If he wanted to sabotage the Death Star wouldn't it be easier to just design it so that it blows up as soon as its used?

If he wanted to sabotage the Death Star wouldn't it be easier to just design it so that it blows up as soon as its used?

The movie was too long and could have made the 2nd part about 5 mins. The normies think its too long and boring

felicity is hot

He had other people working with him, so they'd probably notice I assume.

They didn't notice that huge flaw he put on the reactor so no, they wouldn't have noticed it eitherway.

>huge flaw

he literally said SEVERAL TIMES he made it fucking tiny and small enough so that you couldnt find it unless you already knew it was there

there are a lot of things to complain about in this movie but this isnt one of them

That's what I was thinking. Something of that magnitude tends to go awry in the slightest of miscalculations. He could've done it on purpose and make it so that the reactor overheats or whatever when they fire the laser.

That would make too much sense

>not making several "fucking tiny and small enough" flaws so that together could put the death star on jeopardy.

I loved this movie but nah nigga, they could've done this.

why did they have to make several tiny flaws when one was enough to blow it up?

are you insinuating they should make several small and tiny fuck ups that TOGETHER would blow up the whole thing when it was activated?

because a small canal to the reactor that is out of the way is going to have a much smaller chance of being discovered by chance than say several small canals that maybe diverted a portion of the laser from the main laser back to the reactor, mainly because all the engineers are going to be looking straight at the laser and everything around it when theyre building, whereas they probably wont be looking at a tiny ass reactor on some other part of the death stars rim

>Force guy to develop a super weapon for you
>Kill his wife
>Separte him from his daughter
>Not assigning another team of super smart people just to supervise him to make sure he doesn't try to fuck up your weapon as revenge

Hey just turn your brain off and have fun bro!
Don't worry our pretty little head about it.

they literally did that and the reason it took 15 years for him to get it done and only in such a small way that someone else would have to finish the job anyway was because they were watching him closely

did you even watch the movie? they say exactly this

>they were watching him so closely he was able to design the flaw, convince a pilot to defect and record a holographic message with all of his intentions to destroy the death star

It's ok user, not everyone is able to think for themselves. Im sure you'll enjoy the next marvel movies as well.

You're right. I'm sure they would completely build it without any experimentation or test fires.

Every additional flaw would be another risk of being found out. One flaw he might feel he had a good enough chance to slip in, but chances multiply for each additional one you add in with a nonzero detection risk.

Jheda was the first time they tested the thing.

Why didn't he just give the plans to the Imperial pilot who went and defected for him?

are you even reading what I write? It took him 15 years to design a tiny flaw because they were watching him so closely. The pilot already wanted to defect, mads just told him where to go. A hologram takes like 15 seconds to record, and in 15 years (or go ahead, say a year since that was the time frame in which he had completed the flaw) he could have easily had a few minutes to himself, especially towards the tail end of his job, where it was VERY obvious Krennic fully trusted him again.

im not sucking this movie's dick at all you mong, there were a ton of things they could have done better but mads and his plan were fine

if you want to complain why dont you talk about the pacing, the extra retarded characters, krennic being awful, and all the stupid references

he didn't have access to the full schematics of the death star which is what they needed since he only worked on the laser, the only hard copy was elsewhere

or, it would look suspicious if he withdrew or made a full readout of the death star

take your pick

why does everyone complain about the references?
They weren't that bad

The only useless, needless references were the two cunts luke fights with at the cantina just having a stroll on jheda before it blew up.

He just made the reactor vulnerable to a large enough blast. The rebels needed the plans to find a way to make that blast.

the robot saying he had a bad feeling about this

the one you mentioned

there were a few others that i dont remember, but when i saw them i took note

not nearly as bad as TFA but still, you dont need them

That's dumb. He built it, he should have the plans on hand. The movie never said that he only worked on the laser, and if he did he wouldn't have been able to put in the flaw. And if the Imperials took the plans from him he could have just made a description of what to do to destroy it, instead of just giving the vague message that still confirms that there is a weakness.

