Thoughts on Milo Yiannopoulos AKA The Dangerous Faggot?
Thoughts on Milo Yiannopoulos AKA The Dangerous Faggot?
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he looks like billy idol
useful at first and now damaging
Is he gay?
far exceeded his usefulness
he shall now fade into irrelevancy and tour unimportant countries where everyone thinks it's all an act
He needs to be less degenerate before the fucks up everything.
He is balding
Voice of reason, his mission is to redpill the masses, top tier memer
Opportunist who smelled cash in the "alt-right" online "community".
A narcissist and exhibitionist with self-destructive tendencies who will cause enormous damage to himself and everything around him.
he's gay. gas'em
Only person I can unironically call daddy. His speech on Orlando was greatness, and the while DePaul thing was very enlightening on the nature of the Left
he is awesome and funny
A fun sideshow, but nothing more. At least he's proof that the degenerate masses the left worships aren't QUITE as much of an ignorant hive mind as they'd like.
I'd look for him to die in a car crash or some other accident in the next year, that or have his reputation ruined. He interferes too much with the desired narrative.
Trump is gonna win the boipussi vote.
Attention seeking whore
Entertaining at times but not hugely useful
Why Are You Typing Like This, Are You A Paid Shill?
I love how most of you fucks hate him, yet he's actually out there campaigning against the regressive left while most of you circlejerk in this board and post pepes.
Learn from his example
Jews pushing their homesexual agenda among the republican youth
I haven't seen Milo's gapung anus, so I like him more than Gavin McInnes
That's an insult to Billy Idol
Milo is a degenerate and is just in it for attention. He was the alt-right version of a useful idiot at first but he's become his own independent, largely detrimental entity
Pepe has done more for our cause than that faggot ever will.
This, the "alt-right" tag is, in Milo's words "pure cancer"
The people who hate him are either shills, leftist trolls, or dedicated stormfags, the other 40 some odd percent of people on this board love him.
>thoughs on
Hello data mining
Kill him.
or a lazy way to start a topic
both equally garbage
hilariously retarded and edgy opinion on atheism
typical narcissistic gay man
I actually like what he's doing more than most on the alt right, a pure agent of chaos and I love it
>most of you fucks hate him
Wtf are you talking about...Sup Forums even likes some based black men so long as the're based.
Sleepy doctor for example.
what the fuck you talkin about I can't even get out of bed in the morning without rubbing one out lmao quit playin I can't even go an hour at work without having to go to the bathroom and jack off lol I masturbate all day every day since I was 11 and the days I didn't masturbate I made up for by masturbating extra the next day
>Muh meme magic!
>Muh kek!
Those are all correct placements of capitals though.
You keep posting this faggot so often that I got curious and finally looked him up.
> He rose to notability in late 2015 when he began to provide media coverage and commentary surrounding the Gamergate controversy.
> He is the technology editor for, a conservative news and opinion website based in the United States.
Wait, so he's a goobergator who works for Breitbart? And a faggot on top of that? Can one single person be more pathetic?
typical annoying faggot
like others said,useful at first but now just attention whoring
I love Gavin and I like Milo but this made me cringe
>Ph.D. in Memetics
>any job I want
>$300k starting
Seems pretty popular among people who agree with you ideologically.
name a more based news source than breitbased
How about a bachelor's degree in shitposting?
>professional 4channer
I liked Milo more when he was more professional. He does it now to, as he described it, shitlord.
The conservative and alt-right movement needs to include as many people as it can, but not at the expense of its core identity.
We want to Make America Great Again, not turn it into San Francisco.
Big fan 2bh. I don't get some of the hate he gets here.
Andrew Breitbart was based as fuck.
Es tut mir weh dass Deutschland fast sterben wird.
Can you elaborate on him being detrimental please?
fuck off
go to bed milo, you're amusing but stop fishing for compliments in the middle of the night.
Also muslim now, apparently, so he got unbanned from twitter.
learn how capitals work.
He pushes the whole gays are okay, Jews aren't bad, watered down traditionalism that the resurgent right rallies against. In doing so he's helped create the alt-right, which are just SJWs who say nigger sometimes but otherwise want society to basically stay the same, ignoring the road and problems that got us into this mess in the first place.
Attention whore of the highest order.
he still draws support to Trump, so he is still useful.
self obsessed opportunistic parasite who is riding the gamergate/alt right wave for exposure
he is entertaining though
Correct, however a shotgun can't till a field. He has a purpose and that purpose needs to be focused on.
And why do you think the message is popular? Because it's so sneaky? People like it. It sticks. You people are worse than the professional victims on the left. No solutions. No actual criticism. Just complaints.
>The sixth pillar of Islam is MY DICK
bretty good/10
Indispensable in the war against Sjews and allahu snackbars
>He pushes the whole gays are okay, Jews aren't bad
So he's not a complete nutcase or meme spouting retard like the majority of Sup Forums?
He is a degenerate that is only in the right wing to profit off of it and change the social policies in the right to make it more accepting of gays and he supports pedophilia too. The only reason why people like him is because he makes leftists mad (Which that isn't a hard thing to do at all). He is a maggot just like the rest and to the people who like him are fools and useful idiots.
he's not goosestepping around calling on Trump to gas the kikes so he's bad
t. stormcucks
>No solutions. No actual criticism. Just complaints.
