A guy from Poland beat up a student in Łódź while shouting Islam go home don't have a source in eng use google translate
Student from Algeria beaten up in Poland
>islam go home
he is not wrong islam doesnt work in a free western society :^)
how based can these poles get
So that's a Syrian Christian chef, an Argentinian tourist and a female student so far this year.
Jan Sobieski must be fucking proud.
She wanted the D.
Well she did get the pole.
memes aside algeria is a shithole
>beating up people
>nigger behaviour
Just change the goddamn laws if you have such a big consensus you mongrel slavshits.
She got the P
Where is the story about the Portuguese students beaten up in Bolan?
Faggot Hans, keep preaching about non-violence as your women get raped.
>free western society
pick one
Well done, Worzeks.
Well he was a nigger anyway so it counts too i think
Nice. It's unfortunate that this is the only way of keeping them out of here.
We can't when we're in EU. Thanks, Hans.
>keep preaching about white behaviour while niggers act different
If you act like a barbarian, you will become a barbarian.
You can Polxit, like the english.
Kopnął w udo i uciekł tramwajem
our communists dont want that Jarosław said it ...
i would vote for leave
We're not strong enough to do this. UK can do it because they'll be better off. We wouldn't.
Slaves are the last hope for the white race.
Never change Poland. Don't make the mistakes Germany, UK and Sweden did.
Root out these sand eating vermin. NONE are acceptable!
Polish women will get raped soon too. Street violence happened here too in the 90s, just like in Poland now. It doesn't stop the swarm.
As Germany turns to shit, more and more of them will invade Poland. They won't be getting any Germans: the Poles hate us and we don't feel welcome there. However the shitskins don't feel welcome anywhere and categorically hate all white people equally. They'll go where it's best for them. That will be Poland soon. First the beggars / "students", then the hard criminals and crime families, and finally the masses, just like it happened in Germany.
Give me 20 of your best winged husarettes, Polen.
Poland needs EU money too much to ever get uncucked. They're a beggar country. Their leaders will vote to turn their country into a shitskin dumping ground if it means their EU money will otherwise be cut off.
Well burger if you would say or do anything like that in muh freedom land you would end up sucking bbc in your local jail by Sunday.
So they are not just cucks but also welfare leeches.
And than they dare attack algerians, for what reason?
They dont like the competition?
but actually we are turning off every offer of shitskins and yet u are still paying us for staying :)
>Implying Polan men will alloe these animals to act out
There's a reason shitskins avoid eastern slav countries like russia, Poland and Serbia. The populace usually does a public lynching on them. No "asian" rape gangs exist in those countries because the Achmeds and mehmets would be skinned alive by the fathers and brothers.
She probably owns someone money and didn't give it back. Good that he beat that whore.
Nah, we'll leech you off while giving nothing in return. We're not even going to join the euro currency because it would be bad for us.
It's just playing the system - free money given by retards, what's not to like?
za każdym razem z wybryków rogoskiej
Foreigners get beaten to the ground and set on fire in Germany. Nobody reports "proud" stories like the Polescum dolescum do. Nobody echos congratulatory dicksucking like the eternal anglos on this thread either.
All of you are getting fucked up the ass soon. Brexit will fail. Hillary will win. It will be so sweet to watch you get gayraped and genocided by your own countries. Then after 70+ years when there are almost none of you left, you will finally understand our perspective.
Country of beggars ? Wew lad. I'm sad that in 40 years my beautiful Poland would have to border with French-German caliphate. Too bad you won't get visas. Hopefully some of you will be able to feed yourselves making money by streaming your loved ones getting raped by shitskins. I rather be a beggar than a filthy German cuck any day you cunt !
We fought for our country and it's worth fighting for.
Germany wasn't worth anything after WWII, not even its own citizen care about it.
You've let in muslim mens by the MILLIONS for no reason whatsoever.
When you start kicking them out you'll get your (you)s as well, I promise.
