Russia banned from Olympics, Putin buttblasted

So why aren't you Russiaboos flipping out about this?

>ST. PETERSBURG, Russia — When a global governing body for sports barred Russia’s track and field team from the 2016 Summer Olympics on Friday over a wide-ranging doping scandal, it was greeted in Russia, as is so often the case here these days, with a deep sense of victimhood.

>President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia called the decision “unjust, of course.”

>Russia, Mr. Putin said, is strengthening antidoping controls and athletes should bear personal responsibility for using performance-enhancing drugs. But punishing the whole team, he said, “doesn’t fit any norms of civilized behavior.”

>Outside of Russia, sporting officials viewed the unanimous decision as a long overdue restoration of some fairness in competitions. After all, in some sporting events Russian athletes had been trouncing competitors for years before it turned out they were using performance-enhancing drugs.

>But here, the decision only added support for a narrative in Russia’s political culture of grievances that revolves around perceived slights and anti-Russian conspiracies taking place in the outside world, particularly in Western countries.

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Just for this Olympics, or forever?

Its ok, they can spend more time training to remove kebab

Doesn't matter, Team USA was going to win anyway.

After you host, your popilation stops caring.


>going to hueland ever


Russia is getting knocked the fuck out by the west

Yet your hooligans got knocked the fuck out by russians. Lets hope you dont start an actual war with them, if thats any indicator. Which it is

>Farmasutical industry is fucking decades behind because of corruption in the Science Academy and Health Ministry staffed by his asslickers
>Doping easily detectable

top kek

> mfw Russia is now Russia*

How's that Muslim mass-migration from the Central Stans working out for you?

Russia might not be very Russian in 40 years if current migration and fertility rates continue.

>How's that Muslim mass-migration from the Central Stans working out for you?
Free slaves are good.

>90% of US pro athletes using steroids
>Russians using steroids that are still detectable because poor slavs
>banning Russians from competition

I really wish people would just get real with doping and realize that the top athletes are from rich countries and are able to bypass the testing.

russia will probably be pretty stoked when the whole world has zika except for them.

>he thinks they're going to be slaves and not take over
Muslims now make up over 20% of Moscow. You guys have tens of thousands of them praying in the streets on Friday. Not to mention Islam is de jure put on par with the Russian Orthodox Church wrt state protection and sponsorship.

Russia's cucked, m8.

>something to be upset about

We all know the black team, AKA America, will take most medals with their steroid pumped chimps.

People need to just get real and allow doping and steroid use for sports. People watch to see some crazy or impressive shit. People want to be entertained. Sports would be better if everyone was near superhuman

>Russia’s track and field team
there's more than track and field in the olympics.

Provided that the doping is strictly supervised to promote the health of the athletes. Turning them into freakshows with reduced lifespans isn't ethical.

>Muslims now make up over 20% of Moscow.
I don't care about Moscow. Russia has been 20% Muslim since Ivan the Terrible, now they are moving to Moscow looking for jobs, like everyone else. Muscovites are mad about it, but they are always mad. During USSR they were incredibly butthurt about Russians from other cities moving to Moscow.

>You guys have tens of thousands of them praying in the streets on Friday
Do you know how many mosques does Moscow have, and how many does New York or Los Angeles have? Look it up, I'll wait.

>sports fans are a sign of the military prowess of a country
>And out of all the sports FOOTBALL fans are
Hooligan logic

I agree. They need to have medical experiments on these athletes and all sorts of preposterous medical stunts.
Dissgree. Consent is all the ethics needed. I say let these crazy fuckers do whatever to their bodies and compete. At the very least, a separate superhuman Olympics should be created.

Problem is, our government will handle this in the most retarded way possible (acting butthurt and doing nothing), just like with Eurovision, etc, etc.

>How's that Muslim mass-migration from the Central Stans working out for you?
average /pol monkey shilling about muslims


What about the Olimpdicks? Couldn't give a shit if I tried, desu. Reform that shitty organization now. I actually wouldn't mind if the whole thing was disbanded completely. Privately funded commercial sports events seem to work perfectly well, imho. Actually, if you end the Olimpdicks and cut all collegiate sports funding, you might even convince niggers to start studying math and science. Ambitious, I know, but I'm a dreamer.


>Russia has been 20% Muslim since Ivan the Terrible, now they are moving to Moscow looking for jobs
The empire wasn't cucked however. You are now. And soon that 20% will be 50% and then 80%. Continue thinking that everything will be okay and alright when there are more Muhammads born than Vlads in 5 years.

Why do you still exist as an independent country? Literally the Uruguay of Eastern Europe.

>Muslims now make up over 20% of Moscow.
Most of their Muslims aren't exactly of the itching for some snackbarrin persuasion.
>Not to mention Islam is de jure put on par with the Russian Orthodox Church wrt state protection and sponsorship.
Something akin to the 1st Amendment...
>picture: goldigger gonna dig

All Russian athletes should boycott the (((Olympics))) all together, it's a globalist event after all.

>Global governing body
Dont worry Putin there wont be globalists for long


I live in the "West"

And I'm disgusted by the way Russia is being treated.

