Is alcohol degenerate?

Is alcohol degenerate?

>1 post by this ID

all things in moderation senpai

are yoga pants degenerate?


All things in moderation, even moderation.

If you still drink the liquid jew in lord's year 2016, you are seriously blue pilled.



alcohol is degenerate




Yes. Stop.
Yes. Stop.
Utter nonsense.

Have a bad night out op?


yeah I took some lsd and got drunk and now I'm shitposting from a American proxy

t. Australian bogan

I don't know why but I fucking lost it at the picture


>drinking the alcoholic jew

don't do this.

Accurate pic is accurate.


>People actually not replying and calling him out for the rule he's broken in the Sup Forums sticky

yes dont do it kids
t. hangover
send help

Alcohol is fine. Being an alcoholic is degenerate.

Hell no, what are you, a fucking muslim?

Nope, how are they different from low-cut dresses?