
When a lone gunman walked into a Century movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, he carried a Smith & Wesson M&P 15 -- a variation of the AR-15 rifle -- modified to hold as many as 100 bullets. He used it to kill 12 people and injure 70.

And when a lone gunman walked into a classroom at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, he carried a version of the AR-15. He used it -- and several handguns -- to kill 10 of his fellow students and injure nine.

And when a lone gunman walked into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, he carried a Bushmaster XM 15 -- another version of the AR-15 -- and multiple high-capacity magazines. He used it to kill 20 innocent children and six educators with 154 bullets in five minutes.

A single person killed that many people in just a few minutes. Not in a war zone. Here in America -- in a classroom.

These weapons have been used to commit horrific acts. They've been called "the perfect killing machines." They fire bullets at incredible speed that rip through bodies and cause devastating carnage, and can accommodate high-capacity magazines that allow them to effectively shoot up to 45 rounds per minute. We've seen their tragic results play out in our death tolls and in the thousands left wounded, struggling to recover.

As we learned this week from the family of the gun’s inventor, he himself did not intend that this gun be used by civilians, only by our soldiers in combat -- giving them an advantage over the AK-47. He didn’t own one himself. Here is what his family said:

"We think he would have been horrified and sickened as anyone, if not more, by these events."

Right now, these weapons are on the shelves in gun shops around the country, completely legal for civilians to purchase. They can be purchased in a matter of mere minutes. That should not be so.

Here's a start: We should renew the assault weapons ban that Congress passed in 1994, (surely it prevent Columbine)* — but which expired ten years later. That ban, which covered 19 specific assault-style weapons, was included in a comprehensive crime bill that folded together three pieces of legislation. I remember it well. I was Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee at the time. I wrote much of the bill and led it through Congress — with the help of many others, especially Senator Feinstein on the assault weapons ban. I argued strongly in favor of banning these weapons. What's more, 46 House Republicans voted for that ban in 1994. Forty-six.

So what happened to that bill? To use a somewhat wonkish legislative term, it was "sunsetted." That means that this bill came with an expiration date: Ten years after its passage, it would need to be renewed. Under President Bush and a Republican Congress, the bill lapsed. And it hasn't been renewed since.

But renewing the ban on assault weapons isn’t the only thing Congress should do to help prevent the tragedy of gun violence around the country.

*posters note

It could require that every buyer go through a background check before getting a gun -- to make sure dangerous weapons don’t end up in the hands of criminals or other people who have long been prohibited from possessing them. It could prevent people who are suspected of having terrorist ties and can’t get on a plane from buying weapons of war -- that’s just common sense. It could ensure that domestic abusers can’t go to the store to buy a gun -- filling the kinds of gaps in the law that leave too many innocent victims dead. It could end the freeze on gun violence research, so our public health experts can collect data and facts that would inform strategies to deal with this epidemic. And it could give law enforcement officials the tools and resources the President requested in his budget proposal -- so they can take dangerous criminals off the street and enforce our gun laws. Our Administration has done what it can. So have many cities, counties, and states.

Now it’s up to Congress to do its job.

They'll have a good opportunity this Monday, when the Senate is set to vote on a number of different gun safety measures -- votes that came about after that 15-hour filibuster, during which a series of Democratic senators refused to cede the floor. The measures they will vote on would address the fact that anyone on a terrorist watch list can still legally purchase guns and explosives. They will address the current background check requirements for prospective gun buyers.

Ahead of those votes, we'd like to invite you to join a call on Monday at 1:00 pm ET for We the People signers with Valerie Jarrett on how we can continue to come together as citizens around this issue. Let us know you'll be joining right here — and ask any questions you've got, or issues you'd like to hear raised on the call.

I encourage you to pay attention to Monday's votes. Make yourselves aware. Use your voice. Make yourselves impossible to ignore.

Lets start a petition to impeach these assholes. Guarantee we break 100k

Because you’re not alone in recognizing the need to act -- to take steps, consistent with the Second Amendment -- that will keep our children and communities safe. Here's who else agrees with you: The Department of Justice. Dozens of United States Senators. Faith leaders, law enforcement officials, and responsible businesses. Public health experts. And the vast majority of the American people, including the vast majority of gun owners in the country.

If taking commonsense steps to reduce gun violence had the potential to save even one life, it would be worth doing. But it has the potential to save far more than that.

You know that. And that is why you spoke up. That matters. But the fact is that we have three separate but equal branches of a government for a reason.

