Why did this movie not win 10 Oscars?
Why did this movie not win 10 Oscars?
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Childhood is idolizing Jarhead. Adulthood is realizing Jarhead 3 makes more sense
Because plebs think Saving Private Ryan is more "badass"
It was literally 2deep4audiences.
It was mediocre. I was a marine and it didn't do anything for me.
Because they didn't take that shot at the end
>I was a marine
Good thing you weren't the target audience
Holy shit there's more of them?
Weren't they army tho?
>MUH war
these movies are actually fucking awful
It's part of the nu-war genre where everyone in combat has to be deep and thoughtful acting like they're exleriencing a peak mushroom trip or message from God, people who make movies are so fucking stupid it's nauseating
it doesn't follow the oscars guidelines for how to win an oscar
step 1 suck kike cock
step 2 pay ridiculous amounts of money to mr goldbergstein
step 3 have at least one strong female independent woman in the movie
step 4 have at least one homosexual white man
step 5 have more than 1 token diversity character
Did you see any war time action?
They are awful because they are about war?
No, the Army is actually for people with an IQ over 50.
Army: normal people.
Marines: hicks and downies.
Air force: chads.
Navy: gays.
Because it was a movie about life as a soldier. All plebs want is another copy paste war movie.
No. Only drones and infantry see war time action. It was boring as fuck. Like this movie.
>Only drones and infantry see war time action
You're telling me marines had no part in the 2nd Iraq war or the Afghanistan war? It's fine to admit you just weren't stationed there.
Yea that scene was goofy af.
Airforce is for chads? Is that because they have to have an higher asvab? I thought airforce was for lazy nerds who don't really want to see combat or do hard work.
>or do hard work
>literally the most intelligent and educated branch of the army
>every other branch is full of futureless hicks and high school drop outs
Yeah Air Force is for nerds.
Absolutely zero discipline and tons of physics homeworks to do. Nothing like the Marines.
What work do non pilots do in the airforce? I'm clueless desu. Thought they did paperwork and all the smart people with work ethic did nuclear shit in the navy.
People excepted it to be some sort of action movie. The movie showed the boredom of war
>be in chair force
>able to shitpost on a Jamaican linedancing forum all day
They ride a mini-roller coaster to see if they pass out or don't after 9 g. They sleep in the comfiest beds, have lots of free time. Basically the best branch of the armed forces.
Have you seen Top Gun? Now go watch A Few Good Men and tell me why anybody would join the Marines.
I've seen Generation Kill and that convinced me to never even think about being a muhrine. I still might want to join a branch of the military if I ever find myself starving on the streets which might happen because I'm a massive faggot who watches chinese cartoons all day
Airforce is literally the patrician's branch. Work with computers, fly the most advanced jets in the world. You're a world away from dying like some fucking pleb on the front lines in the middle of a desert hellhole.
Your future is bright.
Should I get in the army? I'm 20 years old and I'm in college studying law.
Not that good of a movie.
The discipline is... tolerable. Harsher than in the Air Force, however there is a lot less paperwork to do and if you love guns you'll have fun times.
If you have to ask, you shouldn't join.
>Should I get in the army?
>I'm in college studying law.
>in college studying law.
The fuck are you even thinking. Why would you even consider this? 90% of the people in the army would love to be in your position.
Most of the officers I met in the army had a law degree.
Well if you're an officer you'd obviously be better off than a grunt, but I'd also venture to say becoming a lawyer would likely end up better than either of them. That is if your first priority is monetary value.
>That is if your first priority is monetary value.
Obviously. No one joins the military to get rich.
Yet that's what 99% of people care about
>Why did this movie not win 10 Oscars?
American Beauty.
E-5 in the chair force here. It's a different kind of hard work. I do a lot of transportation, and while I don't really do much outside of office work now due to rank, it is a ton of manual labor for lower enlisted in order to get things loaded properly.
Then you need to consider the maintainers who are stuck outside in the heat/cold all day working on aircraft and are fucked over into shitty hours due to manpower and mission tempo which is only increasing as we lose people.
Of course there are the Intel, IT, communications, cyber warfare, personnelists, fiance, etc that just do paperwork or computer work, but those are all in the other branches too.
At the same time, it's hard to compare physical workload with mental workload. I found myself being able to rebound when I'd get home more easily when the bulk of my work was physical. Mental work and having to be a middle man between leadership and lower enlisted drains me like no other and makes me just want to laze around when I get home. I have no illusions that my job is "hard" though. I'm not shit on daily like army and marines. It's just a different experience with its own type of struggles.
What's your AFSC?
t. E-5 maintainer here
2T1. Aka bus driver specialist.
Who was the strong female lead in Hurt Locker?
Maintain aircraft, maintain other stuff, logistics and keep airbases operational and secured. Security companies kinda pretend to be infantry, but they aren't yelled at just because of giving them bullshit.
Generally 9 to 5 job regardless of what you are doing.
>Should I get in the army? I'm 20 years old and I'm in college studying law.
Absolutely risk free career as specialist officer in legal branch. Paycheck might be slightly less than civilian lawyers get, but there is absolutely no risk of getting fired unless you are criminally incompetent or have habits like being serial killer or rapist.