The Official Sup Forums Academy Award Leaked DVD Screeners Thread

>Screeners leaked so far:


I guess you guys have to be actors to watch these from now on.

Other urls found in this thread:



The security of DVD screeners is VERY IMPORTANT

>hidden figures

>he doesn't know yet


is it true that they kill people who leak now??

quite impressive, actually. odd that some son of a random academy member hasn't raided his parents stash and uploaded a few of them. i guess pirating culture isn't what it used to be. i caught the Nocturnal Animals one, which i thought was a straight up screener rip, but, nooooo, all the nudity had been cut. yay, piracy!


that wasn't a screener

that was a rip from korean/chinese TV

they view movies on demand there

nothing good this year desu

I'm more surprised that it's still a thing at all and it hasn't shifted to digital on demand methods to prevent piracy.

membership has been changed so it's only niggers and sjws who get screeners. no more leaks ever.

ah, gotcha. you're right. forgot to mention the intrusive mandarin (i think) subtitles. going to have to rewatch it when the screener is ripped.

you're a fucking retard who doesn't even know what a screener is

oooh, edgy. now that you got that off your chest, how about a nice cup of tea?

It's proof santa doesn't exist. If he did, he would have given pirates the best gifts ever.

Didn't they catch who leaked last year's? And don't they have some kind of protection on them like numbers randomly appearing on the screen to track it?

The digital watermark consists of slight changes to the brightness of a specific pattern of pixels that are imperceptible to people but are easily read by software.

Here you go:

meh, last year you had The Revenant and that Tarantino film. This year it's a fucking musical and other pleb liberal trash

I think it was the group that leaked Hateful 8 that said that they won't do screeners anymore because of how much it hurt ticket sales.


oy vey won't someone PLEASE think of the jews

>tfw rich enough and a good enough person to pay for all media I consume
Have fun searching for movies to watch, niggers.

I would gladly pay if I could. I live in a town of 18,000 which is a 2 hour flight or 14 hour drive from the nearest town of over 100,000. I simply cannot buy half of what I want to buy. If there was a service where I could buy digital copies of all the films I wanted I would gladly, but there isn't, pirating is my only option.

you're full of shit

High quality Loving, Sully and 20th Century Women torrents have been out for a while now.

No I'm not. My only choice for buying physical media is Walmart, which doesn't have most of what I want. Point me to where I can buy smaller and foreign films online, because I can't find them.

Nocturnal Animals leaked

Yeah and its a HC rip missing a bunch of scenes because china can't show stuff

It absolutely did not.
Your butchered, heavily-censored, Korean bullshit with full sequences missing is not a leak, at all, it's a load of horseshit

is there a strict new regimen this year?

i mean it's about time, those retards gave us fresh new movies for free every year for ages

raise your hand if you didn't bother to read any of the posts on this thread. i'm waiting...

Not sure about the others, but Sully came out on Blu-ray. Not a screener.

there is nothing to leak. all is boring shit or uploaded for months now

God, this. By time the dipshits running the studios realize that less and less people are going to movies every year the movie industry will basically be dead. These dumb old Jews need to innovate or die.


>if it doesn't have sex and explosions it's boring shit!

that's correct

Jackie, Loving, Manchester and Arrival are the only ones I would want to watch.

Leak Jackie nao

sully was the most insulting to one's intelligence shit i have ever seen

Do they show when Kennedy gets his head blown off and she tries to pick up pieces of his brain off the back of the car?

Can't you just change the overall brightness of the movie to fuck with the detection system?

>Rogue One

it was too difficult for you, brainlet?

I would imagine it goes like this
remember this is an oscarbait movie
>Focusing on Jackie's face
>She gets sprayed with blood
>Everything goes quiet and slow-motion
>Smashcut to next scene

no it was unbearably pedestrian

How does one go about signing up for these is it free do you have to pay?

DESU, I don't get why the release groups don't just slightly blur the screeners to counter this.
>it's already 480p, why not make it a bit blurry to counter these watermarking systems

Why is Neta-Lee Hershlag (נטע-לי הרשלג) playing one of the great American women?

you know why

They can detect it even on cams of movies in theaters. You'd have to reverse engineer the algorithm and it's basically security through obscurity.

That doesn't seem that useful. It would just identify which theater it leaked from, not identify the leaker

>They can detect it even on cams of movies in theaters
I would like any proof you can possible acquire of this.
There's no fucking way any software in the world can deconstruct a 480p copy of an overexposed shakey camrip of a movie in order to find the invisible watermark.

Goddamn how perfect can she get

you have to be famous/a critic

Although for theatrical releases it's probably varying the overall brightness of the entire screen or some shit.

can't top perfection

you gonna leak those OP or what?

it's been 3 hours already

>no tits
>no ass
>7/10 face


you can just ask for more

i won't mind

>wearing that and having no ass


Same reason a Brit is playing Superman and Spider-Man - there's no Americans good enough to do it.


As much as a Hershlag and Gadot fag as I am, I can't understand how people can be attractive to small tits.

They're cute.

no tits are the choice of fags and pedophiles

Where is Silence?

she does have a nice butt, faglord


Very poor fake


This is all I care about.

i see no asses in that pic

Pretty neat that Hiro finally got a TTS feature up and running so blind people can post, too.

those lines you call an ass should be a horizontal curve, not a downward angle buddy

>He likes fat nigger asses
Annnd it all comes back into focus.

I never understood how no tits are cute. Plump, average sized tits are cute.

Go jack off to niggers, cuck

the alt-right likes their asses flat and flabby, i see


>Anyone who disagrees with me is alt-right
Thanks for conceding.

well might as well kill myself

>anyone who says nigger and cuck is alt-right, possibly inbred too


0 leaks wtf , i hate Sup Forums now

It's not oscarbait.

And that's not how they handle the scene at all.

Then do enlighten us.

We don't want your nigger-tier jungle asses you nigger lover.

It's actually very graphic and jarring. You see pieces of brain and everything. Also, while it will likely have some popularity at the Oscars due to its subject, it's pretty far from typical Oscarbait. It's actually mildly experimental at times and highly psychological. Feels more like a dream than a biopic.

Ooh, then I am looking forward to it.

sorry brah

this guy is into real white round female asses only


There's nothing there I even want leaked.

What a dud year.

They get leaked every year by multiple people. They have the Academy members name on them, but crop them. They also have the "dots" sometimes.

One of the funniest leaks was when Ellen Degeneres had hers leak with her full name prominent on it.

Trespass Against Us leaked a couple days ago.

But nobody gives a shit about that desu

I live in Ausfailia.

If they had GoG for movies, I'd use it.

I used to spend a fortune on physical media, but now it's just a fucking nuisance and it's better quality/more convenient to pirate.

This. It doesn't even come out here until fucking February.