>There's a reason shitskins avoid eastern slav countries like russia, Poland
They clearly aren't.
Also there are more student places there because more stupid people + demand for sustained economic growth. This means the Algerian who can read the Koran gets the job over the Pole who can't spell his own name.
>It's just playing the system - free money given by retards, what's not to like?
t. Abdul Mohammed al-Polani
Good job Kekkowski
>T.Ahmed Mustafa
Go away shitskin goatfucker
How is it over at Poland? Been considering immigration for a while to an actual white man's world. But it is tough decision to jump ship from being american and letting the liberals win.
Fucking bydlo diaspora scum. I bet you can't even speak Polish.
>Polish women will get raped soon too.
They already do. By the same drunks that go around kicking the shit out of Erasmus students who came here to learn Polish for three months.
Fuck you, mijo.
deus vult
But you are a cuck. Muslim mayor etc.
i denounce everything i said bad about poland.
Good. We have to look to Poland as example of how to protect your own country.
Every country in the world should learn from you, and they would be safe from the threat of islamic terror.
Based fucking pollacks.
God, I love how Krauts on 4chinz pretend they're not the most worthless form of subhuman "life" that currently exists.
t. T*rkroach
We're being paid next to no money but stuff here is cheap. If you have some sort of external income source, you'll be well off. If not, welcome to the world where imported goods cost twice or thrice as much, purchasing power wise.
But hey, at least nobody but us wants to live here!
While I don't condone stealing, if it collapses the EJew quicker I am all for it. The sooner that happens the sooner you fucks can stop infecting the rest of Europa. You want to commit suicide, fine. But don't take the rest of the continent with you. Fags.
This is good. If Poland can't pass laws to prevent Mudslimes from coming in then a little intimidation from the local populace should do the trick.
>infuriates parents
so when authorities do stupid shit that the general public doesnt agree with that makes you subhuman
Based Poland, I am neither Polish nor in Poland but I have the biggest patriot boner for you guys.
You know what "infuriates" means in modern German? The parents wrote angry letters, the school ignored them and the kids still ended up being good little slaves to Ahmed and Jamal.
After your people get genocided off we should let Poland clear out Germany and annex it. Would be the ultimate irony for your treachery through the years.
Dude, you're getting put to the wall and shot within 3 years of Hillary winning. Whites will be outnumbered by Mexicans in Texas soon, they already are in California. Those are your only growth regions right there.
You're already dead and don't have the balls to admit it. American whites are the most pathetic people here. It's fortunate you're not white though, huh, mijo? Too bad for you when the Poles find this out.
hussars stronk
remove kebab
Could you go further into detail on this based Polbro?
Why are the Ahmeds and Mehmets going full damage control on these type of threads lately?
Listen up, shitskin Mexican mijo. Your country won't last another 10 years so fuck off.
wow I hate poland now.
Fuck off you dumb Mexican nigger.
>Foreigners get beaten to the ground and set on fire in Germany
>Nobody reports "proud" stories
Sources? There has to be be at least one story of some "racist right-wing German setting an innocent foreigner ablaze"
>Mężczyzna kopnął dziewczynę w udo i uciekł tramwajem.
"The man kicked the girl in the thigh and fled the tram."
> t. butthurt Ahmed
Hopefully Germany's collapse can be a wake-up call for western european nationalist adrenaline to kick in and start terminating sand monkey's on the street.
Google them if you have the balls, mijo.
Check flag.
POLAND STRONG. Literally a shithole of Europe.
What do you need to know? People go abroad to work and then go back with actual currency that can buy stuff. As an aerospace engineer, you get paid around 1000-1100 EUR a month starting in here (excluding taxes). That's how bad it is.
The USA will get taken over by mijos like you and collapse long before we will.
It was made up by Alberto and his friends. They will be charged for this.
if u have a shit job than yes
>poland benefits a shitton from the EU
>polish ""patriots"" do everything to get out of it
fuck these people.
