It's unbelievable what this election cycle has been doing

It's unbelievable what this election cycle has been doing.

Cowards and cucks revealed at every corner.

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KYS Charles Murray is based.

the average trump supporter doesn't know who Charles Murray is. the middle/working class with real families doesn't read charles murray

Nobody argues the average Trump supporter knows who Murray is. But we do.

I have no fucking clue who this guy is, and I've been on Sup Forums since it was /new/.

news flash: Sup Forums isn't the average trump supporter

how have you not read The Bell Curve?

Who is this guy?

To a very great extent. However, his response to the collapse of the family was to ignore divorce law, ignore media hate campaigns, ignore out of control women, and yell at men for being childish.

Not saying he's perfect, nobody is.

I'm pretty sure he's insinuating that Trump supporters are low IQ.

Sorry, don't know who this guy is. I don't need supposed authority figures to tell me how to think.

WotLK was better

I think he simply doesn't want to be associated with underage edgy teenagers who posts pics of Pepe on twitter.

The older generations are going to get left behind. The world is now moving much faster than their outdated boomer brains can handle. They don't know what it is like to suffer. To them society is just "falling apart" and they still don't really know why.

I've heard him say in a PBS interview that "Trumpism" was a backlash of the working class against the cognitive elite running the country.

He knows full well that his books are only read by said cognitive elite. What you say may also be valid tho.

But damn I'm checking his twitter feed and he's linking to this article :

which is fucking great.


He's a faggot with no backbone when bugle calls. Ignore.

You are aware that even liberal arts students know who this guy is and have memorized The Bell Curve by heart?
You are aware you are less educated than a political science or sociology major?

This desu
A lot of the "old guard" are just completely out of touch
This is Sowell all over again

Man I love this election cycle
It's really turning everything on its head

not at all. he was insinuating that 'alt righters' (aka nazis) misunderstood his book

first time i've said it, but, pol btfo

desu i have a bachelor's degree and i had never heard of this gentleman until now

Oh, that guy. I didn't know him by name. I have read the book though.

Funny. I am a political science major and never heard of this guy.

Well, men do have some agency to not act childish, and fight the stream current that is out of control feminism


Yes, but as many of us believe, this is a chess game or war and we are already quite a few steps behind. He won't ever admit that if he even comprehends it yet.

How can Sup Forums red pill Charles? We owe him a few pills for the ammo he gave us.

That media will never cover it nor will it cover how the terrorist was a registered Democrat.

You are very right. This won't be an easy war for us. Not in the least bit easy. And the psychological effects are very, very intense for us men

It's more of that men have been raised to think that men and women are equal so their reasoning is quite clear "Why do I have to FIX this mess? Why don't women fix it if they care so much? They obviously dont care since they're not fixing it so I'm not gonna try to help with this bullshit that they don't even care about."

It's quite logical as long as you assume men and women are equal and think similarly
Once you remove that line of thought the whole game changes

Good look fixing that though lad cause I for sure ain't doing it

Ya but most men don't really believe that other than the cucks. The men who need to do something are the self-aware ones, but even when you become self-aware, it takes time to drum up the purpose, courage, and anger to fight back when you only were taught how to repress these things growing up. They have fucked us on all sides.

>Sup Forums NEET meets actual political strategist

>sociology major

Most men are not self aware
Most people are not self aware

Do not be fooled by social interactions

The truth is the majority of men don't know why marriage is shit other than the female factor
Since they're raised to see that female as equal they're only more confused

Should we try to teach Murray about Pepe the Frog?

>This is Sowell all over again

What... what happened with Thomas Sowell?

He wrote a whole magazine issue with a bunch of other low energy folks bashing Trump
It was a few months ago and that was the last relevant thing many of those writers did

>Irrelevant faggot with fan boys who think he influences people that have nothing to do with nor want anything to do with him.

He is a man of science. Perhaps he would like to know about our discovery of meme magic.

Everyone needs to read the linked article:

Don't be fooled by how well men can hide their inner feelings.

We have not been raised to see women as equals, but as superiors to whom we serve.

Why haven't you read the linked article yet?

Treasonous cuck who shamelessly propagated these myths:

And the other
>lol the manipulator got fired this year

Man, that guy is awful.

Obviously, his work is bullshit, stereotype-threat is criminally overblown, and its proponents are politically motivated.

But... how much must he hate Whites to devote his whole life to dishonestly promoting this? It's difficult to imagine such an evil mind.

Thankfully I didn't go into debt just to learn about this nobody.