Why is there a rise in plus size models in the last few years?
Why is there a rise in plus size models in the last few years?
Cus they're sexy af
it's fat shaming to not like them and you can hire them for less
good lord. i want to shove my nose just as far up her sweaty shit hole as i can and take long, deep, lung filling inhales until i achieve a mind blowing orgasm, pass out, enter a lucid dream and repeat the process all over again.
my dick is a pillar of STONE. i don't give a fuck. not ONE fuck.
Because they realized men didn't want the borderline anorexic models of 2006.
Slothful women with a lot of money and connections in journalism want delude themselves into thinking they're pretty.
Because the fat acceptance movement is growing.
See and as evidence.
Because there's been a rise in plus size people in the last few years.
We call it the America effect, you're welcome rest of the world.
If fat girls looked like that, i would have no problem with it. Thick thighs and big hips are very nice. Just don't like a beer gut on a woman, or a fat face.
because fat girls dont want to lose weight; its easier (apparently) to change the public perception of beauty
Are you gay?
high test
tiny penis bitch who feels extremely emasculated by the presence of a woman with full, thick thighs, wide hips and a big, bulbous ass because he knows his hilariously small boy clit can't handle her detected.
Fat Shaming should only be for men.
Girls are becoming Thicker and that's a good thing
Plus size isn't that bad. It's when they're obese that draws the line. men should stop going with skinny bitches that produce feminine beta males
I notice that fat models ALWAYS cross their legs in front of them
it creates the illusion of super hips that and combined with ample photoshop to their cellulite ridden asses of course normies are gonna turn into chubby chasers
Because they work for peanuts.
Prefer size 12's.
Just the right amount of flesh to pound into. Anything skinner is shit desu.
Some are fucking sexy.
Standards are dropping
To appeal to a larger audience.
Your dick ain't long enough to handle a full sized woman
>Think plus size girls are the best
>Wife decides to get healthy
>Drops from size 22 to size 14
Yeah naw
She's hotter than ever and she's not gonna stop until she's size 12. Fuck yeah.
Fuck fat acceptance.
Do you think one day fat acceptance will succeed to the point that those will be more conventionally attractive than
Aren't plus sizes as far as models are concerned 12 and up?
You know when libs fucking refer to "plus size models" they mean whales.
Yeah but fuck them. OP is a plus sized mode right? She's probably around 12-14 right?
Yeah but she's still photoshopped to hell.
Fat girls a CUTE!!!!
I don't know. I can't see most of it because the fucking sign is in the way.
Cause everyone's getting fat and women are severely insecure when it comes to weight.
Having my children
>your girl going skinnyfat
>not going Lifting Amazonian Goddess tier, for those Epigentic gains for your childern....
Seriously hope you don't do this.
so stunning and brave!!
Because more men want the THICC
Her proportions aren't great, but I'd still hit it.
hehe, you know its true! all women deserve to be pampered like the Goddesses they are. curves are more healthy, and there's also more to cuddle with! :)
>plus size models
the correct term is FAT WHORES
H I G H T E S T Brehs
Fatty whale
(Like OP's pic, not landwhales though)
she's not fat though she's pretty sexy... she probably could be in much better shape pretty easily seems like she's doing this for her career
ew no thanks fat
This is like a parody, but you know she's not beautiful, she's just massive amount of meat around holes.
Top Keko. Underrated.
is it bad to want to fuck something that's thicker (but not a land whale)?
pic not related
Slim thick is the way to go senpai. You wouldn't go for a woman who's twice as wide as you right?
This. But they're plus size MODELS. Their bodies are rare.
Any regular woman who is pic related weight or even a little less thicc would have a tyre-tube stomach, fat pouches and cellulite.
id fuck her but the myspace angles and photoshoping are just retarded with this future diabeetus patient
this girl isn't even fat
I would spread my seed in and around her pussy area. and I hate fat bitches.
Lowtest pedo go into jail. Please check yourself.
funny thing is that this "plus" size look is problably harder to maintain than a generic skinny look.
fyi the swimsuit edition with that hambeast on the cover sold very poorly. They had multiple editions with a different cover model, you see.
Kind of funny that that's the best they can portray a body like that with the best photoshopping/airbrushing/trick angle photography money can buy.
those girls are fat. disgusting
More for me I guess.
Healthy thickness like is a sign of fertility. Being attracted to thick women is the exact opposite is bad.
Please visit a police stations so they can check on you. You could prevent another child abuse if you do.
This doesn't surprise if you consider that most men are low test nu-males.
because the Jew is attempting to brainwash young girls with the idea that it is good for them to be fat.
yeeeeeah boiiii
yeah because i want to fuck someone who doesn't have rolls on her pussy and fat blocking her knees
she's just a pretty girl who let herself get fat. lol.
they need to make a different edition for fattys call it urban "swimsuit" cause they cant swim
Is it possible that the sales are going down because nobody fucking buys magazines anymore and you can just use the fucking internet?
As attractive as I find that "hambeast" (ur a faget btw, leaf), I wouldn't pay to see pictures of her.
Because history repeats itself.
THICC women were all the rage for centuries, then petite women were the ideal, now we're bouncing back to thicc.
>if you dont like hamplanets you must be pedo
>disregard the fact that fat bitches have similar physique to little children with their blubber
Shit the moon is about to crash
>Talking about landwhale when the discussion was about high test girls.
It also doesn't surprise that nu-males cannot distinguish between land whales and high test
Jesus, it's like that scene in Norbit. She's so fat that you can't tell she's wearing panties unless you lift up her stomach and spread those gigantic thighs.
The smell due to the lack of airflow must be fucking vile.
That bitch is fat. Some guys like fat women, I like fit women that take care of themselves. Women like having OPs girl as a model because it helps enable their guts. Guys like women like that because they like fat women - nothing wrong with that.
THICC chicks
Women that look like the latter (or worse) want the sexy but heavily photoshopped former to be plastered everywhere to delude themselves into thinking that's what they look like.
Honestly I like girls like in OPs pic ALOT. but there is a down side.
You see them in their clothes that are usually 1 size too small so when they wear them it makes their curves "pop". so you see them all sexy like and shit and when they get naked, its like looking at a walrus. Just a large flab of meat from head to toe.
If you were a cannibal, you might like it because its perfect for butchering and eating marbled meats.
If you're intending to dick it, then its kind of a turn off unless they REALLY have those curves without any extra help from tight clothes. Had one GF that looked like OPs pic but with huge boobs, literally would cum in like 2 mins or less because of her shape, kind of killed the mood for her but holy fuck all those cream pies I gave her. jesus christ, I still have dreams about cumming deep into her.
i linked the literally same picture in the post you replied to fucking ahmed jesus
and confirmed empirically
I linked to it, but not as what you make it out to be. Why are you so delusional? Is the lack of test preventing your concentration?
I just puked on my keyboard
she has fat drooping over her kneecaps
There's a difference between being thick (your pic) and being a disgusting blob of lard
>nu males prove their cognitive dissonance once again
I hope we find a cure for your disease ;^)
Because feminist agenda is working and betas are getting more and more attracted to cows like pic related
absolutely wretched
Where are all the plus size male models? Imagine how repulsed women would be, then they'd finally see the double standard
>that pic
Hi-test as fuqq. Only betas would deny.