>60% white
>trump losing
We are nowhere near dead. We'll last a hell of a lot longer than you. Don't bother coming here for amnesty.
And Hillary is not winning. Nice job refuting anything I previously said Mehmet.
>Could read Quran
Lol nope. What do you think they need mula for?
Don't believe any Ringier Axel Springer owned media.
>Expecting anything else from those savage countries in the east.
Cmon Mehmed, arent you religion of love and peace?
Nice damage controle pedro.
Good. not that the guy in question was necessarily bad, but if the attitude becomes commonplace among the people that "a little bit of poison is ok" or "but the monster has good qualities, too" then so begins the decline.
Stupid mijo, pretending to be white. You fool nobody you stupid beaner.
Go ahead and pretend to like Trump. He's a proud German-American and will send your smelly shitskin ass back to hell.
I already have US citizenship, so if my guy wins I'm golden. Meanwhile if Hillary wins the USA descends into carnage and eats itself - an even bigger win. I'm set no matter what you dumbfuck mijo.
based serbia. show us how to clean up our population.
Keep talking t*rkroaches but once the Don wins by a landslide via actual voters your sandmonkey shitskin mudslime bretheren will be denied access to the rebirthed great anerica.
>things fags say
Stay mad Ahmed
DESU we benefit now, but soon all means of euro projects will end and we will no longer get benefits.
I know, my wife is working in locan town gov.
Another thing is, we pay EU and we pay more and more each year, yes now we got more than we pay but couple years more and we wont we getting much out of it.
So yes I understand PATRIOTS wanting to get out before we gonna be loosing money and lokkin how EU likes to say how the fuck we make ours law and handle internal things we are better off.
sorry bloke. hillary is going to win. also don't let that hans fag get you down. All that sandy dick got him down.
no h8, pole-bros, you did the right thing.
If you don't purge all mudshits indiscriminately, well, you'll wind up like the West.
It's unfortunate, but necessary.
>our perspective
You niggers are doing this to Europe. Again. For the third time. Germany is the biggest decision maker in the EU due to its economic power and it's using said power to destroy Europeans.
Brexit will succeed, then you bradwurstnegroes can cough up the rest of the money to fill in the gap.
Assuming BREXIT fails, the EU plans to raise the contribution per country by 10% to pay for the refugee crisis. The UK pays for 13% of the budget.
Yeah, nah piss off you bogan git. Don't you have a leb to fellate? Fully sick m8.
>DESU we benefit now, but soon all means of euro projects will end and we will no longer get benefits.
its not about the donations, its about the schengen zone, markets, and being bros with germany which is one of worlds largetst economy.
>I understand PATRIOTS wanting to get out before we gonna be loosing money and lokkin how EU likes
nope - you overestimate - they are just butthurt because of brown people in the EU.
>EU threatens war if you don't start taking in migrants to muddle up the population
>EU is gathering an army
You'd be better off with Russia
No way Strayamate. No matter how many machines and polls rigges, fistful of money handed out or chimpout protest riots happen the people will in the end triumph over the globalists. If Trump unfortunetly fails his successor will follow soon with a great Julius Caesar revolution.
The gril second from right has the most typical polish-bitch-face. A lot of polish girls have this problem, unfortunately :(
These individuals don't represent Poland (The Country of Peace).
I used to think Poland was redpilled, but then that poll came out and 80% of the country would vote for Shillary.
Then there's the fact that Poland rejected the EU-wide gun ban proposal, because it wasn't strict enough.
>balls to google
>that edge
Unless you're talking about foreigners being burned to death in fucking 1993, the only thing I could find was muslims burning down their own shit because you weren't giving them enough gibs. Set yourself on fire since you don't have the balls to do it to sandniggers over 20 years later.
Careful guys, he might be wearing a vest.
>this is the only way of keeping them out of her
This is what Poles ACTUALLY believe.