Have you ever hated a character so much that you wanted to kill it?

Have you ever hated a character so much that you wanted to kill it?

Absolutely. Ever seen a movie with a child actor? I probably wanted to kill that annoying fucking brat.

Now This Is Podracing

cute hat sadness

She serves literally no mental purpose other than making everything shit. If anything, Riley would be a better person without her.

Shame I can't kill my own.

she would be autistic without sadness

I just watched the Fog, I hated Ty Mitchell, the kid in that. Bizarrely enough another one that comes to mind is The Mist, I hated the little shit in that too.

Exceptions are shit like A Christmas Story and Home Alone were the story is mostly centered on the kid and they usually get a decent child actor rather than using some producer's retarded kid.

Literal blue pill


She's literally tumblr

someone kill this tumblrite cunt

>queue forced fakes awkward laughter

>The Mist
many hateable characters in that


1. Joy
2. Riley
3. Rileys mom
4. Disgust
5. Sadness

You know it's true in your heart.

Shad pls go

>joy over riley


Turn that anger inward, kiddo

Disgust>Joy>Riley>Riley's friend>Riley's mom>literally everyone>Sadness

I may be a lazy sack of shit, but at least I don't have a smug look on my face 24/7.

that christ fearing lady in the supermarket scenes was way worse. what a shitty movie all around.

>jews make movies
>the most terrible character is christian



Ghost of Christmas present from Scrooged
Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland
That fat fuck who dies early on from Friday the 13th Part V

I'm not some alt-right loony, but I wish every character in Steven Universe would drop dead. Something about that show is just so goddamn insufferable.

are you me

>every character in Steven Universe would drop dead
not all at once, I hope, you want them to suffer just a little bit right

also no one gets to finish the first line of any song they try to break into

>you want them to suffer just a little bit right

Only Steven and Amethyst. Everyone else can just drop dead straightaway.


This too.
SU is like the MLP equivalent for annoying tumblrites.

>Despite her pessimistic disposition, sarcastic demeanor and being negative virtually all the time, she is very considerate and compassionate towards others; when Bing Bong was sad about losing his wagon, she sympathized with him and let him tell his true feelings, which made him feel much better. Unknowingly, this is because of Sadness' true purpose - her role is to tell others when Riley needs help by helping her let the sadness out so she can then let it go. When Sadness is requested to take control after Riley's sorrow became evident, she is able to let Riley express her true feelings and helps Riley find happiness at last. After the other emotions finally trust and accept Sadness, not only does Joy start treating her better but Sadness gains more confidence in herself as well, now that she has finally found her place.

I actually liked her

Joy was the faggot, thinking that everyone should be happy 24/7

>t. tumblr landwhale

>fat and dumpy
>constantly SAAAAAAAAAAD

Was Sadness engineered by Disney/Pixar to be bait to get buzz on Tumblr and other similar places by having countless ham-planets going "SHE'S JUST LIKE MEEEEEEEEEEE"?

yes. see: