
Hello Sup Forums. I want you to have a look at something.


Legit or not? It's up to you guys.

Other urls found in this thread:


not her dick

Prove it

Of course she's a girl. She just has no ass or tits.

I mean, I like small tits and small asses so thats no problem. I actually don't have a problem if there is a dick between those legs either.

Don't think so.


calm down edgefag.

that's a toothbrush

Nigger, what kind of tooth brush do you use?

Kayla threads are the only source of happiness I have left in life.

> mfw knowing she will never be yours

She truly is lovely to look at, but I do hate that she is dating a bernout and talked shit about all of us in her last journal.


Some manly hands, eh.

Let's be honest here lads. I know you despise faggots and all, but Kayla is one of a kind. Obviously you don't want to suck a dick but you wouldn't mind taking a good old sloppy BJ from him.

According to the Sup Forums thread from OP, she has a great dick too

Her gay. She owns gay.

Gay guy or not I'd still date her. No homo.

You guys truly are a bunch of faggots jesus christ just come out of the closet already. Your obsession with finding penises on women is truly disturbing

She said it was a roll of toothpaste.

If she were a trap, he'd be a 10/10, but she's just an average girl with man hands (no benis), barely a 6/10. But don't talk about that! Or she'll make a post explaining how her boyfriend isn't offended that everyone thinks his girlfriend is a sexy man.

There are a ton of beautiful women out there user, but not all of them will write "Trump" all over a college campus for the cause.

DESU, personally I don't think I could emotionally take the amount of shit that /pol threw at her - plus she's atomically pissed her nudes got leaked. Internet fame is a shitty double-edged sword sometimes.

who is this semon demon?

I need sauce and/or moar.

He looks pretty good for a trap. Still wouldn't bang or socialize with because mutilated penises are gross and I don't want to be seen with a tranny.

wat n00ds

Fuck off back to /b you degenerate.

I think I recognize that trap cock, it's a tripfag called "pizza."

What board?

I agree with this Harbor-Bomber. No one wants to see hormone therapy grown itty bitty titties.

Truth although from what I can tell, she has a strong character and is well versed with internet culture so she was able to thwart most of the personal attacks with banter. Just making her more attractive honestly.

can't be pizza from /k/

>You speaking as if you know her personally.


why is Sup Forums obsessed with this dude?

r9k and pol
use google
Pizza !!C0LewdhvTcz

He/she is attractive. Lots of hateful people on pol are struggling with their orientation and she's acceptably attractive. So they think she's a gay guy and hope it's true so they can come out to themselves.

It's on her journal you maple nigger. Learn to fucking read.

Ive held out fapping to these pics untill we had more concrete proof of no benis, but im starting to crack

Calm you tits nippopotamus.

Yea sure buddy. I too have a pretty decent sized toothbrush tucked in my pants.

>he is attractive
odd. i didnt know there were that many faggots on this board.

But I don't know how to read. I'm sorry.

nu/pol/ - 50 threads per day debating whether or not some random girl has a penis or not, because she owns a Trump hat.

There's 5's of 10's of us

Why the hate. Salty.

it's not a guy you warped poofs

I've lost a lot of respect for Sup Forums and it's posters after seeing how easily manipulated some of you are.

Are your moral and political convictions this easily formed and twisted as well?

Jesus "she" even posted pics showing "her" dick. What's with Sup Forums and loving dick?

This did not happen with Evalion. Kayla started this trap business herself a few years ago and now it's so obfuscated that we have no idea what the truth is.

You're going to make me say it, aren't you?

>whether or not some random girl has a penis or not
One day we'll resolve it.

Time to shitpost. Claim your waifu /pol

when you guys dont think shes trolling u and u dont fap hard

You're too low energy my little fukushimi

Nope, not the same dick. Searched every dick that guy posted.

Eh I still don't get is, is it a dude or not? I mean (regardless as what she was born) we are being kinda mean towards her, as she obviously identifies as a woman so questioning her gender is not nice.

You faggots really need to start leaving the house. Seriously.