Okay big boy what is your solution to a healthy society? Idolizing a man that supports pedophilia? Allowing degenerate shit to run rampant? You are a moderate pseudo intellectual that thinks he is smarter by fence sitting because he is too stupid to pick sides and wants to seem superior to everyone else like holy shit you people are the reason why society is shit not the left because you enable the left by letting them corrupt you with their social policies. Long story short you are worse then a leftist with your enabling. By the way a complaint on something is a criticism and I do have a solution which is not allowing degenerate shit to run rampant.
>TL;DR You need to kill yourself.
Source on him supporting pedophilia? Because he literally has a post up on Twitter right now calling Islam a savage religion for worshipping a child rapist.
On the Drunken Peasants (Amazing Atheist's Podcast) he defended him having sex with a tranny at 14 and also getting molested by a priest too here is the vid but I don't know the timestamps though sorry.
So him having sex at 14=pedophillia?
Nero is back x)
If you like him you belong on reddit
he's alright
he doesn't seem to realise or is willfully ignorant to the fact that most people actually don't like jews and are not trolling though
Controlled opposition who's hijacking (or already hijacked) right-wing movement.
Go to bed Milo
You sound like a person who has trouble thinking past 1 or 2 steps. It's ok, smart people have the wheel. Enjoy.
How many shill threads does milo post a day? Pretty fucken pathetic, gonna have to filter "milo" soon.
Jews at work
He's useful as a gateway to the Alt Right, but he's ultimately just a vaguely Libertarian Conservative. He isn't truly one of us, he's just the first guy to seriously acknowledge us.
But, from Milo you might get to Gavin McInnis, and from Gavin McInnis you might get to Jared Taylor, and from Jared Taylor you might get to Richard Spencer, and at that point you're either a literal Nazi or an increasingly concerned member of the FBI.
So sick of him.
Faggots are just disgusting and insane. Milo is insane, he looks like he has AIDS and nothing he says is actually intelligent.
The "alt-right" are fag enablers and cucks for endorsing him
Queer degenerate who pretends to be christian.
Needs to be gassed desu
That's disgusting. I'm so sick of this faggot shit.
Why isn't the alt-right anti fag?
>Why isn't the alt-right anti fag?
Because half of them are fags themselves.
People who like milo are redditors
Haters can blab, but he fights more than your scared butts ever will. I approve, even he gets silly and over-the-top sometimes.
I fucking love him
>40% of this board
>loving a fag
He will hang with the rest when the time comes.
By the way when people talk about niggers they aren't being Ironic and they truly mean black people when they say nigger, not some special brand of black person.
I support the KKK
I saw this post yesterday in another anti-Milo thread
I think it's just some sperglord making these threads
Milo is a god.
Fuck anyone who disagrees.
He's capitalizing on the alt right meme just like tea partly fags 6 years ago. He is a walking cringe fest. Lamest people I've ever met were at his campus speech. No I'm not a shill you dumb fucks need to learn that both sides are rigged memes.
Useful for revealing the new left to be extremely violent and stupid as fuck.
We need more bearbaiters like him.
>He's capitalizing
gtfo commie
Milo is a mad genius and I love him. Offending people is important. If nobody is offended we are just leftist cucks sucking the dick of the politically correct train.
Exactly why I'm far right.
tupac alive in serbia
I feel the same way, but the best art is always cringy. Horror movies aren't popular because they are easy to watch. The "Right Wing Bigot®" making out with the "Gay Faggot®" as a show of solidarity against islam was a powerful image.
PROTIP: Gavin likes ass play, he showed everybody his blow out asshole.
PROTIP: the cringiest part wasn't them kissing, it was Gavin begging for the podium after Milo finished speaking, and sounding like a rambling fucking retard before redeeming himself by sucking faggot mouth.
PROTIP: If your speech sucks so bad that you need to redeem yourself by sucking faggot mouth then you are a terrible public speaker.
Gays are totally redpilled! Milo is awesome!
Islam is not the biggest enemy
the white race was a mistake
I like him. He's still the main reason I check YouTube so much. After Moster Metokur decided to stop doing videos, Milo became my number one.
Sargon is ok but I only watch him for this week in stupid these days.
Shit am I gonna go down the list? Yes.
Bearing and Undoomed are faggots. Bearing because he's a douche who can't stop saying fuck every two words (and uses the Total Drama Island bear without acknowledging it's not his) and Undoomed solely because (((Slenderman))) is faggy.
Blair White. I don't even know where this bitch came from. Before she came around everyone was starting to acknowledge that transgender is a mental disease, but then Blair White and then boom, everyone is trans friendly. What the fuck, guys.
I have nothing bad to say about Black Pigeon. I'm confused too.
Julie Borowski was cool until I heard her blunder through Crowder's show obsessing (as all libertarians) about pot. Seriously, get two topics.
Crowder is ok but he's pretty annoying sometimes. His Bernie sanders impressions sounded more like Gilbert gottfried (or the dock hag) and that's not even remotely what sanders sounds like.
I like ShoeOnHead and I have a girlfriend so I didn't care when she ended up with a boyfriend. She's still good in my book.
Thunderf00t is a gigantic faggot. He should shut up about moral or political issues and just do a science channel. That'd be more interesting than his inane plagiarized opinions.
NakedApe is ok. He's really sharp, especially in his debate podcasts, but he seems like he's trying too hard to be Milo Jr.
I really just wish Metokur would come back though. He was honestly the best one, IMO.