And if the rebels took the plans from the Imperials why were they able to figure out the weakness in about an hour, while the Imperials had no clue?

Also C3P0 and R2. Completely unnecessary.

Why didn't he make the Death Star into a Death Torus that could extract the raw materials of a planet by sucking them up



the movie did say he only worked on the laser. they specifically say he is a genius in kyber crystal work, the shit they use in the laser

the rebels needed the plans to know exactly where on the shell the exhaust port was. You can't just say "theres a tiny hole on this moon sized station, if you fire a torpedo in there it will all blow up. Good luck lol!"

the rebels knew exactly what they were looking for I think, could be wrong. Either that or the plans were specifically for where the port was not on the readout of the entire station and every single thing on it. I don't really know about this one desu, but it wasn't immediate, it took however long ANH hopes lasts for them to find the spot

Those two cunts
R2D2 and C3PO
Princess Leia CGI puppet
Tarkin CGI puppet
Jimmy Smits for no reason
Mon Mothma for no reason, she only turned up in Jedi so presumably she ran from Yavin-4 like a cowardly bitch

All of those sucked. The ones I liked were the pilots from Episode 4 turning up at the end, the actually looked like the same person and had a reason for being there.

They would test the turbolaser before it's installed, the sabotage would be obvious.

>the movie did say he only worked on the laser. they specifically say he is a genius in kyber crystal work, the shit they use in the laser
Nope, watched it yesterday, it never says that. But it does say the was in charge of the ENTIRE development, given to such a point that he names the plans after his daughter's nickname and it's told to the audience that we has in charge like 3 times. He even says that he put the flaw in himself, that has nothing to do with the laser.
>the rebels needed the plans to know exactly where on the shell the exhaust port was. You can't just say "theres a tiny hole on this moon sized station, if you fire a torpedo in there it will all blow up. Good luck lol!"
Hit the exhaust port at longitude X and latitude Y. The laser dish is on the Northern half of the Death Star. There, problem solved, exact location delivered.
the rebels knew exactly what they were looking for I think, could be wrong. Either that or the plans were specifically for where the port was not on the readout of the entire station and every single thing on it. I don't really know about this one desu, but it wasn't immediate, it took however long ANH hopes lasts for them to find the spot
No they didn't, all they knew is that there was a "weakness". And they only get the plans for the Death Star in a New Hope when Luke gets there, and they're there before the Death Star turns up for about a day at the most.

I'm figuring most of those were added in the reshoots but yeah I agree about the cantina faggots and the fucking robo binks

I was ok with cgi tarkin but cgi leia looked weirder to me

C3po I could take or leave

it says in the movie his research into kyber crystals is his importance to the death star. ie the thing that powers the laser

>Hit the exhaust port at longitude X and latitude Y. The laser dish is on the Northern half of the Death Star. There, problem solved, exact location delivered.
>using latitudes and longitudes and cardinal directions on a sphere that doesnt have a set spit orbit or location
he could have taken the time to define all of those directions in relation to maybe the big dish and the big ring and some other stuff, but then he'd need to explain all those other things and their locations to someone who has never seen them, and like you said, they were watching him and he had no time, right?

>No they didn't, all they knew is that there was a "weakness"
the holomessage to jyn said it was something like a port, and jyn told them. I believe.

but even if im wrong, now your main gripe with the movie has boiled down to "how did the rebels find find out about the super tiny secret weakness so fast?" which is easily btfo by "super computer with super algorithm or genius asian rebel analysts"

Huh, I didn't even think about that.

So after they killed his wife in front of him and he hid away his daughter what exactly made him work on such a project?

Why not just kill yourself right away?