Kek :D

It's not fucking fair, how can they deny Russian athletes the chance to get murdered in some favela?

>Why do you still exist as an independent country? Literally the Uruguay of Eastern Europe.
>murican monkey shit in pants

In last year EU and US take OFF all sanctions from Belarus.
We have good relationships with west and east and even ukrain

In reality we have more soveregnity than ANY EU country except GB of course.

The point is, they are messing with us, knowing fully well that when it comes to PR our government are absolute cretins.

Just look at Eurovision:
>Russia sends some genuinely decent singer, or at least tries
>lel, how about we award the first place to a transsexual, or a retard, or an Ukrainian, or a gigantic drooling amoeba or something, just because we can, and you get the second place
>Russia whines about it
>Some idiotic petition to revise results happens and is ignored
>Repeat next year

Russia is an ideal victim for this kind of trolling, because morons in government can't think of any response except trying even harder to look good.

>Political Union with Russia
>Also part of Eurasian Union and CIS
Why aren't you a Russian oblast yet?

best olympics ever

This olympics should be avoided by everyone it's a trick to infect the world with Zika.

>stupid muslimhater broken and try to change theme
>thread about athletes ban

NO nigga, I dont have a time for dumbers

I don't understand how Russia is so shitty at cheating these tests. Hell I cheat the drug tests at my work and get high every day, it isn't hard. Their tests are probably supervised, but all it would take is to make hyper realistic prosthetic genetalia for each athlete, with an attached hidden bladder full of synthetic pee.

>The empire wasn't cucked however. You are now. And soon that 20% will be 50% and then 80%.
Please stop projecting your American insecurities on other countries, we all know who is actually getting outbred here.

they are very proud of their bulls

> I don't understand how Russia is so shitty at cheating these tests. Hell I cheat the drug tests at my work and get high every day, it isn't hard. Their tests are probably supervised, but all it would take is to make hyper realistic prosthetic genetalia for each athlete, with an attached hidden bladder full of synthetic pee.

naive nigger think that excelent CIA operation in COLD war is like @accidental@ or fail of stupid russians


Russia dodged a trap while blaming Western nations. Absolute madmen

Be honest, it's pretty fucking stupid.

Anybody who knows anything about drugs and sport can see what a stitch up this is and that it's purely political.

>implying this is a bad thing
Why do you love Islam so much? Do you get off to your poor prostitute sister Svetlana getting fucked by Turkish cock?

Your being outbred just as quickly as White Americans are.

Can't help you with that, bro. Wish I could.
At least Russia knows it isn't getting a fair break from the West, and is trying its own media. With time, it'll make inroads, I think people really do watch RT a lot these days, and it's probably doing better than Al Jazeera. Just keep going with it. Keep defending the homeland and your allies, airing your point of view. Western countries are falling apart and alliances are dissolving, things might get better for you given time. I know there seems to be a shortage of time available, but what can I say. Best of luck. Your country just seems to be defending itself from where I stand, and I don't begrudge you that. Stand fast.

>And soon that 20% will be 50% and then 80%
Total nonsense. You need Africa-tier TFR (which they don't have) and mass immigration/open borders (which they don't, since you actually have to fulfill requirements like learning fluent Russian and becoming accustomed to become a citizen, and in the meantime have to work shit jobs since nobody would give you welfare for sitting on your ass).
>Muhammads born than Vlads in 5 years.
Last I checked that paedophile's name wasn't even in the top 100 of the list of popular names in Russia. Not to mention the fact that Russian muslims are heavily ethnic Russian admixtured or are ethnic Russians themselves.

go to sleep kike you are drunk

Eh, if it's just one team and one event for breaking rules, I don't see what the problem is.

But if it's literally "Russia banned from Olympics" then that would be petty as fuck, and imo damage the Olympics reputation.




>Your being outbred just as quickly as White Americans are.
Great, let's see some statistics then.

By the way, since you seem strangely reluctant to discuss the number of mosques in our respective countries, let me help you out:

New York: more than 200
Los Angeles: 18
Moscow: 5
St Petersburg: 2

And that's bad why?
>Zika potatoes are immune to potato blight, and carry many more nutrients

Team Zika is going to win.

I'd honestly drop out this year. I dont want the aerial jew turning my future children into potatoes.

>Why do you love Islam so much?

most of western nigers have binar brain, even my cat smarter than you

Dont hate cause biggest part muslimes in USSR are honest based and polite people.

Even shitty EU sandniggers are MORE EVIL cause westerners create chaos in sandnigers areal.

Considering you have no hooligans at all, and are getting blacked by human trash, my theory is very valid.

I don't see nothing wrong with this talking about next olympics are in Brazil.

Russian muslims are more atheists than muslims. They may celebrate Bayram to scare some local nazis but that's it. They don't pray 5 times a day, they drink alco, they eat bacon, they love dogs. They still can be aggressive thugs though, but so can slavs.

