Reddit is pro trump now

>reddit is pro trump now
when did this happen?

Other urls found in this thread:

When reddit discovered Sup Forums

reddit steals memes. they stole trump

Reddit's not pro-Trump. In fact, the shill admins are doing what they can to ensure r/The_Donald content is hidden.

>reddit raids Sup Forums cos we racist
>get red pilled

Bernies out.
r/politics was pro Bernie

>bernies out
he doesn't seem to think so

It's the same deal as kasich, he'll hang around for awhile, but he's essentially fucked

This is a dumb joke right? For all intents and purposes, reddit shut the_donald down

r/Politics sure as hell isn't pro-Trump. They've got a never-ending stream of hit pieces flowing over there.

Reddit as a whole isn't pro-Trump, but they are way more receptive to him than they would be at any earlier point in the site's existence. r/the_donald is something I've never seen before: an organic online gathering place for people below the age of 40 who support a right-wing candidate. Excluding the chans, of course.

I kind of want to know what they are going to do.
They've had an endless stream of pro bernie/anti hilldog shit on there, are they going to support the women who they think cheated them?

This. We did it through may may subversion and brain washing, the key of which is repetition and constant exposure

Doesn't matter what he thinks, he still is.

on the contrary reddit is now showing the masses ''trump supporters are racist''

It is really obvious how much CTR is starting to impact Reddit lately. The upvotes are (mostly) the same, but the comments and modding are transforming radically the past few weeks. Pro-Hillary and anti-Bernie/anti-Trump posts are getting to the top now and there is a lot of complaining about censorship everywhere.

>the Donald Trump sub is pro-Trump
Holy fuck.

the difference is the mods are so inept they can't effectively censor without it being blatantly obvious. ffs, CisWhiteMalestrom over at /r/the_donald didn't have to coax reddit moderators to outright admit they were censoring the subreddt. they openly and proudly admitted this and the rest of the website sees it. yeah, lots of them hated donald trump, but they find blatant censorship to be far more concerning because it's totally contrary to American values.

basically, the head mods over at reddit are embarrassed that a donald trump subreddit is so popular and they don't want to be associated with it. couple that with blatant censorship and the fact that tons of bernouts realized they hate Hillary more than Trump, the subreddit still remains wildly popular.

the fire rises, boys.

The narrative being pushed by the admins and mods is that Hillary sucks, but Trump is so outrageously awful that this is the only election in which it is justified to vote Hillary. So they are pushing the userbase to support Hillary as a means of hurting Trump. Not a good strategy IMO, as rallying voters primarily against another candidate instead of for their own is what the GOP did in 2008 and 2012.

In 2008 and 2012 there were no pro-McCain or pro-Romney subs to speak of. Given that Reddit is Bernie's exact target demographic, the fact that The Donal is their #1 most active sub is a huge deal.

there's been a huge pushback against political correctness

basically the world is divided into three major markets:

pacific market

european market

north american/south american market

these markets work together and support each other. they have limited access to one another.

the US is the working dog of the world. we are basically europe's army. we are also a large consumer of goods of the EU and of asian markets, while being unable to export to those places much of anything.

this leads to complaints that the US is acting as a giant place to dump products as well as a place to use for protection from baddies.

now trump comes along and demands more payment. clinton (and many politicians) takes HUGE amounts of international money, from international organizations and governments who do NOT want this to happen.

this campaign is basically globalization vs nationalism, but with a twist. while trump is being supported by nationalists and hitler fetishists, there are also a lot of people like myself who believe the US should come first, other nations should accept our products, stop stealing our jobs, pay up for military protection and that no candidate who accepts money from the government of saudi arabia should be president.

basically america has a right to be great and other countries should be licking our assholes for the sacrifices we make, rather than buying our politicians and screwing us with tariffs on our exports.

Reddits offices are literally full of blue-haired, fish-mouthed social justice warriors whose job is to divert the pro-Bernie movement to Hillary.

And Reddits users are cucks who will fall for it.


for the first time in internet history Sup Forums has invaded reddit instead of it being the other way around

It's called online clicktivism.

Ron Paul 2012!

I agree with a lot of what you are saying, but I think you have to be very, very careful.

Nationalism and America 1st is great and all, but we have got to prevent the sort of passions that will lead to WWIII. Japan bombed the US in no small part because we were blocking their move into indo-china and refused to sell them our scrap metal (no iron ore there).

The sort of globalism that we have had - massive companies wanted slave labor in china to make products they could sell in their home markets for obscene markup was/is poisonous. (this includes the effect of no jobs in the home country) Maybe china wanting to dump products to corner certain markets (ex. rare earth metals). But we should not dump the baby out with the bathwater - there must be some benefit to be able to access a truly global market both as a consumer and as a manufacturer, and we as a global population cannot allow a WWIII.

in 2008, all the faggots on Reddit would have been posting about McCain on MySpace.

in 2012, they were all probably jaded oldfags on Sup Forums.

in 2016, they're sophisticated, bearded, undercut urban pseudo-fags who sip coffee while heiling trump.

>the US is the working dog of the world. we are basically europe's army. we are also a large consumer of goods of the EU and of asian markets, while being unable to export to those places much of anything.

This is very uninformed. The coolest shit everywhere is American. Intel, Apple, Tesla, etc etc dominate the EU markets in their segments.

never heard that about the japanese, interesting stuff. i am a globalist and believe in comparative advantage and also want to prevent WWIII, but i also think that US is getting screwed and we can take steps for our benefit that would not threaten our relationships or start a nuclear holocaust.

majority of those (publicly traded) companies are owned by international finance groups and banks which operate internationally and have literally nothing "american" about them (other than the name, in the case of bank of america).

intel processors and apple computers are not made in USA either.

and they certainly don't pay their taxes.

you're both somewhat wrong.

2/3 of those "american" products are largely produced in Malaysia. (dunno where tesla is made).

my point, though, isn't to simply rebuff you; it's that the globalist market is EXTREMELY integrated.

for example, i work for a "Japanese" automaker. consider this with my flag...

under the current system, every body does everybody else's dirty work, and nationality of companies fades away.

>reddit and facebook veteran
kek, must look god on her CV

to be fair, our sites founder is a Google spook who integrated with sjws and nuked this board for the sake of silencing certain political movements.

administration and community are two different things.

>Nationalism and America 1st is great and all, but we have got to prevent the sort of passions that will lead to WWIII. Japan bombed the US in no small part because we were blocking their move into indo-china and refused to sell them our scrap metal (no iron ore there).

I'm going to ask you something I ask everyone who says we are partially to blame for Japan attacking us: what should we have done differently? Knowingly sold Japan the resources they needed to expand their empire?

I don't know.

We have a long and convoluted history with Japan, starting from our sailing into a completely closed country in 1853 (Commodore Perry) and saying - "you WILL trade with us).

I can't help but feel that the US has had a massively out-sized influence in Japan's evolution.

I can't find the reference, but Japan felt that conflict with the US was inevitable, given Japan's colonial expansion to gain resources for its island nation, and the US continually blocked its efforts to do so.

kinda what happened to me. i used to browse only Sup Forums and Sup Forums and i kept seeing screenshots from Sup Forums and decided to visit here since i heard it was satire. then i took the red pill on accident


The Reddit users, dumbs hit. Your IQ is below 100 if you can't figure that out.

The Admins are creating a Streisand effect , just like GayGate.

>It is really obvious how much CTR
Can you explain to me what CTR is? I looked it up and the closest I could see was "click through rate" which I don't think applies.