Why didn't Batman just rape the Joker?

he explains that in the holomessage

>it says in the movie his research into kyber crystals is his importance to the death star. ie the thing that powers the laser
No it doesn't, it just says "progress has staled" and "we need you back to finish it". He obviously didn't work on just the laser otherwise he wouldn't have been able to put the flaw into the reactor. Or he did work on just the laser leaving a pretty big plothole as to how he put in the weakness?
>like you said, they were watching him and he had no time, right?
Nope, never said that. Obviously he had time to record the message he sent to the defecting pilot so how about instead of rambling about his daughter he give detailed descriptions of the Death Star? But the whole point is moot because the movie never explains why he didn't just give the plans to the pilot, if they can be held on a tiny disc he has no reason not to. You're the one making justifications by saying that they didn't let him have the plans, despite him had to have them at some point.
> which is easily btfo by "super computer with super algorithm or genius asian rebel analysts"
So the Imperials didn't have any of those? They say in a New Hope that they analyse the Rebel's attack and realise that there is a flaw so they must have had that technology.
If they didn't trust Mads and they took the plans from him ASAP, stopping him from sending them out, why didn't the Empire set their own genius Asians on checking through the plans? or if they did and they didn't find the flaw, why did the Rebel Asians find them? I'm pretty sure that mads never told Jyn what the weakness was in his message or when they met up, just that he hid it very well.

I'm 100% convinced that in the original script he did give the plans to the pilot and the reshoots got rid of that, because that would actually make sense.

All the dialogue in this movie was sucky and stilted, unnatural. Every actor has to make up for the dead dialogue by acting more with their facial expressions (which are all worried/meaningful looks in every movie ever made now). They really had nothing to work with, at no point are you drawn into anything but looking at a bunch of shit happening on screen.

>in the original script the movie was totally different
>they redid the ENTIRE movie in the reshoots

>They reshot 40% of the movie
>the early trailers were totally different to what we got
>But that didn't change the story at all
Get out of here retard.

the movie was always said to be about getting the plans to the death star you fucking inbreed

>R2D2 and C3PO
tolerable. They were on the tantive IV after all. It makes sense to show them as the fleet is ready to leave
>Princess Leia
Tolerable too, although it would've been better if they just showed her from the back and not her face
>Tarkin CGI puppet
They needed to have the man who was responsible for firing the Death Star. It's like if they had a titanic movie without the captain
>Jimmy Smits
Organa was the only one that knew where Obi-Wan was.
He and Obi-Wan were also discussing the fate of the Skywalker twins at the end of episode 3.
Senator Organa served a purpose and that was to tell Leia where Obi-wan was and where she should head.

>Mon Mothma
>The leader of the rebellion, not being in a movie about the rebellion
Yeah, nah.


it's such an idiotic retcon, especially when you consider Disney was careful not to explain much of anything in Episode 7. It was just go go go.

He literally said it that he made himself seem irreplaceable, and thus, his desigm decisions final.

They would just force him to improve on it or move him to make something better.

How the hell does a single dude even design a battlestation as large as a moon? Why would a single dude ever be necessary? The Empire consists of quadrillions of people. Why would you intentionally employ one you KNOW is disloyal to you? The guy clearly isn't particularly smart since he decided to leave his daughter in the hands of terrorists.

>the movie was always said to be about getting the plans to the death star you fucking inbreed
No shit dickhead, I didn't say that they changed that aspect of it did I? Fuck off mongoloid.

>Jimmy Smits for no reason
>Mon Mothma for no reason,

Here's a (you)

All the references sucked except for that Mon Calamari admiral stating the obvious.

Rogue one is the avatar of 2016

>For no Reason

2/10 for effort.

you did, you said the main conflict of the movie would be resolved with ease when they first meet the pilot

>oh but it would be about getting the pilot away from the empire!!!

they had already shown scenes from the final battle on planet vietnam in the trailers. pilot being station on planet vietnam archive land would make no sense, and it would also negate any reason to go after galen after they got his message with the plans, which cuts the second act out of the movie too (which, by the way, we had also seen in early trailers)

so effectively they would be "reshooting" the entire movie

But people will still remember Rogue One in a few months and the next movie in the series won't be 9 years too late.