And so, to speak directly to those members of Congress who, in the wake of this most recent, most horrific killing of our citizens, might be considering stepping up and getting this done once and for all, I'd like to remind you that this will not stop on its own. It will not stop. In the three and a half years since Newtown, there have been at least 1,002 mass shootings in this country. At least 1,135 people killed, and 3,953 wounded. That includes 49 killed and 53 wounded in Orlando.

You know in your heart that this is the right thing to do. You know that by stepping up, your action has the potential to create a domino effect. Have the courage to do it.

We have done it before. We can do it again.

Finish this.

Vice President Joseph Biden
The White House

This is your friendly reminder that our elected officials are now saying, in the national spotlight, that stripping rights guaranteed by the constitution WITHOUT DUE PROCESS is okay.

Welcome to the beginning stages of tyranny, lads.

We're beyond the point of impeaching. Just sit and wait for the fire to rise, or for the country to submit.

I never shot a weapon lads
how does it feel???
please dont let them take your guns FFS


literally means nothing besides they mad
Obama is going out lame duck

also shit thread

Thanks for the petition. I signed it and I now spread it on /leftypol/. Cheers friend and stay safe from gun lunatics

Bills to be voted on, come Monday:

Dem Chris Murphy - UBC and bans anybody on a terror watch list, or suspected terrorists, from buying a gun.

Dem Dianne Fuckswein - ban people on terror watch list from owning guns. No process to find out if you're on the list or to appeal being on the list if you don't belong on it.

Republican John Cornyn - lets the AG block anyone who has been on the terrorist watch list, or been the subject of a terror related investigation, within previous last five years from buying a gun for 72 hours to give law enforcement time to file a court order blocking the sale. If a judge approves the court order, the AG can take that person into custody. McConnell and the NRA support this bill.

Republican Chuck Grassley - anybody who has been on the terror watch list, or been the subject of a terror related investigation, within the previous five years is entered into the NICS system so the FBI will be notified if they buy a gun. It won't stop them from buying gun if they're not a prohibited person, but the FBI will be notified.


I yearn to spill the blood of traitors and globalists.

The dem ones won't pass and they'll stomp their feet and refuse to pass the other ones claiming republicans are bad and rude

Nothing will happen so long as the Republicans maintain a congressional majority

I, for one, welcome the coming political purge.

That may very well be the case, we might not end up with any of them passing. Or maybe one or two passes; it matters not. What matters is the slow erosion of our rights, and the constant pounding into our heads that, as a nation, government is the cure to what ails us. Not just government, but bad government.

Nothing will happen so long as American men HAVE GUNS AND THE WILL TO KILL ANYONE THAT WOULD TAKE THEM

>Guarantee we break 100k
And then nothing happens. Petitions only get noticed if they fit the agenda. They're just a way for politicians to do what they were going to do anyways, but with an added sense of legitimacy because "the people wanted it lol, don't blame me".

Whatever racist. Everyone knows guns were kept around for RACISM and nothing else!

>On Monday, in the wake of this latest, deadliest, mass shooting,

how does it feel knowing less people died in Orlando than black babies aborted in New York today alone?

While it may be unlikely, I again wish to stress the fact that THE PRESIDENT IS ADVOCATING THE REMOVAL OF RIGHTS WITHOUT DUE PROCESS.

I fail to understand why he hasn't been impeached. Furthermore, I fail to understand why this stupid fucking petition of ~180k 'signatures' is somehow representative of America.

>I fail to understand why he hasn't been impeached.
Das racist

>I fail to understand why he hasn't been impeached
Because the people who would do the impeaching are on his side.

>Furthermore, I fail to understand why this stupid fucking petition of ~180k 'signatures' is somehow representative of America.
Because saying so makes future policy changes seem legitimate.

to keep the niggers in check. lel based founders

MLK was among the thousands of black men denied conceal carry permits because of the racist may issue conceal carry policy universally supported by anti-gun Democrats today.

>Assault weapons and high-capacity magazines should be banned from civilian ownership
why not just ban the gun entirely if youre gonna ban civilians from using it. if the civilians can't own them neither should the military or police.

>Signature from a guy living in the Africa of Europe
This is one of the problems with taking anonymous opinions from the internet- you don't know who's opinion or how common it really is

>If taking commonsense steps to reduce gun violence had the potential to save even one life, it would be worth doing
Why do liberals believe that the life of one person is worth an infinite amount of money? I was arguing with a girl on jewbok today and she pointed to an article saying suicides drop 3.5% in places with stricter gun laws. I told her 3.5% of~20k people in a country of 320 million is practically nothing and mass shootings account for less than 100 deaths for years. She told me i dont value human life very highly.

