Trump Wants to Close the Internet Up

What do Sup Forumsfags think about Donald Trump wanting to "close the internet up"?

Are you willing to sacrifice Sup Forums to your beloved führer?

It would be for the best. The best days of the internet are gone, it must be stopped.

Trump doesn't understand the internet very well. I hope he gets advisors knowledgeable in that field.

Eternal september.

I will gladly give up my freedoms for the Don.

Yeah, free speech must be stopped. Bring back the Alien and Sedition Acts!

Fucking retards.

You will sacrifice your God given right to use Sup Forums for Trump?

>1 post by this id
>fake quote
Fucking sage

Trump will do what needs to be done to creat jobs and make america #1 again. He's not going to do all the boogieman shit that you libtards whine about.

Not to mention any draconian interpretation of this means the end of the economy, or Trump supporters deciding it's time to clean their guns and go overthrow the governement, or something like that.

What could they do? Well, they could spend less time banning perfectly legal and harmless dissent and more time banning legitimate threats. For instance. Maybe at least be a little more egalitarian about it all, really. That at least would be in keeping with what Trump has been suggesting for a long time.

Full quote from Trump:

"We're losing a lot of people because of the Internet. We have to go see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what's happening. We have to talk to them about, maybe in certain areas, closing that Internet up in some way. Somebody will say, 'Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech.' These are foolish people. We have a lot of foolish people."

>He's not going to do all the boogieman shit that you libtards whine about.

Oh, so you mean he isn't going to do everything that he says he will?


Yes, fuck the internet. It hasn't been fun since 2010.

The internet died when they installed Carnivor at the C.O.'s in the 90's. They've been busy herding yall since

lol well shit people rather have trump then the internet ggwp vote trump i guess


He was talking about stopping ISIS from using propaganda on platforms like YouTube and Twitter for recruiting purposes.

>Like China? Like North Korea?
You mean like the EU?

Seriously, if the feds can find the time and money to track down a handful of literally autistic kids that call themselves lulzsec, surely they can find out who's posting ISIS snuff films.

Maybe they could even stop something like what happened in Orlando with all this hardcore STATSI 2.0 stuff they have.

It would be best if he does it. I'm sick of the internet and what it has done to our lives and society as a whole, and so many people here on Sup Forums have said the same thing. Close it up, Trump, you'll be doing us and society a massive favour.

I don't give a fuck. Cracking down on the internet is not something POTUS can do, and he would know better given his long and storied history of shitposting on twitter.
Get Trump into the white house, then worry about the few agenda items he has that would chafe against us.

The Trumpets have gone too far.

We can't have Donald Trump restricting our freedom of speech. We need a true libertarian in the whitehouse who'll respect the constitution, not a fascist lunatic.

I am now a #JohnsonJavelin

This, also, I bet he just wants to ban muslims from the net. Idk, but in any case we can all probably admit that we waste too much time here and it would do us some good to take a vacation from Sup Forums.

>It's perfectly fine if Jewish for-profit industries shut down massive numbers of web sites each year for doing nothing but hosting links to Jewlywood movies! Piracy hurts Jews!

>stopping literal ISIS members from recruiting terrorists that want to murder Americans? Woah now! Free speech and shit! :^)

It is a damn shame liberals don't die in violent attacks more often. Their constant hypocrisy is almost unfathomable.

No, you don't get it. If we elect Trump, the immediately he takes off his mask to reveal that he's actually Hitler after all, and then that means he's dictator for life and we're fucked.

But if we elect Hillary, then she'll be a sweet little old lady who just dozes off in her rocking chair in between knitting curtains for the White House and being nice to black people.

He said he wants to make it so organizations like ISIS aren't free to run social media accounts that remain unbanned forever despite talking about killing infidels and shit.
The media, and retards who listen to the media, took that as "restrict access to the internet for everyone."

Oh, but the censorship that will come with TPP and TTIP? No problem there!

Unintended Copyright Infringement for everybody. How very liberal.

Even ISIS should have freedom of speech. How far does it go if we hand over the power to the government to ban social media accounts that they view as "terrorist"?

>An enemy you're currently engaged in a war with should be allowed to freely issue propaganda to your citizenry while also recruiting them

Obviously any censorship of the internet is bad and should always be opposed. You're making men out of straw to deflect from the fact that your Führer is calling for more censorship of our sanctuary.


You are a retard. Without the internet people will keep believing in lies. All American history is distorted by the wealthy. Voting for a billionaire. You guys are morons.

I oppose it on principle, sure. But is that really what's going to happen? When I watch the way Trump works, I think it's more likely that this is going to drive a wedge into topics and issues that it is not yet publicly acceptable to take head on, and maybe result in some compromise against my personal utopian desires for the world.

TPP and TTIP? That's literally fascism. Save your Fuhrer comments for anybody not opposing those first and foremost.