You've been shut-ins for so long, spending your entire lives on this website that you're starting to believe obvious females are traps. You don't even need to see tits or vagina in this case; you can tell from the face it's a chick. You should be worried that your male/female radar is fucked up that you're not sure. Leave the house. Go outside.

>Have two gay fathers
>force you to be the other gender

It's time to stop. Kayla is a transgender. Deal with it.

By the power of Kek, if the dick is real let there be dubs.

I love how the alleged trap is uncertainty

Fucking 10/10

I like ann coulter, but I'd rather not lose four inches.

>the thread is not down


Who is this trap you are posting?

sarah, but 5 years younger pls.

>she's atomically pissed her nudes got leaked

How do you "leak" nudes. On it's face, this means you posted nude pictures on the internet, and now you're upset about it. Guarantee you she knew what she was doing was "wrong" and "dangerous" at the time but she ignored those feelings. I guess that was a bad call.

>nu/pol/ - 50 threads per day debating whether or not some random girl has a penis or not, because she owns a Trump hat.

Seeing this happen to lots of online communities lately. Pol is becoming more and more like GamerGate with its obsession for internet celebrities and their drama.

Omarosa is the only answer. Trump before hoes. If I can help him in any way especially like this I would.


go back to your cuck thread

10 million fucking ads on my tablet later.

You fucking asshole.

>that Chicago girl bonus

I can't choose anything else

post more lets go


He brushes his teeth with a thick cawk

His dick veers slightly to the left

Why no numbers or dubs or something?

>Those gorilla hands

I didn't make it, I just saved it from a different thread

feed the poor woman some burgers


what did she mean by this

that face though

I'd let her man handle my dick with her mitts any day

No, I'm not attracted to Nikki Minajesque women

WEW lmao, i bet you look like a telephone pole.

>no Kayleigh McEnany
Don't even know why I'm rolling



Not real proof man.

Now if you saw a cock attached to the body then yeah

its a skelington

looks unhealthy

gonna have to go with Ivanka

Here's your curves bro, you can enjoy that shit

If my pelvic bone isn't bruised from sex the next day, she's too fat.

Is it a guy or a girl god damn it! I think it's a girl.

well that whale is the other extreme.

here we really dont give much attention to a womans physical appearance and thus they dont have power over us, as long as they look healthy.

I want this kayla person to disappear. She probably only supports trump because she's trying to be "different". Fucking attention whores.

hmm another kayla thread

You like thick women, I like skinny women. The world will go on.

She's here to stay DESU

At least this bitch has nudes unlike Anzu

nah we hare just dont have real standards of beauty even thou its shoved down our throat for decades now.

basically a 3 is as good as a 10 dunno if that makes sense

as long as its not a skeleton or a whale

>being a slut is a positive thing
So is the japanese girls being better than white women meme true?

lets see tiffany and ivanka are good but with the penalty, it's honestly just pointless.

with jan, well that shit is nasty even if she transforms, very unnatural

every other woman looks like dog shit except kayla, i'll have to go with her, there's no certainty about our relationship but at least i can get it started first, bypassing the hard part.

Nigga think for a second

At least Kayla getting spammed means nudes are posted, opposed to Anzu

Thats all.

Link of her talking shit?

The average girl in the US looks like pic related

Here, it's now pretty much down to if you are skinny, you're hot.


"she must be a slut doing everything for attention"
lmao but she is
'cosplay' is the epitome of attention whoring
if she weren't attention whoring there wouldn't be as many pictures of her floating around as there currently are

dunno man, we kinda eradicated the ego of women because we genuinely just search for wife material

my gf is a 5 at best... loyal, hard working and we have sex often. just like my friends 8.

>dat pic

id bang dat no second thoughts

Kayla doesn't have any nudes though m8

>nigga think for a second
I did and I came to the conclusion that Kayla is not only a slut, but also an attention whore, as opposed to Anzu.

So it's confirmed Kayla is a girl?

Cool, can finally fap to he- nah jk, rule #1 I live by when it comes to this site, NEVER fap to ANYTHING from this site. 80% chance it's a trap. ALWAYS. Even on /s/.