What order should I watch these in?

What order should I watch these in?

1, 2, TCW, 3, The Force Unleashed

Ignore all else

>Star Wars
>The Empire Strikes Back
>Return of the Jedi
Then get some friends around and a load of alcohol for
>Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

4-6 then 1-3

anyone who says otherwise is a huge faggot

2 6 3 4 1 1

Chronologically you aborted pledditor.

4, 1, throw the others in the trash.

You posted it

The order they were released in.

Also, don't forget to finish with the Christmas Special.

4 5 6
Stop here

4 > 5 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 1 again > 6

Get the demastered HD versions online for 4-6
Download The Phantom Edit from youtube in 1080p, it's a 150 minute version of episodes 1-3 that is not bad at all:

Rogue One, 4, 5, Phantom Edit, 6, 7

None. These movies are for children.

4 5 2 3 6


4, 5, 6 and skip the rest. that's what i did
>watching prequels

3, 5, 1, 4, 2, 6

It really is the best way to understand every nuance. Have fun, OP!

Aside from order of theatrical release, there's
This starts and ends with the original trilogy
It also serves to treat the prequel trilogy as an extended flashback after the relevant characters, relationships, and so on are revealed in IV and V

The order they were released is the only answer

First start with VI and watch it from the ending in reverse.
Then after that do the same thing in this order.

Episode 4 -> 5 -> 1-> 2 -> Clone Wars -> 3 -> Rebels -> Rogue One -> 6 -> 7

In this order


I guesals i'm just not gonna watch Star Wars.

No. Why?

Skip one and two. Revenge of the Sith (Dawn of the Empire fan edit), Rogue One, Star Wars (Harmy's despecialized), Empire Strikes Back (Grindhouse edition), Return of the Jedi (Harmy's despecialized)

1 RO 4 5 2 3 6 7

Trust me

>I didn't watch the prequels but here is my opinion on them!

Adapted Machete
>Rogue One
>Genndy's Clone Wars

1 5 3 6 2 4

Best source for despecialized 4-6?

Get a gun and stick it in your mouth.

>going through all that just to watch disney reset everything


7, 5, 2, 3, R1, 6, 4, 1

Pretty simple

1 2 3 and then 4 5 6

>but user the prequels suck
Indeed, it will be awful. Endure those shitty movies, by the time the 4 starts, you'll feel it is a masterpiece. When 5 comes, you'll cum all over and you won't even notice the relative downgrade of ep 6.

Torrents Search for "harmy"

4,5,6 done

recommending Rogue One before 4 is retarded. Always go in release order.

Also, the despecialized editions of the OT are fairly good, but the one thing that always takes me out of it is at the end of ROTJ where they did a shitty job putting Vader's eyebrows back on his face. It's just fucking awful. The rest of the edits are good though.

It's a fucking travesty that Lucas refuses to release blurays of the original theatrical releases. Can/will disney do it now that they have the rights?

show your working

They probably can't if they could they would have done it by now. It was probably written in when they bought the rights.

In order to fully appreciate ring composition you need to watch rogue one first then 4,1,7,5,2,6,3

R1 - 7 - 1 - 6 - 3 - 2 - 5 - 4

>Lucas gave them free rein to shit all over the Original Trilogy with shitty sequels and yearly spinoff releases, but the only thing he stipulated that they could never do was release the original theatrical cuts of the movies

Fox still holds physical distribution rights to the pre TFA films until May 2020 and has permanent digital and physical distribution rights to ANH.