balance out his rationality in case the audience sympathise with him too much

Then why are you shitposting on a Afghan animation forum instead of having sex?

If you dare to defend yourself or anyone else against a nigger pack you are going to get murdered.

They did the same thing with his dad

>oh it's sad that his father was killed for no reason, you can kind of understand what led him to being radicalized
>later on....

I think the moral the writers were trying to go for was some bullshit like "if you hate your enemies, then you're just as bad as them!".

Yeah, whatever. The real moral was "around blacks, never relax". One nigger in jail with a sob story that was literally "I dindu nuffin. Cops be racist n sheeit" does not change this.

If you hate your enemies, they win.

This is Canada, eh?


I hate when they do that shit in movies/media. It's so blatantly obvious that they're just trying to use a bullshit association to somehow invalidate what he's saying. He was absolutely right about everything he said regarding things like black crime and mexicans stealing jobs. Just because the character was written to have a swastika tattoo and curbstomp motherfuckers doesn't invalidate it.

Another example of this is in the beginning of Man in the High Castle, where John Smith is talking to his son at the breakfast table about duty to family and country. Literally everything they said and did was perfectly reasonable and healthy behavior, but because they all had nazi armbands, apparently that means it's evil to sit down with your family and talk at the breakfast table and to do well in school to bring pride to your family.

never mind hes fathers complaints were valid kek

Same happened in Falling Down. D-FENS was right, but they had to shoehorn a plot twist about him being a crazy psychopath in a shitty attempt to invalidate everything he said.

He was raped by his own people though

Yeah, that was the worst, most egregious example of fucking up the core message of your movie I've ever seen. Seemed like a rewrite.

Fun fact: there is an official guide in Germany on how to identify children who come from households that may hold Nazi ideologies, one of the symptoms is being well-behaved and having good grades.
Also if the girls wear dresses.

He was raped by his gang after disrespecting them by sitting with the blacks, hence he was raped for relaxing around blacks.

So why the fuck do golfers need that much space anyway?

It's like that gay kike Schumacher realized he made D-FENS too sympathetic a character, and had to rewrite the ending to make it "lol he actually wasn't just a normal dude who snapped from the pressures of modern society, and actually was just a crazy stalker all along!"

What a load of horseshit. That movie was amazing until the 3rd act.

You're idiots.

They didn't try to invalidate what he said, they showed that his reactions to the problems around him only made things worse.

Same with American History X. Derek did have a point about the Rodney King bullshit, but then completely sperged out when someone criticised his arguments. They didn't claim he was wrong, they claimed that he couldn't stand being wrong.

>You're idiots
I notice you didn't answer my question.

It had to have been shoehorned after the fact because him being a complete psycho the entire time fucks up the parallel between D-FENS and the detective.

Because it wasn't the subject of my post. Read.

Why did you reply to me and call me an idiot if you had nothing to say to me? Are you picking a fight because you're lonely or something?

>they showed that his reactions to the problems around him only made things worse.

Actually, they showed that the only way to end the problems around him was to violently obliterate them or you'd be stuck in the unending hell of modern life with your shrill, ugly wife, and people who disrespect and hate you, while simultaneously protecting/paying for them to continue to shit on your values and hard work.

Holy projection batman

If this isn't bait, kill yourself.

You didn't answer my question again. Wassamattawiyou?

>not all whites are great... its just mostly like that!
Yeah, the white characters in this movie were upstanding citizens.

I've noticed another trend with depicting opposing viewpoints in media. It's where you depict your opponent as someone who doesn't actually genuinely believe his own views. He's just pretending for motives ulterior to the merit of those views, such as greed or necessity. Imperium did it with the radio broadcaster who "just does this for fun", and House of Cards did it with the Republican candidate who only opposes gun control to "satisfy his base". It's a way to create stories about characters on different parts of the political spectrum while maintaining the illusion that ONLY left-wing, "progressive" ideals stand on their own.

>can't formulate a response

No u

Get this vicious anti-semite outta here!

That wasn't the subtext, you simpleton.


>He's just pretending for motives ulterior to the merit of those views, such as greed or necessity.
Like when right wingers accuse leftists of "virtue signaling."

What mainstream media has ever depicted leftists virtue signalling though. I'm not saying that people being duplicitous doesn't happen, just that in fiction on any medium, that duplicity is only applied to characters of certain orientations as a way to discredit those orientations.

I think they also did that in AHX as well. Didn't the grand wizard KKK guy that Edward Norton looked up to as a father figure actually just turn out to be a piece of shit who didn't give a fuck and was just using them all for whatever reason?

Virtue signaling doesn't mean you don't believe what you're saying.

well I'm waiting for you to correct me instead of insulting me and running away.

explain it to me.

His dad despised blacks and then was killed by blacks, given apparent credibility to his position so that Derek would become a skinhead. If they wanted you to wish death upon white racists then they wouldn't have made the main character a white racist and given him an understandable motivation for becoming that way. This isn't rocket science for fuck's sake.

Nazis are bad and jews are good.

>his dad despised blacks
he didn't like affirmative action and with good reason
he wasn't a kkk member or something

There is no middle ground, user. He either loves the brothas or he's an evil racist nazi.

Why did his mother invite him to dinner with her Jewish boyfriend? Wasn't this after he'd been fully red pilled? Did she not know?

Didn't they pussy out and change the ending?

A movie's message that backfired spectacularly.

Nope because ultimate we all came from Africans who fucked a bunch of cavemen.

>he wasn't a kkk member or something
>He either loves the brothas or he's an evil racist nazi.
Crazy how you guys just make shit up in your head that no one said to get angry over.

Just like Masada.
Actually Africans don't have Neanderthal genes since they never left.

>Crazy how you guys just make shit up in your head that no one said
>his father despised blacks
are you a fucking idiot?

I didn't say he was a Klan member or a Nazi, you pathetic fucking faggot.

I think the ending made it clear no?

chill bro damn

>he despised blacks
>all he does is say affirmative action is nigger bullshit
I think you may be retarded

The end lesson: Niggers are okay because they made you laugh

No, his little sister starts it. She leads us to glorious victory like a hot Marine le Pen.

He was raped by Aryan Brotherhood degenerates, not actual National Socialists.


>calls it nigger bullshit
>doesn't hate blacks
Your mental gymnastics are impressive. I'm sure you're just as understanding of people who complain about "white male privilege."

if white people are superior then why blacks are taking over?

why was he laughing in this scene?

I've grown up with the word nigger and don't hate blacks. Don't get your panties in a knot over that word. Affirmative action IS bullshit, and in his case it was related to niggers.

He was raped by whites.

two different things you clown

he was raped by whites for disrespecting them by sitting with blacks. You can't have an Aryan Brotherhood member sitting and socializing with the blacks.

>name the jew
>get killed

You genuinely had me going there for a while. Well done.

nigs will be nigs

jesus cuck germany

The wrong side won ww2

>one of the symptoms is being well-behaved and having good grades.
>Also if the girls wear dresses.

>believing whatever some random retard says on 4chinz

Apparently expressing skepticism is believing now.