Yeah I bet you tolerate dick in your ass too.
>They needed to have the man who was responsible for firing the Death Star
Could have just have Darth Vader request the presence of Krennic say "You've failed, Gran Moff Tarkin has been given control of your Death Star". We never see the interior of the Death Star after Vader turns up anyway, and all that Wax Sculptor Tarkin does is stand around being vaguely threatening and jerking off fanboys.
>Senator Organa served a purpose and that was to tell Leia where Obi-wan was and where she should head.
Never actually see him do this. All he does is lets us know that he dies on Alderan. It never actually explains why Leia goes to Obiwan anyway. I always figured that because they're being chased Leia goes to obi-Wan because he's the closest friend who can get the plans to the rebellion but apparently know that was the plan from the start? Why?
>The leader of the rebellion, not being in a movie about the rebellion
>The leader running away when things get bad
>Wasn't even the leader in Episode 4
>Isn't even the leader in Rogue One, it's a fucking council or someshit.
Shit's retarded, shouldn't have been in the movie.

>no it doesnt
i dont know what to tell you. google it anywhere, he was a specialist in kyber crystals. the thing in the laser. youre wrong

>never said that
must've been another guy then. My point still stands, defining an entire coordinate system for a sphere is pretty difficult over a holo message if you cant see a picture of the sphere and the only defining aspect on the sphere is a line and a circle.

>why didnt he give the plans to the pilot
he didnt have access to them

>They say in a New Hope that they analyse the Rebel's attack and realise that there is a flaw so they must have had that technology.
i have no answer to that, whoever made the movie didnt think of that plothole i guess

>He literally said it that he made himself seem irreplaceable

How could he have possibly done this while stalling the entire time? This IS the same Empire that fucking murders people for nonperformance and disloyalty, correct?

Shit, I liked the explanation that it was just a design flaw way more than this. Fucking Nimitz Class aircraft carriers list to the right for no reason and people don't blame that shit on sabotage. Why is it hard to believe that the Empire didn't catch everything in their design and construction of a planet-sized project yet they thought it made more sense for someone to design an extremely incidental and hard to exploit flaw?

God I hate this entire character's existence.

did you miss the fucking intro where they literally hunt his ass down because he's the only one that knows about the kyber crystals enough to build the laser? ie he is indispensable?

aircraft carriers listing to the left doesnt cause them to blow up and sink if someone shoots a gun at their left side, which is why it isnt as bad a design flaw as a shaft that blows up a moon sized space station when someone shoots a torpedo down it

Are you fucking stupid? The original script probably had them going to nam for a different reason and they changed a few lines here and there to match the changes they made to the rest of the movie.

The whole dish and message plot was weird and disjointed.
>Oh no we can't communicate with the rebel fleet
>I know lets set up a line of communication to tell the rebel fleet that we can't communicate with them
>Hey rebel fleet we're here on the planet but we can't communicate with you. If you destroy the shield then we can communicate with you
>Okay Rogue One, we were destroying the shield anyway but now we'll do it so that you can communicate with us.

They probably had something else to do on that planet originally, and I bet it wasn't going to be the climax of the movie but the action beat in Act 1. The climax was probably going to be on the planet where they shot Krennic walking past the bodies.

>Yeah I bet you tolerate dick in your ass too.
>Can't think of an argument, ill just say he likes dick in his ass, that'll show him

>Could have just have Darth Vader request the presence of Krennic say "You've failed, Gran Moff Tarkin has been given control of your Death Star".

Tarkin always had the upper hand on Krennic. Krennic never seemed to have shit under control.

>all that Wax Sculptor Tarkin does is stand around being vaguely threatening and jerking off fanboys.

Shows how he came to be equal or one step above Vader and why he is the one calling the shots on the Death Star in episode 4

>Never actually see him do this
Mon Mothma: " Your friend, the Jedi. We need every advantage we can get"
Organa: "I'll contact him"
Mon Monthma: " Do you trust him"
Organa: "I trust him with my life"

That may not be the exact dialogue but that scene explained how the rebellion and Leia know where a Jedi in hiding is. Not even the high ups in the rebellion knew where one of the last two jedis were hidden. That's where Organa comes in.

You would have to not had watched the movie, be asleep, or just a retard to not see this.

>Hurr durr we never see Organa tell Leia about Obi-Wan
You're right the movie never pointed that out. He just sent Leia on the Tantive IV towards battle without ever telling her about the one person that could help her if things go to shit.

