What are some good movies to watch while vaping?
What are some good movies to watch while vaping?
Other urls found in this thread:
Anything from Michael Bay
Poor Little White Guy
any movie you would normally like, not as if it affects your brain that much
Blade Runner
The Matrix
Babylon AD
Lawnmower Man
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Fight Club is certified Vape-Kino.
Came here to post this.
anything by Christopher Nolan
Do people only Vape ironically ?
Both my dad and brother vape because it prevents them from smoking as much. They're not faggy enough to do it in public though
I do it to try to quit nicotine. Go down in nicotine levels until you're at 0. Then just have to break the habit of vaping (when I wake up, after eating, etc)
I bought a vape a week ago, i did it 100% for the meme. I didn't even get nicotine in the fluid
I only vape ironically when i'm browsing Sup Forums
*blocks your path*
wtf is that liquid, doesnt it spook you guys?
It's like chinese chemicals?
The liquid is made up of water, aroma, glycerine, propylene-glycol and nicotine (but you can also get them nicotine-free).
It's a lot less harmful than a normal cigarette or shisha, that's been scientifically proven, but of course Big Tobacco is lobbying hard to tell you otherwise.
truly living the meme, god speed user
Not sure if Big Vape
Am I the only one who thought that was Kenny hotz in the thumbnail?
It only just dawned on me that when saying "vaping" the American Sup Forums users refers to the usage of e-cigarettes.
Personally I vape because I don't smoke and I don't want to start for the occasional joint plus vaporizers give you a much more laid back high and are much more effective relative to the amount of herb used, especially the one I own.
That E-cig "juice" has some fucked up things in it. Use it for a couple of days and your lungs are irritated and you end up with a sickly sweet feeling in the back of your mouth.
It isn't even that enjoyable.
If people want to stop smoking or just use a different way of getting nicotine just use the mini-nicotine lozenges.
They taste great and are cheap and you can actually feel something.
Anything from Leonardo DiCaprio
Guardians of the Galaxy