It is your chance you basement dwelling nazi fags.
Ask a puerto rican american anything?
Wasn't being included in America the best thing that happened to your tiny island?
Why yes and no in a way yes being we all get american citizenship no in the fact that the us government really has not given a shit about puerto rico or puerto ricans.
They let it develop from one of the best spanish colonies to a modern shithole full of dominicans, haitians and other south americans trying to get citizenship.
>It is your chance you basement dwelling nazi fags.
I'm Puerto Rican but I'm still down with Hitler
Anyway, Nuyorican or born on the Island.
I am a jersey rican even thou my father was born a Nuyorican and his father was a puerto rican with his father being a pure spaniard.
So i am just a rare white indian mongrel even thou i may have black DNA somewhere in the blood line.
Same, my grandpa looked more black but my mom looks more white, and then my grandma looks more amerindian.
Luckily I got brown hair and green eyes so I will probably survive the day of the rope.
Hilo antillano?
PR in TX reporting.
Even with the current debt crisis the GDP of PR has benefited a lot from being closely linked to the US. Hell, the only reason I have a job in TX is because how the universities benefited from the legacy of industrialization.
I don't remember seeing a lot of other south americans, but that may just be me.
Puerto Rician suck at home reporting. Things suck here, stop glorifying us you U.S Rician cuckolds.
>puerto ricans thinking that they're any different than the rest of the brownskin mestizo trash flooding our southern states
The only real difference between you darkies who insist you're "white" and the rest of the Spanish speaking mosquitos from Central America is you lucked out in the beaner lottery and always get to be here legal.
My grandfather looked my indian while my grandmother was a white.
No shit most ricans left the island because NYC and Texas have better jobs.
I know they suck down there you stupid fuck my uncle and his mother has connections down there.
I have been talking to my parents back in the island, they do say it sucks. The Junta has a good chance of fix that, after all, if the island is not stabilized its the Junta's fault, not PR.
How are the women
You stole Cuba's flag.
And inverted the colours.
It is the fault of the US for wanting war soilders so bad in world war 1 to cuck themselves with. Of course we would take over the mainland once we were given the chance of citizenship mexicans do it illegally.
I think the flood if people is going to increase now that the min wage has been cut. No reason to get paid near half of the federal if a ticket can fix that.
Ah, Fidel, I missed your posting here. Welcome back.
Why are there two PR threads at once?
How do you get internet? What kind of work do you do? What do you think about the US?
stay mad, mojado
i did time with a lot of puerto ricans in MA and CT, you guys are mostly alright but really need to lay off that eyebrow shaving homo shit
Not really, people from the Antilles in general get absorbed my the general hispanic population here in the US, too few puertoricans for the word to mater. Hell, I go to mexican churches all the time. If anything people flaunt it as a way of saying "I am a legal citizen".
I guess it's more cultural than a choice per se I'm puertoricans and I've always shaved my eyebrows but idk why.
>says he's a Puerto Rican
>has American flag
You could have at least put some effort in getting a proxy
They are hot but they are firery bitches who can get violent (i have nothing against punching a chick but whites find it wrong).
You get internet in cuba? dial up or dsl? and how are you allowed on here?
Totally. It was Ramon Emeterio Betance's dream to have a Antillean Confederation, the flag was a symbol of that. Greater powers have changed the course of that dream.
1/10 at least you tried bait.
Where in Miami do you live?
Are you really captain Ameriga?
I will concede that. Of all the mojados streaming across our borders, the Puerto Ricans tend to be the least assimilation resistant and will generally live like whites if they're around whites, or Mexicans if they're around Mexicans. At least until you actually call them Mexican anyhow, then PR suddenly has a vibrant culture that they feel the need to forcibly share with you.
I think the eyebrow thing was sort of a development of the times with all the boy bands coming from PR. Boy bands always seem to lean more effeminate than the rest of the culture.
Don't live there
Look at this retarded maple syrup snorting leaf why don't you fuck yourself you retarded cuck your whole fucking country should be nuked 50 fucking times you guys are so fucking useless a fire is beating your whole army and peoples ass all Canadians are fucking useless and an embarrassment to the whole world.
Leafs...Not even once.
Just saying, I probably wouldn't ever know or care if you're a puerto rican. But if I see you have shaved eyebrows from down the street I know you're some kind of homo or FOB.
If there are fourty of you in an eight passenger van, how many of you have knives?
I'll 25 knives. 15 guns.
>If there are fourty of you in an eight passenger van?
Nope unless you are talking about mexicans.
>how many of you have knives?
All of us even thou we don't all carry them on us.
It's muh borders too. Pic related.
All 60 of them. You forgot the women you patriarchal shitlord.
>Puerto Rico
>Can't get statehood
More like Puerto Rican't
daily reminder: Puerco ricans are a mix of indians niggers-slaves
mostly not even spaniard/European
Tell me about your culture. I live around so many of you (NYC) but don't really know anything about you.
Wrong. 57% White here.
The people are mixed and its mostly a white /spanish,black,inidan mix. People come mixed in different proportions and the culture is built around that. The aspirations of puertoricans tend to be that of getting all the things the genteel white people have. The rhythms and macho culture and the swagger comes from black culture. The foods and names of the places come from the indian culture.
People from PR, Dominican Republic, and Cuba have a lot more common with each other than they do with say Mexican people.
In the food there is a lot of rice, beans, pork, plantain, seasonal fruit. The most Puertorican dishes I can thing of are: pork blood sausage, roast pig, mofongo, pastel, paella, flan, some stews. These also have analogues in other places and cultures, but I can tell you I find it hard to see those here in TX.
Media. For music there is salsa, merengue and bachata (which i think are more of a DR thing). These incorporate brass instruments and fast percussion.
If you are white you are in luck, PR grills have white fever (surprise!).
I dunno what else you would like to know.
So your not an American, you are as worthless as a nigger, a muslim and a mexican.
How big of a meme is pick?
If by american you mean white, no, not completely.
As for the second point: I have a good job, I work hard, my white coworkers love me, I am fairly conservative, I can be approached and questioned about stuff white people would be nervous to talk about with other spanish speakers. I have even *gasp* been invited to their houses! I think me and my coworkers have learned a sense of common humanity and decency...which you seem to lack.
He pensado en esa idea, pero nunca escuche de esa idea de otra persona minetras estaba en PR. Creo que el lenguaje y cultura comun es algo que se puede utilizar a gran efecto en las economias de espana y los paises latino americanos. Hay que tener algo de quidado con esa idea, EEUU tiene la doctrina Monroe, y la utilizaria si cree que es necesario.