You tried but you failed

>i dont know what to tell you. google it anywhere, he was a specialist in kyber crystals. the thing in the laser. youre wrong
But if he was there just for the laser how could he have put the flaw in the power reactor? He might have been a specialist in the crystals that power the gun, but he was still in charge of the entire development.
>must've been another guy then. My point still stands, defining an entire coordinate system for a sphere is pretty difficult over a holo message if you cant see a picture of the sphere and the only defining aspect on the sphere is a line and a circle.
It's really easy, just set one visible point to be 0,0 and one other point to be 1,1 and you're all set
>he didnt have access to them
He built the fucking thing, he must have had access to them at some point. Why didn't he do everything then?

Disjointed, true, but that analysis is retarded. They couldn't communicate with the fleet because Rebel frequencies were jammed, so they had to plug into an Imperial transmitter.

They couldn't send the plans through that transmitter because the file was too big.

the power reactor powers the laser. the guy that works on the laser decides how the power reactor power is converted into laser power

>It's really easy, just set one visible point to be 0,0 and one other point to be 1,1 and you're all set
he doesnt have the plans, he doesnt have a picture to do that with. He could have gotten a model of the death star in the picture with him and done that, but it wouldnt have been exactly to scale or exactly precise without a defined system for long/latitude

>He built the fucking thing, he must have had access to them at some point. Why didn't he do everything then?
he built the laser. And i dont know, i guess if he asked for the plans or downloaded a copy and they saw the record of him doing so they would get suspicious of him again

>Wasn't even the leader in Episode 4


>Never actually see him do this.

>Episode III ends
>Only 2 people in the entire galaxy know where Obi-Wan will be hidden and why
>Episode IV starts
>The rebellion suddenly knows where Obi-wan is

Organa served to show how they knew where obi wan was hiding.
In fact it even makes IV better since before R1 it always seemed to be a great coincidence that the droid carrying the plans to the death star just happened to be on a ship above the planet where the last jedi was hiding.

>Never actually see him do this
>Organa never telling a crucial leader of the rebellion, and his own "daughter" about the last wild card the rebellion can use in times of desperation.

Get the fuck out of here retard.

>>Hurr durr we never see Organa tell Leia about Obi-Wan
>You're right the movie never pointed that out.

He said he'd send a messenger to his "Jedi" friend, and that he trusts "her" [the messenger] with his life. Put 2 and 2 together.

Oh shit could've swore I heard a "him"

Well anyway the other guy got rekt

>Could have had Vader

While I agree that this would have been cool, I liked the rivalry between Tarkin and Krennic. It gave Krennic a purpose and fleshed out his character a bit.

>Senator Organa
I'll give you that one, the cameo could have been better if he actually had a reason for being there.

Really wish they had more flashbacks of Erso and Krennic and we saw more of what Imperial life was like.

No, he said they would have finished it without him.

It does raise the question why the Tantive IV was docked to the Profundity instead of landed on Tatooine, though.

Keyword: SEEM irreplaceable

He made them think they couldn't possibly replace him when they actually could.

>That may not be the exact dialogue but that scene explained how the rebellion and Leia know where a Jedi in hiding is.

Organa: We will need every advantage
Mothma: Your friend... the Jedi?
Organa: He served me well during the Clone Wars and has lived in hiding since the Emperor's purge... yes, I will send for him
Mothma: You will need someone you can trust.
Organa: ...I would trust her with my life
Organa: Captain Antilles
Antilles: Senator?
Organa: I have a mission for you...

He literally says he's sending Leia to get Obi-wan.

>I'll give you that one, the cameo could have been better if he actually had a reason for being there.

Did you guys ever even see episode 3? Organa was the only one to know where the 2 remaining jedis were hiding. In R1, when Mon Mothma asks him to get in contact with "his friend, the Jedi" he replies with him saying he will send for jedi and he says " I trust ******her***** with my life" meaning that's how leia came to know where obi-wan was hiding and why the tantive IV was floating above Tattooine.

Are captain Antillies and Wedge Antillies related?

