We need a people that can stop the next Superhuman

>we need a people that can stop the next Superhuman
>let's take the psycho girl who swings a bat and a guy who throw things

What was the fucking point of these two
How were they any better than trained elite soldiers

Also why this movie looked like a power rangers episode that tried to be serious

This movie would have worked with a few more expendable B-list characters for the squad and if there were no special forces sent in with them.

That would've required creative choreography.

They've done well against Batman and The Flash, in Harley's case, well enough to still be breathing. They are expendable and you're prepared to kill them should they fuck up. Why not send em on a suicide mission?

The only way they could touch the flash is if he was intentionally not using his powers.

It's simple really.
First, Deadshot weakens him with a kryptonite bullet. Killer Croc catches him in a bear hug. Harley whacks him over the head as hard as she can. Then Katana kills him and absorbs his soul within her katana.

Still no fucking clue what Boomerang would do.


man the movie is dumb because the heart thing was not set to explode by wireless

In theory but not practice, or decades of storytelling at least.

For the character to exist and be interesting he has to have weaknesses and fuck-ups. Otherwise he's just a god.

>Still no fucking clue what Boomerang would do.
sharp krypo-tipped batterrangs, like the things batman throws.
one hit and supes is down

Which is such a fucking horribly stupid idea that even Batman didn't attempt this bullshit. Be ashamed of yourself.

The movie would have been a lot better if they cut out all of the fucking walking scenes. 90% of the movie is just them walking down a road with overused pop music

Oh mah yes my friend you're right, the entire 10 mins of walking scenes encompasses the entire movie! Troll on my friend! TROLL ON!

Not that user but that's comics. Love it or leave it. Don't act better than it though, you're here.

>10 minutes
bullshit. them walking down the street whispering to each other is pretty much the entire second act

>90% of the movie is them walking down the street which doesn't happen until the last half of the movie
Is this a meme or something?

That's the comics?
How many times since Batman has fought Superman did he make kryponite tipped batarangs? I can't seem to find a single reference to an issue where Batman does this.

It's not from the comics it's only from the video games.

52:13 - walking scene starts
1:44:26 - arrive at enchantress fight

you are fucking morons. there's a bar scene and 2 fight scenes mixed in there, but it's a significant amount of the movie with them just meandering through the city

>you are fucking morons
>90% of the movie is them walking down the street
You realize you just admitted over half the movie is not them walking down the street. So the original claim of 90% is false. Congrats! Never saw a retard fuck him own self up like this before.

xD what a fucking jackass