>ar-15 banned

Good. That gun was always shit.

The AK was and still is a far better weapon.

>Because the people who would do the impeaching are on his side.

As I understand it, the house of reps first votes to impeach the president. If that passes they are then impeached and tried by the senate. The house majority is republican, and I'm sure there are some democrats that still have a spine.

Only logical conclusion I can reach is that, despite all the bluster, everyone wants to scratch the other person's back.

Arent literal commies super pro gun?

lol my signature still counts, you gun toting redneck. And so do the signitures we are making on /leftypol/

Like bags of sand

I hope they get real gun control working. This isn't fucking 1700's anymore, we need reform. You infowars alex jones water filter loving bastards get used to it

Good niggers shouldn't be able to get guns. Thats what control was for in the first place.

My girlfriend has a hard time wrapping her head around this, try as I might to redpill her.

>rifles only account for ~280 homicides a year
>but we have a gun problem
>how is it a problem, more people die each year from blunt objects as homicide weapons
>but you can't kill 50 in 1 go with a hammer

So, you'd rather 800 people die over the course of a year than ~250 in potentially short bursts. Right.

>Sup Forums is defending the rights of Islamic Jihadists and neo-nazi's to own deadly assault rifles in America

Jesus Christ, you people are degenerate loonies. Name me one good reason someone on an FBI watch-list should own one of these weapons?

Now THIS is shitposting


How are you going to control guns in a country with that has such porous borders, 318 million citizens, and over 200m firearms in circulation?

I'll wait.

Who cares? They've already lost the gun control fight in this country. They just haven't got the message for some reason.

Because the FBI watch list could put saints like the ku klux klan on the watch list.

Because I don't trust the FBI to make watch-lists, and I don't think watch-lists should exist in the first place. They're a substitute for a real solution, which is banning islam and deporting known muslims.

Because anyone can be put on an FBI watch list for any reason. Did you not read 1984?

>15 years, people with the political upperhand have their opponents placed on government watch lists
>that person no longer has rights and cannot run for office

>inb4 slippery slope
There's a reason we're a freer country than you.

The second ammendment and due process come to mind. I understand if your eurocuck brain cant wrap around the concept of basic human rights, though.

>Ban AR-15

>Mentalists go out and buy one of the other hundreds of semi-auto rifles on the market and commit massacres

If it takes 20+ massacres with an AR-15 to get it banned, they're going to have to launch a metric fuck ton of massacres to pull each rifle off the market.

That is after they have eaten the jewish lies

>/Leftpol/ hey did you get that? /Leftpol/ oh let me say it again /Leftpol/
Here's your last (You) so cherish it

God damn it's good to be American.

There have been cases of infants being put on watch lists. New flash: the government fucks up a lot.


Jams, needs constant cleaning and has no stopping power.

Liberalfag here, they can try and take muh freedom rifles but I won't make it easy. I at least find comfort in knowing the conservafags won't make it easy either

Its like they think a gun kills your soul or is somehow worse than being murdered some other way. Like It counts for extra bad guy points if they use guns.

>Ar-15 holds 50 in the clip
>Ak47 holds 30 in clip

Are you literally retarded?

Sell whatever piece of shit youre currently usi...
>stoping power
Oh, youre an actual retard? Carry on.

>muh gun control
Fuck that. When shit finally does hit the fan, i'm trading in whatever lameshit cuckgun i have for some sweet russian supplied machine gun.

>People in the media openly talking about demanding more domestic surveillance
Gun control is the same shit. It's happening, but at the same pace it's been happening for a while now.

But now, turn on the news, people are actually seriously debating, not even on weather or not domestic surveillance is a good idea, but on how much of it is good.

>magazine size

Commies had extended mags too.

>actual retard

If you aren't using that AK-74 shit with the plastic mags, then you have no problems.

can some nerd go to walmart, buy shit to build a big ass fucking bomb. build said bomb and then record yourself letting it off in the middle of nowhere proving that you dont need guns to kill large amounts of people, you can do it with simple house hold items from walmart

>2nd amendment
>We want war with all Muslims on our soil
>Muslim shootings(as the shooter or the shot, either way, doesn't matter, who cares) are a great way to start the fire
>if we can't have sane immigration, the left doesn't get sane gun control

Exactly, and this is how it starts. People get hammered with this shit 24/7 by the media, their friends, social media, coworkers, etc, and before you know it they no longer question IF it's a good idea but HOW MUCH is a good idea.