I'm not an expert on the construction of moon-sized super lasers so I'm just going to assume the way he sabotaged it was the best way he could manage.

>Can't think of an argument
>Listed multiple arguments
Didn't refute it though, huh?
>Tarkin always had the upper hand on Krennic. Krennic never seemed to have shit under control.
For what purpose though? Why did Tarkin have to have the upper hand on Krennic. There could have been a dozen reasons why Tarkin is there in Episode 4 but not in Rogue One, instead they showed Tarkin making the main antagonist look like a bitch and removing any threat from the character.
>Shows how he came to be equal or one step above Vader and why he is the one calling the shots on the Death Star in episode 4
We saw that in Episode 4, Cushing did that by himself without needing shitty prologue to explain it. Besides, we see him being intimidating to a lesser character, that Vader was more intimidating to, so that doesn't work. Or were actually retarded that whenyou watched Episode 4 (a film made for children) that you didn't understand what was going on, and this movie explained it all for you?
>Never actually see him do this
Kek you just proved my point, you never see him do the one thing he was there to do. Everyone assumed after watching Episode III that he told Leia about Obi-wan, Lucas made that shit obvious because he didn't plan for another movie to be made to fill in the gaps. The movie would have worked just as well without Smits, it might have worked better because you wouldn't be wondering why he's bringing his daughter he loves into a warzone and why Leia's cover at the start of a New Hope was that she was on a diplomatic mission.
>"I'll contact him"
Why didn't he do that? Or was it to get Leia to do that with the plans? Seems like a big risk.

The 3 main things that pissed me off the most in this movie were


They could have got us up to date about everything that happened between 3 and 4. Fucking lazy

2. Vader doesnt kill Krennic. Krennic was incompetent as fuck and Vader killing someone for that is what his character is all about. Would have been cool to see Vader force crush or use the dark side in a brutal manner

3 Vader didnt kill the main cast. It was implied throughout the film that Vader would be the one to finally show up and clean up Kerricks mess. The last scene of him on board was weak as fuck and last ditch pandering

Was expecting pic related to happen but it never did

No, Antillies just happens to be the "Smith" of Alderaan.

the vader scene was great but i do agree it felt slightly cheap that he was just killing mooks

i thought tarkin killing krennic with the death star was fitting considering tarkin is then later killed on the death star

my biggest gripe was the score, sounded kinda shit

>Vader doesnt kill Krennic.

I think eating a death star laser to the face was a much better end for him

For what it's worth, the novelization explains that the Tantive IV was docked in the Profundity undergoing repairs, and when the call was made to send the fleet to rescue Rogue One, priority was given to having every available ship go to Scarif over the mission to find Obi-wan.

>Read argument
>Counter with " I bet you like dicks up your ass"
>Think that's an argument

You are not a smart man.

Anyway you were too busy writing this dumbass "response" to see that you got BTFO multiple times already on the " Hurr we never saw organa tell leia where obi wan was"

You never fucking see it though do you? They put Smits in the movie to tell the audience something that they already knew happened because they've seen the others, so it was a pointless cameo whose purpose was not to fuel the story, but to jerk off fans. Did you watch Episode 4 thinking "but how did Leia know about Obi-wan" and then after watching Rogue One you're thinking "Oh now that Smits turned up to tell us that he told her I know how she knows hurr durr what is filling the gaps myself?". He obviously told her about Kenobi between Episode 3 and 4. You didn't even read the next sentence you tards where I fucking mentioned this, christ.

but what was the point of giving it to Obi-wan when he was going to give it to the Senator Organa in Alderaan? Who just gave it to Leia to take to Obi-wan?

They wrote themselves into a corner

>Vader doesnt kill Krennic. Krennic was incompetent as fuck

Krennic getting killed by the very weapon he was in charge of producing is ironic as fuck and 1000000x better than Vader killing incompetent officer #2351

Hardly, those arguments suck and I explain why here.
But now you can't come up with a counter of your own so...

>we never see Organa telling Leia about obi wan
>some other user ()
writes down the exact dialogue of when Organa says he'll send "her", a messenger, to contact the jedi.
>Still think's hes right.