Fuck you. You fucking morons eat up whatever he says and continue to suck his dick. He says he loves Israel and Jews, you guys say he's in the right. He strongly supports Gun Control, you guys are fucking willing to hand over you guns and rights for him. He wants to close up the last place of real free speech on this god-forsaken earth, and you are willing to give it all away.

You fucks are just as retarded as the liberals, at least they don't fucking go back on what they stand for, regardless of how stupid it is.


Trump did want to block the internet you fucktards, he specifically talked about cutting the middle east out of OUR internet. He wanted us to be more efficient in USING the internet to take out our enemies. (russia, china etc). He wants to learn how to use it, not fucking block or censor it.



I would support removing sand niggers from the internet.

>He wanted us to be more efficient in USING the internet to take out our enemies. (russia, china etc).
So he hates Russia now? And how do you fucking defeat your enemies with the internet?

Its called cyber security you dumb mongoloid. Ya know, stopping people from hacking into our fucking databases (which are from the fucking 70's) by updating and making everything more efficient and actually hiring capable people to make better security.

Just look at the obama care site, fucking disaster.

u wot m8?

Cyberwarfare has been all the rage for decades, and the number of vectors it opens up are astronomical. Would you have the Arab Spring play out like it did without the internet? Would Russia bother with RT? Would (((Mark Fuckerberg))) meet with Stasi Merkel to agree on quashing dissent against having the caliphate take over Europe?

This goes back on what you said about him cutting it off in those countries, or just in the middle east did you mean?

A leaf actuaĺly saying something constructive and right? What a beautiful day.

Trump wants to close this

>Are you willing to sacrifice Sup Forums to your beloved führer?

Man all you motherfuckers are a bunch of fucking cocksuckers and I'd love to see this place shut down just to spite all of you faggots. Just saying.

True, for the good of America. No more juan foreigner to try to convince you to became a commie

-Trump said two days ago that he supports gun control. Said he will meet with the NRA and GOP and pressure them to give in on what the Dems want.

-Calls for internet censorship and said anyone proclaiming "freedom of speech" when it comes to the internet is "foolish".

-Trumpets still bending over and grabbing their ankles for the Donald.

Are self-loathing trumpets getting cucked by Trump?

Is mentioned simply not allowing them to access social media. Since they use it to recruit, and post their execution videos and propaganda.

Obviously he's a retard. Just remove Russia from what he said and it still makes sense. Putin wants to habe the secks with Trump and Trump wants to habe the secks with Putin.

By the way dumbass here's a guide on how to defeat your enemies with the internet

>1, directly mail memes to their router

The more typical approach is to let them use it to recruit but then use that to identify potential threats. The FBI does that sort of thing all day long, even after Congress told them to quit it.

Why does the FBI keep fucking up? I think we need to look into this.

Either way, upgrading the USA internet capabilities should be a major thing. Since we have slower speeds than so many other countries. I am fine with either happening, I just want faster internet and better government efficiency.

Hillary is right up their to and trump isnt part of that cause he's not a politician shill

The president has literally no power to do anything of the sort. So.

Unfortunately it seems as though the trend is to privatize everything into cartels instead of letting us little people have it. There's loads of dark fiber capacity around, for instance. And if you've never had an Internet2 connection before you might find yourself concerned about silly little things like the cost of bandwidth or whether or not it'll be able to keep up with your local network.

Can pseudo-redpilled reddit fags pls go back and let the adults talk about important things like hoaxes/FF's/Greater Israel or are we just gunna fawn over gay jews "BTFO'ing" SJWs? You faggots might be content with watching kosher conservatives argue over trivial nonsense, but some of us are actually researched and know what's really going on.

damn I really love this fag. The hero america needs, but not the one it deserves

fuck you i came to post that.

just dont break it.

> t. a fucking stupid leaf
Talking yourself up like that makes you look pretty faggy, fag
t. not a stupid fucking leaf

Whats with all these foriegners getting so assblasted about trump.

Seriously. Like 15 different flags are fucking bent about it, and none of this shit will effect you in any way shape or form.

Feel free to admire our country, but fuck your opinion.

Yeah, actually.

Liberal cucks want you to believe that the Government is untrustworthy with internet monitoring and censorship, but that's actually the one field they excel at.

As a former member of the intelligence community, let me just say there would have been a LOT more terrorist attacks after 9/11 had the NSA not stepped up it's game, Trump is on the right track and Snowden honestly needs a dose of hot lead to the cranium.

I don't think Trump put much thought into it.

He seems to function on....
That thing is bad, stop the bad thing.

He is a legal, schmegal, kind of guy.

Tell your buddies they're failing at PR really hard.

If you're going to do stuff that's flagrantly illegal then it needs to be:
1. obviously effective
2. well-liked by the people

It shouldn't even be a question of why James Clapper hasn't been fired yet, for instance. He should have resigned in shame after lying to Congress.

Didn't know Rand was that much of a fag.

>fragrantly illegal
You want to provide some evidence for that, friendo? Data obtained through intelligence agencies has never been used in a trial against a US citizen.

>The question really is, what did he mean by that?
>What did he mean by that?

