Can Sup Forums tell me when these two series hit their peak and why they're so bad now?

can Sup Forums tell me when these two series hit their peak and why they're so bad now?

Simpsons-6th season
FG-pre cancellation

Started listening to the audience's reaction instead of focusing on their writers.

Family Guy has actually been pretty decent up until the last few years when Seth completely disappeared up his own ass and tried to force actual drama and pathos onto the characters. After those South Park episodes people just "forgot" that the lolsorandum humor was the only good thing about the show in the first place.

I dunno about Simpsons, I never watched it, but I could at least bring myself to watch Family Guy up until around the point where the intro was updated.

Or somewhere around there anyway.

The slapstick stuff was pretty good, but after they brought it back from cancellation it seems they focused too much on shock humor, which is pretty tame.

Yeah I definitely feel the Family Guy writers got bothered by the Manatee Joke critique. It didn't destroy the show but I think the writers room wanted to try to prove that they could write some higher concept episodes with drama and shit. And it fucking fails especially as a poor imitation of South Park.

Remember a few years back when Brian seriously died similar to how Kenny seriously died and was written off the show for several episodes. That was some boring garbage:

Simpsons went downhill after Mr. Burns got shot

Pre original cancellation Family Guy was awful.

>Remember a few years back when Brian seriously died similar to how Kenny seriously died and was written off the show for several episodes.
Those are some of the episodes I was thinking of, along with the one where Quagmire tries to help his sister that's in an abusive relationship. They did one gag about in an earlier episode and for some reason came back to it later on and made a boring and out of place serious take on it. I think I cringed out before I even finished the episode. Also this one episode where Stewie and Brian get locked in a bank vault. It honestly wasn't a terrible episode, but Brian's whole spiel about suicide just really made me appreciate that they don't try to get "deep" too often.

Simpsons was perfect seasons 2-9, family guy was good pre-2007

As people have already said Cartoon Wars (The south park episode) really fucked up family guy and its what people really hate that show. My girlfriend always has it on at night when we go to sleep, so ive seen every season multiple times and honestly even up to this last season it was pretty passable, but the show for the past many years is just a series of jokes, or a drama episode. Its so hit or miss but that show is backround noise.

>FG-pre cancellation

when will this meme end?

pre-cancellation Stewie's character was top cringe and cliche

Yet it's still better than post-cancelled

Still better than "Look at how gaaaay I am" Stewie. While we're on the subject, pre-cancelled Brian was also better because he wasn't as big of a liberal douche.

It was on par with The Critic. Besides, Stewie's gay innuendo jokes got old real fast.

The show has never been as great as KotH or The Simpsons or any early adult swim cartoon, but precancellation was pure old school slapstick comedy, the good kind.

Simpsons is a whole other beast, Its unreal how a show went from so funny to so shit so fast.

Im writing a piece on the simpsons season by season and it just falls off so hard, and thats not exaggerating and I grew up on season 11-14 and rewatching them just arent funny.

Like in short they relied too much on celebrities to carry the episodes which just arent funny. But even non celebrity episodes just lost the tone of that show for fucking over a decade.

On that note what was King of the Hills peak?

>Still better than "Look at how gaaaay I am" Stewie
it really wasn't.

Gay Stewie did get old fast, but evil baby Stewie was shit on arrival.

Some people say it was before Lucky's introduction. But even the last season had top notch episodes, the unaired episode about Kahn's anxiety and depression is one of the best.

Family Guy - Season 3
The Simpsons - Season 6-7

Every episode without peggy.

>implying the field trip to mexico episode isn't great

Peggy was great.
Only literal children can't accept her humor.

>Pre original cancellation Family Guy was awful.
>look how contrarian I am Sup Forums aren't I cool?