Just stop it dude, you got outed, you look like a fool.

whoops, meant to quote this guy as the user who wrote the exact dialogue

they weren't going to give the plans to ben
they wanted ben's help to take down the death star, and between the tantive IV escaping in RO and seeing it in ANH they dropped the plans off for the rebels to analyse

Yeah exactly, we never SEE Smits telling leia about Obi-Wan, we're TOLD about it. Do you not know how to read? We were already TOLD about it in Episode III because he adpots Leia and in Episode IV Leia know where Obi-Wan is, so the cameo is pointless. Did you actually need the character to come back and say "oh btw I told here where Obi-Wan" to understand A New Hope? If you did you're an idiot, if you didn't then I'm right and the cameo was a waste.

What are you, autistic?

>Yeah exactly, we never SEE Smits telling leia about Obi-Wan, we're TOLD about it.

Holy shit dude really? Are you really arguing this?

>the tantive IV escaping in RO and seeing it in ANH they dropped the plans off for the rebels to analyse
Have you not seen ANH? The whole point of the first 3/4 of that movie was to get the plans of the Death Star to the rebels.

Do you honestly believe that Smits served any purpose in the movie?

hes not arguing whether it's true that it happened he's arguing whether jimmy smits needed to come back just to tell us something everyone already knew

jimmy smits being there was a cameo intended to provoke the following reaction:

>oh shit there's bail organa oh shit he's talking about obi wan oh shit he's going to go tell leia about obi wan oh so that's how it happened!

it wasnt really necessary. I didnt mind it so much though

why do you think hes crazy?

>tfw no bunnyfu gf

>instead they showed Tarkin making the main antagonist look like a bitch and removing any threat from the character.
Desperate, cowardly zealots who have been backed into a corner are extremely threatening especially when they have a Death Star under their control.

I think one thing Rogue One does far better than the other Star Wars movies is show you a spectrum of the types of people involved on both sides. They're not just divided up into reluctant Solos and dedicated Lukes anymore: the rebels are literal terrorists who commit torture and sanction assassinations, in fact in our introduction to Cassian the dude straight shoots his co-conspirator in the back for being too much of a liability. Meanwhile you see increasingly brutal war tactics normalized under pragmatic military professionals like Tarkin because they have psychos like Krennic working under them.

>Desperate, cowardly zealots who have been backed into a corner are extremely threatening especially when they have a Death Star under their control.
The problem is that they took the Death Star from him in the process of doing that, and once that happened all he did was turn up, wave a gun around and then got shot and blown up.

I'll give you all of those except Organa, Mon Mothma, and Tarkin.

Tarkin would eventually take over the Death Star so it's fine that he was there but they could have hid the CGI much much much much better if he were just a hologram and we never saw him in the flesh.

Organa knew where Obi Wan was and it was one of the smarter references to have in the film considering he probably informed Leia of Obi Wans whereabouts.

Mon Mothma is obviously one of if not the main leader of the rebellion. So she has a place.

>The problem is that they took the Death Star from him in the process of doing that, and once that happened all he did was turn up, wave a gun around and then got shot and blown up.
In the third act he's relegated to the ground skirmish along with the doomed heroes. It speaks to the fact that Krennic, Jyn, Cassian, all these dudes are minor players compared to Tarkin and Mothma, acting from afar. They're all doomed to die with the film.

Also it sets up the really satisfying moment where Jyn taunts Krennic with the actual exploit that the plans provide them, since he gets killed afterward and can't warn the Empire to patch the flaw!

So basically this dude is introduced as THE principle project manager or whatever on the Death Star. He seems to be a big proponent of the Empire's most extreme brand of foreign policy, to the point that everybody else is kinda skeptical about this Death Star he's failing to deliver. So you see this dude push the Empire in a more evil direction while becoming more desperate, not getting any credit for his achievements, eventually going down with the knowledge that everything he contributed will be undone. It's a fucking awesome character arc and some of the best storytelling I've seen in a Star Wars movie since the original trilogy.