This is the slow erosion of human rights, of OUR rights, and of our great country.


>get hit by terrorist attack
>debate how much of our rights to take away
regressives deserve the treatment of traitors.

>They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
You're good people.

What you retards don't understand is that they don't care about rights. If they want a weapon, they'll get a weapon, even if it's illegal.
That's not the point. The problem here is islam, or at least islamism, and i'm ashamed that most of america just ignores this fact.
Even when terrorist attacks hapenned in France, people didn't react saying "we need to be more strict on guns" No, they were smart enough to recognize that the problem here was an ideology.
What they do with guns, they'll do with knives or bombs. The weapon doesn't fucking matter. You should worry about the ideology that pushes people to do this.

And he's not an illegal immigrant! What a coincidence!

Name me one good reason someone under an FBI investigation should be in charge of the nuclear arsenal?

I am pro carrying
t. commie

Marx was super pro-gun because he mistakenly believed that the Socialist revolution would involve the workers rising up and not the military pulling a coup.

>machine guns banned in the USA
>no more crimes committed by machine guns

>guns banned in Australia after Port Arthur
>no more mass shootings in Australia

And people say gun control doesn't work.


>gun crime goes down
>violent crime rises

Tell me again, why should the weak be disarmed to be at the mercy of the strong and wicked?

>Grassley's amendment

I'm as pro-2A as they come but why the fuck weren't we doing that to begin with? What the fuck is the point of the background check if not for that specific purpose?

Anyone can sign that petition. Probably is mostly signed by Euro and Aus cucks

I will say, admittedly, Grassley's proposal is the only one that makes a shred of fucking sense.

kek, praise me.

but we would do it for the bantz.
just like the time we told them to build a death star

>Muh mass shootings
leafoldry at it's finest. All it is, is scaremongering. If you're going to ban guns because of terrorism and mass shootings, you should be walking to work everyday while wearing a tard helmet 24/7.

literally what
stop posting
this petition will change nothing

>president and vice president advocate stripping rights without due process on national television
>there isn't a problem guys

Spotted the shill. Or the fool.


Thanks to my Australian friends, I now have a plan B in case guns ever go away in America.

Bitches don't know about my emu army!

Fuck this gay earth

Even if then knobgobblers managed to get this put into action, I figure it's probably inevitable that when the next mass killing will come, (probably a very very short time after the ban is put in place) whatever weapon they used in that will be the subject of another "debate" and this witch hunt will continue.

Wish we would either just revolt or let the nukes just scorch it all

Guess I'll just watch Rome burn in the meantime

>100k in a country of 318m
we have a similar petition system and we need 50 or 75k and there's 5m of us

what the fuck are you guys doing

No they don't. This whole petition is nothing, like all "petitions."
Do you really thing they would violate the constitution over an ONLINE petition that anyone in the world can sign? And even if it was only americans it's 100,000 people out of more than 300 million.

What is the point of a secret watch list if you are going to introduce legislation that alerts people that they are on said list?


Gee with that post you are the retarded one.

It's like you're not even trying.

>No process to find out if you're on the list
Sure there is. Go try and buy a gun.

The watchlists have been around for a while now. Now they just want to turn them into "we've deemed you problematic so say goodbye to your rights" lists.

You know, I always thought those massive SHILL warning posts were horse shit. But then I see shit like this

All these posters, identified by their IDs, making a single post of contention and never responding. The nose knows.

Grassley's is reasonable,. the others are just "the government can ban anyone they want from owning guns"

Yeah, I'll grant you that. Don't like it, but it's a reasonable compromise, so long as they are willing to combat terrorism on the other end of the spectrum: section 8 housing and cash-in-hand welfare programs enabling societal cysts must be phased out.

Even some of my more extreme liberal friends could agree to that.

Jesus fuck, i thought it was just the talking heads for now, i didn't know they were voting on this shit already.

Amerifat civil war soon hopefully. Can't wait to get me that PKM.

Nothing is going to happen

This is the nth mass shooting along with threats to ban guns

This is exactly why we must elect Donald Trump as our president!

We need someone who will be able to listen and actually negotiate a solution to problems like this that everyone can agree to. Trump can actually make deals that will actually work for everyone instead of the gridlock we have on issue like this now.

This is just going to get people to go to gun shows or buy lower 80s

You haven't really been paying attention obviously. It went from Obama crying on tv, to even fox news supporting watch list gun bans,

>the AG can take that person into custody

For what crime?

Again, these will just push them to buy from private sellers, make their own, or get away from guns and go to bombs