What's the most "reddit" TV show?
What's the most "reddit" TV show?
Is community still on?
recent examples: GoT, Westworld, the walking dead, breaking bad, true detective S2
Big Bang Theory
It's a tie between Bojack Horseman and Rick and Morty.
Game of Thrones, Big Bang Theory, Breaking Bad
no, but rick and morty, created by the same guy is often on the front page
Big Bang Theory
le knocker
Reddit and Memey
Half in the bag, Mr. Plinkett
All of these are discussed regularly here.
Anons regularly tell redditors to go back to r*ddit, too.
I wonder why ...
Rick and Morty
Breaking bad
Game of thrones
Daredevil/JJ/luke cage
Rick and morty isn't discussed on Sup Forums
i don't visit Sup Forums though
Pretty much any modern tv show or possible every tv show in existence.
The most reddit tv show would be if they made a tv show about Sup Forums
There have been plent of rick and morty threads you tourist shit
Whatever I don't like god dammit
reddit hate bling blang theory, they're the ones who call it "nerd blackface"
Arrested Development or It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
what's that show?
Stranger Things, I think that show celebrates whatever reddit stands for. Same with other Netflix productions.
These are close.
without a DOUBT big bang theory
You sound like a real expert on reddit.
>I'm not sure but think this show celebrates whatever reddit stands for maybe who knows what that is
Could you reach any harder for an argument?
They love it
>implying you could summarize a collective site hivemind with one word
what I meant, is that the show seems to have been produced in a way to seek reddit's approval
Anything adult swim including World Peace
Family Guy and all spinoffs
King of the Hill
Bojack Horseman and all netflix original animation
It's Always Sunny
Breaking Bad
Walking Dead
Mr Robot
Stranger Things
Marvel TV shows
DC TV shows
Sons of Anarchy
Mad Men
Arrested Development
Big Bang Theory
Two and a Half Men
Law and Order, and all sequels/spinoffs
House MD
Just because you like it doesn't mean it's not Reddit kiddo. Try going back/
Calm down, guy
please answer
Stranger Things is to reddit what Steven Universe is to tumblr.
>he enjoys the works of dan schneider
It's all 100% certified leddit. Sorry if you just found out you're a closet case.
missing The Expanse but good list
Doesn't matter, the series encapsulates the redditor ideal even if they hate it
>le science
>le references
>le niche but not actually that niche references
>le sci-fi
>le atheism
How does stranger things represent what reddit stands for?
Fuck. I never watched justified but I thought it was the spiritual successor of deadwood and was planning on watching it. What's bad about it
I think this guy gets the sentiment, even tho I think it's very simplified.
There's almost no threads this days.
You're the Worst
Game of Thrones
Breaking Bread
Doctor Who
any capeshit
Rick and Morty
Stranger Things
Community/Silicon Valley/Parks and Recreation - basically any remotely popular US comedy series in the last 5 years
Surprised that there's no mention of Sherlock. It personifies Reddit
>le quirky sociopathic character
no way senpai
super girl is pure Sup Forums Sup Forums kino
I'm pretty sure Sup Forums fancies themselves as epic sociopaths who DON'T GIVE A HECK about what other people think or care about. Sup Forums is mostly porn and death webms.
fuck off. these shows are discussed on reddit, every show is, but are far from being reddit shows. a reddit show is one that focuses on memes and wacky scenarios, like reddit and morty or big bang theory.
all these, also Mr Robot
To be fair most shows appeal to the reddit demographic nowadays given that's how you get your show viral visibility
But at the same time hate self insertions. If there's a weeb version of Adaptation, I think that may be the definitive Sup Forums show or movie. Something along the lines of Welcome to the NHK.
>wacky scenarios
>Not including Seinfeld shenanigans
Jerry & co get into various wacky situations.
If anything Kramer is loved by reddit
>memes and wacky scenarios
>seinfeld and koth
It's funny that you just realized how reddit you are and you're so mad about it.
reddit spies
In what way does seinfeld pander to 18-25 year old students who are liberal/socialist, effeminate, pro-SJW, atheists, cat-lovers?
Apparently tarkovsky kurosawa and kubruc are pretty reddit. I just like the movies bros ;_;.
The_Donald is one of the biggest subreddits. They've done more for getting Trump elected than Sup Forums could dream of. If you think reddit is just liberals you're an moronic cuck who fell for psyops on Sup Forums.
Sherlock is more tumblr than reddit
Black Mirror is the most by far. Truly the Nolan movies of television.
Seriously go back
>The_Donald is one of the biggest subreddits
No it isn't. It has like 300k subscribers, whereas /r/politics which is a left wing echo chamber has 3 million subscribers
Whatsmore the admins of the site have actively enforced algorithms to keep /r/the_donald posts from reaching the frontpage of their site. They basically fucking hate the fact there is a conservative subreddit on the site.
Nolan is anti-reddit though
Nah they love him. His shit is exactly the sort of pseudo-intellectual crap they lap up.
I think both Seinfeld and Koth are shows that helped shape the web2.0 without necessarily being part of it.
Unless reddit is part of the shows current success (netflix shows) or franchise revivals (star wars, soon blade runner), I wouldn't call a show reddit. Even tho you're dead on with those examples.
Nolan is reddit, Nolan as a joke is Sup Forums.
>reddit isn't left wing
kek, there is only one forum on reddit which is pro-Trump and the rest of the site hates them
politics used to be default of course they're going to have more subscribers. and the only reason they changed the algorithm was because the_donald was on the front page erryday, all day. you can't claim it's not significant and then say it's so significant that the admin had to stifle it. that's called a contradiction faggot. go back to enoughtrumpspam.
you're completely wrong.
whatever show you like the most.
>implying i don't visit this board every day
sup reddit
Jessica Jones and no one can prove me wrong
So they why isn't /r/politics, a supposedly neutral battle ground of ideas, more evenly distributed between conservatives and liberals and not just completely dominated by left wingers? Why does every other subreddit on the site dislike Trump?
>and the only reason they changed the algorithm was because the_donald was on the front page erryday, all day. you can't claim it's not significant and then say it's so significant that the admin had to stifle it
That's because pro-Trump people are far more likely to upboat comments, which means they were reaching the front page of reddit to the horror of its left wing admins and support staff
Nope, go back to /r/shitredditsays you literal tranny
Did you honestly think this was funny?
>What's bad about it
nothing. It's a really good show until season 3
Only his magnum opus "La Scene d'un Avion" (2012).
The rest of his oeuvre consists of high concept middlebrow flicks, the exact kind beloved by reddit.
>That's because pro-Trump people are far more likely to upboat comments
[citation needed]
Rick & Morty for sure
>Mad Men
yeah no. I refuse to believe my favourite show is reddit.
ITT: people who visit reddit every day.
the fact that /r/the_donald only has 300k subscribers but was reaching the front page is evidence of that you fucking dolt, hell there are even SFW subreddits with 220k subscribers completely unrelated to politics ban anyone who has posted to /r/the_donald even once
Let's not pretend that CTR hasn't admitted it has ploughed literally millions into astroturfing reddit too
Leftwingtards are fucking vermin, unfortunately they are looking to colonize Sup Forums like they have done with reddit :(
Parks & Recreation
Always Sunny is right in the middle of the Sup Forums/Reddit venn diagram.
breaking bad
>all these Redditors coming out of the woodwork
No its tumblrinas show
Walking dead
Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Pretty much show discussed on Sup Forums.
Why does Sup Forums have such a boner over reddit? Did I miss something during the orientation?
here are your free (you)
>tfw I like most of shows mentioned in this thread
Am I a normie? Can I have a happy life now?