Rand Paul confirmed redpilled

I am now #randpilled

"give me more power I swear I am 100% trustworthy"

t. The Government

I suppose you'd have to have some evidence for that claim. Get a warrant you fat fuck. The NSA isn't even supposed to be operating domestically in the first place.

If we need to upgrade the National Security Act then let's upgrade it as appropriate. It's been perverted pretty much from the start in the first place, so obviously there must be something wrong.


Nowhere does it say anything about use in a trial or citizenship. Go shill on plebbit or something, some fags might believe you over there.

>Get a warrant you fat fuck
Why would we get warrants against people who aren't American citizens, you stupid fuck?

Warrants are a cute thing you use when Joe McInbred murders his wife, not when a building is about to be blown up.

Maybe EVERYONE will be better off without the Internet.

Only the government and companies should be using it. That way they wouldn't have anyone but themselves to spy and brainwash.

>the constitution only applies when convenient
I bet you support an assault weapons ban too.

Use in a trial is the only place it matters, moron. If your worried about the gubmint blackmailing you over your tranny porn collection (they don't actually give a shit, by the way) you should have encrypted it in the first place.

What building? WTC? Murrah Building? Want to tell me how you all managed to fuck up enough for 9/11 to happen?

Have the people responsible been brought to justice yet? Do we need to start getting warrants to find out for ourselves?

The NSA upped its game AFTER 9/11, numbnuts. If we hadn't done anything the past decade and I half I swear you faggots would be crying a river of tears over it. You can't have freedom without security. "Sacrificing freedom for security" is a fucking meme you troglodyte. I swear this country is like a goddamn gigantic daycare sometimes. "Boo hoo the turrists are killin people, do somethin!", "Boo hoo the gubmint is infringin muh rights", "Boo hoo the gubmint is bein mean to muslims", "Boo hoo the gubmint won't pardon traitors" swear to fucking christ. This is why I got out of the game, you people aren't worth the hours I put in to fmaintain our way of life, only Trump can ensure such a thing by laying down the fucking LAW and putting an end to the VAGUE BULLSHIT RULES American intelligence has been forced to operate under since Snowfaggot.

Fair enough.

He was talking about monitoring terrorist activity on the internet and shutting down terrorist sites.

A president who unites America through nationalism, or one who ignores American while droning the fuck out of the middle east? I think I'd prefer the former

No need to sperg out dude. Most of my salary since 9/11 has come in part from lending a hand to the intelligence community.

But let's figure out how to do what needs to be done, and do so legally and effectively, and then we can all sing the national anthem and pop off fireworks and celebrate our great and wonderful alphabet soup.

In a fucked up way Trump is making a strong case for the 2nd amendment.

Censoring the internet would fit the definition of a tyrannical government.

Is this just for American's?

American Intelligence has literally done nothing Illegal. Leddit made a big stink about Snowfaggot's leaks but there was NOTIHNG illegal documented in there, even if the hard truths about what we do (what MUST be done) hurts precious liberatardian fee fees.

That's why I said the PR game is shit. When the people lose confidence in their government, that in itself is a very serious national security risk.

I'm not going to argue that are aren't things that must be done even if that means playing fast and loose with legality. It's going to happen whether we like it or not anyway. I'm just saying let's make lemonade out of these lemons. I think we're largely in agreement, and I'd like to hope that Trump making an issue out of this can drive us toward a less dysfunctional state of affairs.

In my opinion, I'd rather see a lot more effort directed at our civilian leadership than anything. We need some house cleaning if we're going to go after the root of the problem.

What he means denying ISIS access to the internet.

Trump wants to close it off for the isis, which can be partially achieved by destroying their infrastructure.

Freedom is speech is very important, otherwise you end up like europe where "hate speech" can be twisted to mean anything the establishment wants, and they can send you to jail or fine you for speaking out.
It's just as important as the 2nd amendment, as a means to keep the state from becoming too powerful.

Yes, the Internet does suck now, but that's a separate issue. Besides that, you don't have to use facebook, twitter, etc. I never did. The only thing that affects me to any degree is that so many websites have bloated sites with useless javascript, when all those functions could easily be done in pure HTML+CSS, and thus not require big ass browser with complete JS VM that's full of bugs ready to explolit. It also requires you to constantly buy new computers every few years just to browse the web, just because the browsers keep getting bigger and slower every year.
But at least the Internet is not just the WWW. And maybe once the web goes full retard, something more reasonable will come to replace it.

Completely putting the brakes on European influence in the US, that would be fucking fantastic. Please let it happen.

what's Carnivor?

I'm pretty sure he's talking about the federal government listening in on every phone and internet transmission since then.

ah, so something like Echelon which is for SATCOM but only for unitedstatians?

God damn you're a huge faggot no one cares about this at all

Married one of your women.
Will continue to vote in your elections.
As will my syrup swilling children.
Merry Clintonmas.

>Are you willing to sacrifice Sup Forums to your beloved führer?
and nothing of value was lost.