How has there -still- been no official statements?

How has there -still- been no official statements?

Is Carrie Fisher fuckin' dead?

The grandmother from Halloweentown says she is doing okey

Do they not want her death to be associated with Christmas or something maybe?

she's gonna be in a coma for the rest of her life

rip shit wars

fucking jew conspiracy hiding her death probably the same DNC fuckers who tried to rig the elections before BASED GOD EMPEROR beat them all with sheer intelligence and class

She lost the will to live

She's in a coma.

no they have to wait until next year to announce it, when the new movie is in theaters

She's dead as a doornail, they're keeping her "alive" until a little before Episode VIII's release so they can Heath Ledger that shit. Expect rare public appearances by an embarrassingly obvious double wearing big sunglasses.

Ah yeah, that's probably it.

>rip shit wars

Don't be silly. They will use her as a puppet in the next movies

waiting until 2017 so nobody says

>fuck 2016!!

or just paint her and her bed grey and say she's been frozen in carbonite

"Why are you guys motion capturing my scenes instead of just filming me?"

Isn't one of the rumors about (the already filmed) Episode 8, that Leia is badly injured near the beginning and spends much of the movie in a coma, while rival Laura Dern assumes her position?

The indians were right. CGI steals your soul.

She's in a vegetative state due to profound brain damage. The brain begins to die without oxygen after 5 minutes. She was without oxygen for FIFTEEN MINUTES and possibly more.

She was receiving CPR the entire time, though.
There's been people revived after more than an hour without a pulse without any brain damage, solely because CPR being administered kept their brain cells from shriveling up.

She's theoretically got a chance. But they should know by now if she's a veggie or not, and their lack of comment disturbs me.


You have to go back.

Let's face it, she was practically a brain-damaged vegetable before this happened so we wouldn't be able to tell otherwise

That's not Carrie Fisher, you tard. That's Ariana Grande without makeup.


>their lack of comment disturbs me
they should re-duble their efforts

ariana was fridge as fuck

>her first role was literally her last
how ironic

What ps2 game is this from?