Question for Americans

Did you honestly think it was a good idea for your country to invade Iraq ?
What did it achieve ?. I'm not a pacifist in any way but why would you send thousands of your soldiers to die and waste billions of dollars for nothing, your people and country made a loss not a gain. Afghanistan made sense it was a just war, but Iraq was a complete fuck up. I talk to neo con types and they tell me that it was the duty of America to "liberate" the people of Iraq, despite the fact those people are worse off now than they ever were. In fact to really trigger them I ask what would you tell a dead soldiers family they respond with "eh... I guess they did their duty and they should be proud of them".

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I did at the time, but I was also like 15 so what the fuck did I know

What did America gain from it ?

>Be American
>Lose in Iraq and Afghanistan
>Muslim population is growing rapidly
>Cuck soldiers kill themselves everyday
>Iraqi and Afghan birthrates are still sky high and the replacement rate is hire than any casualty rate afflicted
>Islam will be major religion in 2050
alhamdulillah, what a great time to be alive

It was within our rights. We won.

At the time yes, they told the general public that terrorists that did 9/11 had Weapons of Mass Destruction and were going to hit us with them. People were rightfully worried. So yes I did support it. The government lied however and only propped up the oil dollar. I don't mind draining other countries out of the market so the U.S doesn't have to go through recessions, it isn't moral though and I don't support it either.

Israel told them to do it, its not their fault



Nothing, I didn't say I'm still in favor of it. A generation with a fuck ton of desert war experience I guess? Could come in handy if hildog decides to invade Iran?

It was the greatest military blunder in the history of the United States. Everyone knows that.

Operation Desert Shield was a mistake. Operation Desert Storm was a mistake. Operation Iraqi Liberation (sic) was a mistake.

Realistically? Yes. It was necessary at the time, just not for the reasons they told you.

The reason Iraq's invasion was decided almost unanimously upon in 1998 (Bernie Sanders was on board with it too desu) was that Saddam Hussein was part of a small group of oil-producing nations' leaders who were pushing to move Oil off the US Dollar. The Petrodollar, as you may be aware, is literally the only reason this ponzi scheme we call America actually works, when it goes, the empire will disintegrate overnight as our currency becomes worthless.

Iraq was easier to get cassus belli than the other prospective targets, so we did it. The complications arose when 9/11 happened, so we had to invade Afghanistan first so that it looked like we gave a shit about Osama Bin Ladin. Practically speaking if they could have pinned it on Saddam and invaded Iraq in 2001 they would've done it, but that fell through the cracks and they had to come up with some nonsense about WMDs in order to justify doing what Congress had decided to do anyway a decade earlier.

Once you understand that all of US foreign policy revolves around A: Israel and B: The Petrodollar, everything the US military does abroad will suddenly make sense, and become far, far more depressing.

Depressing because it isn't going to work. We're fucked.

>good idea for your country to invade Iraq

Yes, for the most part. It's the execution of it and the completely idiotic way it was prepared for and managed that I resent.

The occupation of Germany was meticulously planned for years ahead of time. The occupation of Iraq was sloppily planned for in weeks. The response to looting and the disbanding of the Iraqi army were especially ill-conceived.

Blame Dick Cheney. Most of us were kids at the time and most of America was not really paying attention to "who" or "why" and were just assuming that the people in charge were going after the terrorists behind 9-11 in good faith. Once gung-ho, gogitemism was down, people realized that the Iraq war was the biggest American mistake in recent history.

>your country
what was that?

Remember when Turkey fought heroically alongside UN forces in Korea?

It's a shame what has become of your country.

Is it depressing that it may not work? It's not like your masters desire a bright future for you.

Yes there was chemical weapons and 6million lives that you had to save :^)

Yeah, it a real shame when people wake up and think for themselves.


You gigantic pussy. Well I hope losing two wars makes you feel better fgt

No, some of us were very against it.

any insurgency war can be stamped out by extending the occupation indefinitely. once readily available employment could be expected, the violence would stop and people would've enjoyed life and a paycheck.

removing the occupation on a pre-planned date by pres. obama was the real blunder.

Brits do love to forget how supportive they were of the war, and how many troops they sent in...

Iran is mostly mountains and forests


>What did America gain from it ?

America likes to present itself as exceptional and altruistic when it comes to protecting freedom. Unfortunately, some people think being a "shining city upon a hill" means not leading by example but instead the forceful spread of our ideals and exportation of democracy.

>once readily available employment could be expected

top kek

Obligatory Roach

You think an indefinite occupation was the answer? Are you retarded?

us soldiers went there to murder, some to fondle the women of all ages while we secured compounds of precious goods and locations of economic importance. it's always about the $, dummy.

you think the greatest country on Earth would fight simply to "liberate" people? even 'nam had its tactics in that we gain a boot in anywhere we touch for decades after the conflict ends.

Yet they still happily benefit from NATO membership.

If Turkey wasn't a NATO member, Russia would've bombed every city to dust and no one would've felt bad about it.

>Did you honestly think it was a good idea for your country to invade Iraq ?
I'm not a fucking pussy liberal commie pinko fuck, but I can tell you that we shouldn't go to war unless the vested interests of the United States are improved from it.
>What did it achieve?
Positively: Jack Shit.
Negatively: Politicians are now reluctant to use force, even when we should.
You do know that Britain also participated in OIF, right? I actually drank with some RAF dudes in Kuwait.

No. Jacques Chirac was right about the need to prop up an evil dictator to promote stability.

No, The world was against it. the UN and NATO told those kike infested burgers "NO Saddam's the glue holding this place together, don't do it you fat-fucks, Europe's going to pay because this is literally our backyard"

But they invaded anyway, It was illegal under international law but what can the world do ? Burgers are holding a knife to our collective throat and ass raping us with "Pos rights"

The companies that sold that Oil are owned by people all over the world.

>removing the occupation on a pre-planned date by pres. obama was the real blunder.

It was a blunder but there were enough missteps beforehand that certainly didn't help. You're not wrong though, I have a feeling history will judge our abandonment worse than the motives behind started it.

t. ghost of Saddam

We moved inventory.

In our defense, Japan and West Germany turned out pretty well, all things considered. Iraq is a failure largely because of Iraqis.

It was a massive crime for the benefit of a few profiteers. RIP Saddam.

It was one of the biggest mistakes we could have made. It led to the destabilization of the region and the clusterfuck we have now. The defense industry wanted a war to make them some money and they got it. All of this may sound like the rantings of a liberal but I'm actually a Trump supporter.

it worked in japan and 2nd best korea, 60-70 years of occupation now.

obama knew what he was doing when he created the power vacuum.

he did have some descent military parades

hard to feel bad for him though

For the politicians it was. Their masters ordered them to do it and they did it.

Sadly the average burger can easily brainwashed and he would volunteer to be assfucked over and over. Turns out eating to much fast food and watching reality TV make you dumb.

He was an awful person, but it takes an awful person to keep all of those sandniggers under control. We had a perfect set of dictators installed across the Middle East and bush had to go and fuck it up.

>we (usa)
well he was a bathist... you got that all wrong he aligned very opposed to american interests which was the main reason he was taken out. a good way to guarantee a regime change is to align with moscow, pic related.

>In 1972, Saddam signed a 15-year Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation with the Soviet Union. According to historian Charles R. H. Tripp, the Ba'athist coup of 1968 upset "the US-sponsored security system established as part of the Cold War in the Middle East.