>Literary critic Benjamin Kirbach argues that Plinkett enacts a kind of détournement by recontextualizing images that would otherwise serve as Star Wars marketing material (such as behind-the-scenes footage and interviews). Defined by Guy Debord as "the reuse of preexisting artistic elements in a new ensemble", détournement is a way of generating meaning out of cultural texts that is antithetical to their original intent.[37] Kirbach argues that Stoklasa uses this tactic to construct a subversive narrative that frames George Lucas as "a lazy, out-of-touch, and thoroughly unchallenged filmmaker".[38]
>Kirbach also argues that Plinkett's popularity can be explained, in part, as a form of catharsis. Because he is portrayed as insane, the Plinkett shtick "legitimates our nerd-rage by literalizing it".[39] But aside from raw catharsis, Plinkett's insanity also serves as a critique of the film industry itself. By fictionalizing his critic, Stoklasa constructs a character who is unable to speak at a safe distance from the text he analyzes. "Plinkett becomes the figure of a consumer culture that has been force-fed Hollywood schlock beyond its carrying capacity," Kirbach writes.[40] And furthermore:
>Stoklasa's major conceit—that someone would have to be "crazy" to watch movies the way Plinkett does—also implies a barely hidden inverse: that the film industry has induced a consumerist fantasy in people who don't watch movies this way. Plinkett's obscenity and jokiness are without a doubt designed to garner viewership, but they are also Stoklasa's apology for—or defense against—a culture that already construes his level of passion as pathological. This central irony leads us to question what is actually more insane: the consumer who rejects the expressions of a massive culture industry, or the massive culture industry itself. Plinkett satirizes the kind of consumer such a system generates: psychotic, sexist, homicidal.[39]
Holy fucking shit, how can they recover?
Chase Williams
>>Kirbach argues that Stoklasa uses this tactic to construct a subversive narrative that frames George Lucas as "a lazy, out-of-touch, and thoroughly unchallenged filmmaker".[38]
Probably because it's true.
Julian Lopez
How exactly is this a BTFO?
Joshua Ortiz
That sounded more like appreciative criticism than denunciation
Xavier Morgan
God, reading that, I do not miss grad school
Jaxson Adams
holy shit you cannot read
Samuel Bennett
Joshua Moore
>Stoklasa's apology for—or defense against
Well, which is it? It can't fucking be both, what the fuck are supposed to glean from this? Take a fucking stance
Hunter Reyes
because teenagers think ANY form of criticism at all is "BTFO OMG". Critical thinking simply isn't valued by the younger generation, instead the activity of providing links to "authoritative" opinions is all that is required in order to win an argument from their shallow perspective.
Josiah Wilson
>people who sit around and criticize people who actually work hard to create things have now just started criticizing the other people who sit around.
Good. I hope they start murdering eachother.
Kayden Richardson
That seems like a pretty thorough analysis user. Not all of which is negative.
Thanks for sharing anyway! If it takes memes to just post analysis with a tiny bit of thought put into it, then so be it, you did good.
David Johnson
Seems like he is analysing the character of plinkett rather than "LE EBIN BTFO xdd"
Julian Bell
Terrible reading comprehension.
Gavin Fisher
Why is there so much RLM shilling on Sup Forums right now?
I know the board is obsessed with Mike and Jay, but wtf is everyone freaking out about?
Did Plinkett hate/love another Star Wars thing?
Ayden Moore
OP on fucking damage control lmao just delete the thread and try again
Kevin James
>BTFO That's actually littered with praise, did you even read it?
Thomas Johnson
>These pathetic RLM fanboys in the comments of the new vid
Brandon Nelson
It's the only place those pathetic hacks have fans.
Aiden Kelly
RLM videos average 400-500k views. You don't seriously believe that all comes from Sup Forums, do you?
Luke Sullivan
uh, the rest of the views are obviously people watching because they hate them.
source: no one in their right mind could enjoy those dweebs
Carter Torres
>(((Benjamin Kirbach)))
Alexander Ward
He means apology in the sense of a defense, as in apologia.
Asher Young
it's reddit.
James Lewis
He's praising Mike for there being a deeper message delivering purpose to his character though.