Kys if you like this soy garbage

kys if you like this soy garbage

okay i will


Good thread.

That's cool this album made me sad enough to do it anyway

it's a concept album guy


>being sad about your wife dying is effeminate

>Story about losing your wive
>OP doesn't have any meaningful relationships with women as reference
>"What is this soy-boy indie crybaby garbage?"

Bump so people can see how dumb OP is

Aaaaah, another day, another faggot OP

What the fuck? It's not even that bad of a bean. How about kidney beans I find them much nastier.

where does it say soy? is this a photo of a resturant menu?

Soy beans make you lose masculinity.

Kiss Your Shoes if your like this bad bad

oh yeah, I'm sure they do. EVer ate one? it's a fucking bean you damn fool. eat them in a little bowl beside your steak or something. with syrup or some shit. You're a fag and a retard

Thank you. This meme word is getting to be a fucking eyesore

>"Soyboys unite!" he weakly sputtered, raising a shaking fist skyward.

this and I dont even like the album

hahaha beans ! :P

*le upvotes*