Did you guys get what you wanted for Christmas this year?
I got Netflix and amazon cards for some reason
Did you guys get what you wanted for Christmas this year?
I got Netflix and amazon cards for some reason
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imagine if someone wrong the same thing but with "black genocide"
Really made me think
Its obviously satire. I got a couple of gift cards, new shoes, and electronic tooth brush. Pretty stoked because its more than I wanted
Why do Jews hate white people so much, they have more hate for them than any other race
i got a nivea shampoo + deodorant
The guys actually communist says the hatians were right for killing all the whites. He's allowed his own opinion, but it ain't satire, look through his Twitter
Yeah, I did get everything I wanted. Plus I'm still white and alive, so I've got that going for me.
i got a fucking playstation 4 and i haven't played videogames in almost several years and don't need a mediabox
Best part is he gets government money to spout his worthless opinions in favor of an ideology that's been dead in the water for thirty years to college students forced to spend $3000 to take his class to meet their degree's 'diversity requirement'
Wow, youve just changed the whole twitter game. Take this to the news, the people must know.
>Middle Ages white guy
>shitty beard
I got a sweater and new headphones
What an original thought
It's not as if people have been saying this for years or basing their entire ideological arguments on it or anything.
If all the whites were gone, almost every wiggle country in the world would collapse, just look at South Africa. Maybe Japan might survive, but that's it
Holy shit good point
All I wanted was the 4K Steelbook of Suicide Squad but no one got me it. :(
So I went to the store today and bought it myself. :)
But then I got home and looked at the writing and found out the Extended Cut isn't in 4K. :(
Something doesn't add up.
find out what happens next!
Get the Uncharted Collection Uncharted 4, and The Last of Us
Just made my way through em and they're a lot of fun w good stories.
It says so right on the box.
Should've gotten the BvS UC instead.
I imagine they would get banned.
It's almost like you've realized liberals are hypocrites user.
Just wait until you find out Santa isn't real.
>not Bloodborne, the only PS4 game worth playing
Got some beer, some Sup Forums related stuff, and some tea.
It's not satire.
Thought he claimed it was.
Which is fair enough, since that's what Sup Forums does every time they get banned from some platform for blatant racism.
>not Sony's movie games
>ideology that's been dead in the water
Ciccariello's not a capitalist.
>Americans debt themselves for the rest of their lives to listen to a self-hating whitey promote white genocide
>yuropoor tax money goes to funding the same propaganda and muslims to kill your family
Pretty sure more American bucks have spent creating ISIS than Yuropoor.
There's less poverty and more middle-class people than ever in the world. You just think capitalism has failed because Western economies have been somewhat stagnant and you have a racist, Eurocentric view of the world.
Please check your privilege :^)
pretty sure you're literally importing terrorists into your country
I'm giving it to my younger cousin so no
>at your local coffee shop
>pic related steals your trim double-mocha pumpkin-spice latte and says "Thanks for the coffee white boi, now give me your lunch money"
What do, Sup Forums?
instantly genocide myself to make him happy
Pretty sure more Saudi/Kuwait/UAE bux have been spent on creating ISIS than both USA and Yurope combined.
Why do white liberals hate themselves so much, do they think self loathing makes them better people
Lol are you 12 user? Stop playing with toys.
>tfw southern european
>tfw it was german tax money the one funding my white genocide indoctrination
We don't even have whiteys here lmao
>Self hating
He's Jewish.
He's not "white".
His courses are all about dirty Europoor white people and how to kill natives and jews.
(Is he wrong though?)
Yeah I wonder why
>Amerifats pay 30 thousand dollars to go to classes taught by people who think this shit
Europe was better off before Americans indoctrinated it to "diversify" itself using UN as the puppet for it.
He's Jewish.
He doesn't say he wants a Jewish Genocide. He wants a white one. He won't be included.
He hasn't forgotten about you savages either.
What's your point?
I don't understand how """"Adults""""" play games when shitposting on a taiwanese meme depository is much more edifying and age appropriate.
My point is that for someone who's been on the internet (and especially Sup Forums) for any extended period of time that the idea behind your post has been brought up hundreds upon hundreds of times. It's common knowledge there is a double standard at this point. Saying "imagine if someone said black instead of white" is tired at this point.
We know they are hypocrites. I wish this whole thing would just go away at this we've been at it for so long.
Sure my country has a reputation of burning jews alive so yeah, probably we will be included in the white genocide as honorific guests
fuck me and trump
sister adopted me a cat and I named him after the candelabra in Beauty in the Beast, also made a vid about Christmas films if any of my Sup Forums boys wanna give it a watch
that's fucken Ultra Mint dude very good cops, I have an undying love for Naughty Dog as a development studio