>banning Russia from the OL
->muh doping

No wonder Russians hates the west

It's obviously a political move, only a retard cant see that

Is it really forever? That's kinda autistic, erryone is on roids, russians just got caught tb.h

stupid political move orchestrated to provoke russia

Slavaboos btfo. Based Latvia

If there was any Olympics to miss out on, the Brazil one would be it.

They've probably done Russia a favour.

Government workers havent been paid for 3 months. The monkeys will run riot

>Thinking that the west is knocking out anyone

Daily reminder that Western Europe is New Meccastan

If it was one or two cases then sure, but considering you have a large history and frequent cases arising of doping you cant blame them getting banned.

Doesnt help when your athletes say doping to be better isnt wrong.


>At least Russia knows it isn't getting a fair break from the West, and is trying its own media
>I don't like reality, so I'll substitute it with a reality of my own

Yeah, that's what russkies are good at. After all, there is a worldwide anti-Russian campaign orchestrated by CIA-fascist-Latvianic mason jews who are trying to keep da good boi russia down!!1

It's bullshit no matter how you cut it, because all athletes are on roids save maybe target shooters.

Nothing will happen to anyone that come here on olympics.
We are spending all the money that our communist gorvernment stole from the people on it.
It will be the safest place in the world.

On the other hand, the hue monkeys will be the ones that will suffer the most.
This money should be invested on other things.
Not stupid jew games.

Don't come here guys.
Not because of meme zika or famela. But because this whole thing was uncalled for and we are being kiked at this exact moment.

Just look at what they did to Russia. This olympics is a farse.

Don't know what you mean but Russia is portrayed constantly as evil boogeyman.

>your empire was not cucked with 20%
>but it's cucked now and its gonna get worst despite you having Mad Vlad the Russian Chad
Why do Americans alwaya have the dumbest posts. Also Russia is 6% muslim

Do people in 2016 honestly believe that there are Olympic level athletes that DON'T take performance enhancing drugs?

How naive can you be? Oh wait I forgot its all hard work and diet, that's right remember to buy your Nike SuperPulse (TM) football shorts and play like the pros.

good, wouldn't want people to be going to Rio and get Zika anyways

I have pretty much the same feelings about 2018 world cup.

It's idiotic. If I ruled Russia I would cut funding for "professional sports" by like 99%.

Gotta say the Russians deserve it. What is about that country and cheating? Whether it's online in video games hacking or real life in the olympics doping, Russians just always have to cheat.

Is it an inferiority complex thing? "Our country is shit and our people are shit, but if we cheat we an appear mightier than we really are?" It must be.

He's not an American, Russians proxy shill with American flags all the time. 9/10 you see an American flag sucking Russian cock it's a shill from Russia.

That campaign is called "democracy" which is hard at work trying to eradicate nation states from the world.

>caring about sports

normies deserve the hell they get

One guy, as opposed to Russians doing it all the time. For every American you have who cheats you have 20 Russians cheating as well. The ratio might even be higher than that.

The entire Western media is a fraud. If it weren't, newspapers would still be selling en masse and the corporate media would be trusted. Instead, they're in free-fall and leaving openings for foreign media for interested viewers. We're at least as propagandized by North Korea, but we have other options so the system is falling apart. I for one welcome our impending societal collapse.

> Russia might not be very Russian in 40 years
Please. In 40 years America wouldn't be even a half white. Russians still forms about 80% of population.

every high level athlete in your country does it


>Russia's dog

Me believing you would be like you believing Canada's praises of my own country

> What is about that country and cheating? Whether it's online in video games hacking or real life in the olympics doping, Russians just always have to cheat.

>Is it an inferiority complex thing?
Not at all, it's absolutely the same in our internal events. During exams at school or university, it's expected that pretty much everyone will cheat. If you get away with it, your class- or group mates will admire you for being clever and inventive enough to do it. If you inform on someone who is cheating, you will be treated as lowest kind of scum, not that I have ever heard of such a thing happening.

In Petersburg there are already more practising muslims than Orthodox

But that won't be the main problem of Russia, just another one

It probably is political. Putin is too mean to faggots

Things are about to get uncomfortable in the very near future.

China has been advancing it's genetic engineering in regards to athletes.

Not only are the athletes on drugs made specifically for each individual. (the same as any top athlete) but their genes will have been altered to maximize performance.

Remember their female swimmer? Get ready for a bunch of records.

new offtop niger broken

Did you know that Americans set up Brock Lesnar vs. Mark Hunt at UFC 200 in a way which enables Brock to juice his ass off and bypass all the drug tests? There's some special loophole there in the rules for returning athletes who come on less than 4 months notice.

Most of the stadiums built on 2014 wc is abandoned.
All that money wasted.

paco speaks the truth

>In Petersburg there are already more practising muslims than Orthodox
lol kurwa, where from you take information? polen newspapers?

What about top universities? Like Lomonosov

>In Petersburg there are already more practising muslims than Orthodox
What does this even mean? SPb is about 85% ethnic Russian.

Yes, thank you fanboy.

>I advertised, pay me Dana White!

so I was wondering, when can we have a global sports competition where drugs are ok? because I feel like that would mean a lot of money invested in making people better.